wwe survivor series results

WWE Survivor Series Results (11/25/23)

WWE Survivor Series: WarGames Results

November 24, 2023

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

WarGames: Team Belair (Bianca Belair, Charlotte Flair, Shotzi, and Becky Lynch) vs. Damage CTRL (Bayley, Iyo Sky, Asuka, Kairi Sane)

Team Belair won the fan vote, so they will have the numbers advantage. Lynch and Bayley start the match. Lynch slams Bayley’s head into the cage. Bayley traps Lynch in the corner and lands a flurry of strikes. Lynch lands a clothesline. Lynch dives off the top. Bayley moves. Lynch lands on her feet. Both women trade punches. Bayley goes down after a clothesline. Exploder suplex by Lynch. Bayley goes low on Lynch and sends her to the middle ring partition. Bayley suplexes Lynch on the steel plating. Lynch sends Bayley into the cage. Before Bayley can react, Lynch dropkicks her into the cage repeatedly.

Lynch traps Bayley in the Disarmher against the cage. Dakota Kai hits Lynch with a kendo stick from outside the cage. Lynch pulls the kendo stick into the cage. Bayley attacks Lynch from behind. Bayley works over Lynch with the kendo stick. The bell rings, and Shotzi is released from Team Belair’s cage. Shotzi runs to ringside. Bayley tries to hold the door shut. Shotzi hits Bayley with the cage door. Shotzi sends a few weapons into the ring. Bayley grabs one of the chairs, but Shotzi dropkicks it into Bayley’s face. Shotzi lands a double jump senton using a chair. Bayley tries to escape to the other ring. Shotzi hits a spear through the ropes.

Check Out Last Night’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (11/24/23)

Lynch and Shotzi beat Bayley down with a chair and a kendo stick, respectively. Bayley tries to climb the cage. Lynch and Shotzi cut her off. Bayley falls back into the ring. Shotzi and Lynch land duel-diving elbow strikes off the top. The bell rings, and Iyo Sky is released from the Damage CTRL cage. Sky brings a chain into the ring and proceeds to beat Shotzi with it. Sky jumps from one ring to the other and hits a double dropkick on Lynch and Shotzi. Bayley and Sky work over Lynch and Shotzi. The bell rings, and Bianca Belair is released from her team’s cage. Belair hits the ring and whips Bayley and Sky with her braid.

Belair sends Sky flying into a trash can with an allyoop. Bayley and Sky pull Belair off the top. Belair does a backflip and lands on her feet. Belair double suplexes Bayley and Sky. Lynch lands a diving leg drop as Shotzi lands a senton. Kairi Sane is released from the Damage CTRL cage. Sane brings a huge trashcan lid out from under the ring. Sane hits Shotzi with the lid, then dropkicks it into Lynch’s face. Sliding D by Sane to Belair. Bayley, Sky, and Sane bury Shotzi under a pile of steel chairs. Sky throws Sane high into the air and Sane drops an elbow on Shotzi.

Check Out Last Night’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (11/24/23)

Sane goes up top. Belair pulls Sane off the top and press slams her from one ring to the other, onto the rest of Damage CTRL. Bayley hits Belair with a chair. Bayley and Co hold the ring, working over Team Belair. Charlotte Flair is released from the cage. Flair runs to the ring and takes out every member on Damage CTRl. Flair powerbomb Sky into the cage. Bayley and Sane attack Flair from behind. Bayley and Sane beat down Lynch. Flair dives off the top and hits a double Natural Selection on Sane and Bayley. Lynch and Flair get in each other’s faces. Sane and Sky attack Flair and Lynch. Sky climbs the cage and drops the chain to Kai.

Kai attached the chain to a trashcan. Sky pulls the trashcan up and puts it on her head. Sky dives off the top of the cage and lands on everyone! Asuka is the final competitor released from the cage. Asuka pulls multiple kendo sticks, a fire extinguisher, and a table from under the ring. All of Damage CTRL grab weapons. Asuka entered the ring, so the match officially began. Damage CTRL chains Lynch and Belair together. Damage CTRL hits a four-way dropkick on Belair and Lynch. Asuka goes up top. Shotzi tries to stop her, but Asuka spits blue mist in her face. Asuka dropkicks a trashcan into Lynch’s face. Lynch kicks out.

Check Out Last Night’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (11/24/23)

Flair dives off the top of the cage and flattens everyone in the ring with a massive moonsault. Bayley kicks out of Flair’s pin. Flair and Lynch double powerbomb Sane. Lynch and Flair have another staredown. Lynch hugs Flair. Flair hugs her back. Sky and Asuka break it up. Flair locks Sky in the Figure Eight as Lynch puts Asuka in a cross armbreaker. Bayley breaks up the Figure Eight with an elbow off the top to Flair’s gut. Sane tries to drop the InSANE Elbow on Lynch, but Lynch gets a boot up. Lynch locks Sane in the Disarmher.

