WWE Survivor Series Dragon Lee Santos Escobar
Photo Credit: WWE

WWE Survivor Series: Dragon Lee vs. Santos Escobar Result

Santos Escobar dominated tonight, taking down Dragon Lee in a big win.

The finish of the match saw Escobar flip momentum late, and eventually hit the Phantom Driver on Lee for the win.

WWE Survivor Series results

Check out a recap of the match, courtesy of our live coverage page:

Escobar attacks Lee as soon as the bell rings. Backbreaker by Escobar. Lee kicks out. Escobar lands his patented running double knees in the corner. Lee gets sent flying out of the ring. Escobar sends Lee into the ring steps. Escobar tries to break Lee’s leg using the ring steps. Lee fights Escobar off and lands a PK. Lee dives from inside the ring and hits a rana on Escobar that sends him reeling off the apron. Tope by Lee. Lee sends Escobar back into the ring and hits a running knee. Escobar kicks out. Lee goes up top. Escobar cuts Lee off and hits a rana off the top. Lee kicks out.

Escobar tries to rip off Lee’s mask. The Chicago crowd calls Escobar an a-hole. Escobar sets up a superplex. Lee drops Escobar into the tree of woe. Lee flattens Escobar with a double stomp. Escobar kicks out. Lee charges in and eats a nasty superkick from Escobar. Both men are down. Lee and Escobar trade strikes. Rolling sit-out powerbomb by Lee. Escobar kicks out again! Lee sets up the Destino. Escobar reverses it into a South of the Border Destroyer. Escobar picks up Lee and hits the Phantom Driver for the win.

Winner- Santos Escobar

READ MORE: Santos Escobar Comments On Betraying Rey Mysterio

What are your thoughts on this match result? Did the right man leave WWE Survivor Series with the victory tonight? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.


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