Bayley breaks it up with a running knee. Belair and Shotzi hit a doomsday missile dropkick on Asuka. Bayley drops Lynch with the Rose Plant. Shotzi hits Sliced Bread #2 on Bayley. Asuka tries the Mist, but Shotzi ducks. Belair shoots a fire extinguisher in Asuka’s face. Flair tries a spear, but Bayley pushes Sane out of the way, taking all of Flair’s spear in the process. Belair hits the KOD on Bayley. Lynch Manhandle Slams Bayley off the top through a table. Lynch pins Bayley.

Winners- Team Belair

Backstage, Sami Zayn tells Jey Uso he’s worried because Randy Orton isn’t here yet. Jey notes he isn’t surprised since he and Zayn put Orton on the shelf almost two years ago. Zayn promises they will defeat The Judgement Day with or without Randy Orton.

Intercontinental Championship Match: Gunther (c) vs. The Miz

Gunther backs Miz into the corner. Miz ducks a chop and lands one of his own. Gunther shrugs it off. Miz tries a kick. Gunther catches Miz’s foot and levels him with a chop. Miz drives Gunther into the corner and lays in a bunch of strikes. Miz slaps Gunther in the face. Gunther chases Miz around the ring. Miz slams Gunther’s leg into the ring apron. Miz drags Gunther to the ring post and slams his knee into it. Ring post figure four by Miz. Miz tries a springboard, but Gunther boots Miz out of the air. Gunther works over Miz.

Gunther tries a powerbomb. Miz counters with a rana. Miz kicks Gunther in the knee. Gunther tries a kick, but Miz lands a kneebreaker. Miz lands a flurry of offense. Gunther sends Miz into the ropes. Miz lands a satellite DDT! Gunther kicks out. Gunther escapes the Skull Crushing Finale and lands a dropkick. Powerbomb by Gunther. Miz kicks out. Gunther is shocked. Gunther locks in a sleeper. Miz tries to fight out of it. Miz makes it to the corner and rips off the turnbuckle pad.

As the referee is distracted, Miz kicks Gunther in the knee, then low blows Gunther. Skull Crushing Finale by Miz. Gunther kicks out. Miz sends Gunther into the exposed ring post. Gunther kicks out. Miz hits the ropes and gets obliterated by a lariat from Gunther. Gunther lands a splash off the top to Miz’s back. Gunther puts Miz in a Boston Crab. Miz almost gets to the ropes, but Gunther pulls him back. Miz taps out.

Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion, Gunther!

WWE Survivor Series Results Continue on the Next Page!

Santos Escobar vs. Dragon Lee

Escobar attacks Lee as soon as the bell rings. Backbreaker by Escobar. Lee kicks out. Escobar lands his patented running double knees in the corner. Lee gets sent flying out of the ring. Escobar sends Lee into the ring steps. Escobar tries to break Lee’s leg using the ring steps. Lee fights Escobar off and lands a PK. Lee dives from inside the ring and hits a rana on Escobar that sends him reeling off the apron. Tope by Lee. Lee sends Escobar back into the ring and hits a running knee. Escobar kicks out. Lee goes up top. Escobar cuts Lee off and hits a rana off the top. Lee kicks out.

Escobar tries to rip off Lee’s mask. The Chicago crowd calls Escobar an a-hole. Escobar sets up a superplex. Lee drops Escobar into the tree of woe. Lee flattens Escobar with a double stomp. Escobar kicks out. Lee charges in and eats a nasty superkick from Escobar. Both men are down. Lee and Escobar trade strikes. Rolling sit-out powerbomb by Lee. Escobar kicks out again! Lee sets up the Destino. Escobar reverses it into a South of the Border Destroyer. Escobar picks up Lee and hits the Phantom Driver for the win.

Winner- Santos Escobar

Women’s World Championship Match: Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Zoey Stark

Ripley and Stark trade insults. Ripley slaps Stark. Stark slaps Ripley. Ground and pound by Stark. Stark drop kicks Ripley out of the ring. Stark lands a dive before sending Ripley back into the ring. Springboard missile dropkick by Stark. Ripley kicks out. Stark tries another springboard, but Ripley headbutts Stark out of the air. Ripley tries to suplex Stark on the apron. Stark reverses it into a DDT on the apron. Twisting senton by Stark. Ripley rolls out of the ring. Stark misses a dive off the apron and gets launched into the ring post. Ripley works over Stark. Ripley tries a top rope chokeslam, but Stark flips in midair, and they both land awkwardly. Ripley eventually hits Riptide for the win.

Winner and STILL Women’s World Champion, Rhea Ripley!

Randy Orton still hasn’t arrived. Seth Rollins doesn’t care. Rollins heads to the ring. The rest of the team follows.

WarGames: Team Rhodes (Cody Rhodes, Jey Uso, Sami Zayn, and Randy Orton) vs. Team Judgement Day (Drew McIntyre, Damian Priest, JD McDonagh, Finn Bálor, and Dominik Mysterio)

Orton is still nowhere to be found. Rollins heads to the ring to start the match with Bálor. Rollins dives from one ring to the other onto Bálor. Rollins tosses Bálor into the cage over and over again. Bálor escapes a buckle bomb attempt from Rollins and sends him into the cage. Slingblade by Bálor. JD McDonagh is released from The Judgement Day cage. McDonagh and Bálor work over Rollins with kendo sticks.

The bell rings, and Jey Uso is released. Jey brings a chair into the ring and wacks McDonagh with it. Jey lands a flurry of offense as the crowd chants Yeet. McDonagh counters Jey’s hip attack with a standing Spanish Fly. Rollins and Jey lands stereo superkicks. The bell rings, and McIntyre tries to leave the cage, but Priest holds McIntyre back. Priest tells McIntyre that they are going to stick to the plan. Priest hits the ring and beats down Jey and Rollins with a billy club. The Judgement Day takes turns beating down Jey and Rollins.

Check Out Last Night’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (11/24/23)

Sami Zayn is released next. Zayn brings a table in the ring. Priest gets clotheslines between the ring by Zayn. Zayn stomps Priest and destroys Bálor with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Zayn climbs the cage but gets cut off by McDonagh. Zayn crotches McDonagh on the top rope. Zayn breaks a steel pipe off of the cage and hits every member of The Judgement Day with it. Drew McIntyre is released next. McIntyre runs over Zayn before launching him clear across the ring. McIntyre reverse Alabama Slams Rollins on top of Zayn. McIntyre stalks Jey in the other ring.

Jey lunges at McIntyre and lands a few strikes. McIntyre drops Jey with a neckbreaker. McIntyre works over Jey. Zayn makes the save. Jey and Zayn hit the 1D. Rhodes is released from the cage. Rhodes is a house of fire, getting a piece of each member of The Judgement Day. Rhodes pulls out a bull rope. Rollins and grabs the other end. Rhodes reminds Rollins he just asked for one night. Rollins nods. Rollins and Rhodes beat down The Judgement Day with the rope. Rollins demands Rhodes tell him if Orton is going to show up tonight. Rhodes says he’ll be here.

The bell rings, and Dominik Mysterio is released from the cage. Dominik beats up Rollins, who is already out on the mat. The crowd is letting Dominik have it. The boos are deafeningng. Dominik sets up the three amigos but ends up surrounded by Team Rhodes. The Rhodes stomps Dominik uo. The Judgement Day saves Dominik from a powerbomb through a table by Rollins. Priest and McIntyre chokeslam Rollins, Rhodes, and Jey at the same time. Priest puts Rollins through a table with the Razor’s Edge. The bell rings, but Orton is still not here.

Rhea Ripley’s music hits. Ripley runs down to the ring with the MITB briefcase and a referee. Priest is gonna cash in. Before the referee can ring the bell, Randy Orton’s music hits. Orton Saunters to the ring, and the roof comes off of the arena. The bell rings, and WarGames officially begins. Orton runs over Dominik with a lariat and hits a hangman’s DDT. Everyone brawls. Every member of Team Rhodes land hangman DDTs. Orton calls for an RKO on Priest but turns to Jey. Jey and Orton lock eyes. Orton tells Jey he hasn’t forgotten.

Priest tries to attack from behind. Jey superkicks Priest, saving Orton from the attack. Orton RKOs Dominik. Rollins Stomps Priest on the metal plate between the rings. Zayn Helluva Kicks McIntyre. Jey dives off the top and crushes McIntyre with a Uso splash. Rhodes drops Bálor with a Cody Cutter. McDonagh tries to escape his fate by climbing the cage. Rollins and Zayn cut him off. Zayn and Rollins toss McDonagh off that cage into an RKO. Rhodes hits Crossroads on Priest and pins him.

Winners- Team Rhodes

Team Rhodes celebrates in the ring. Then, Cult of Personality hits. CM PUNK HAS RETURNED! Punk celebrates with the fans and tells us it’s Clobbering Time as the show fades to black.

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