WWE NXT Gold Rush Results

WWE NXT Gold Rush Results (6/27/23)

WWE NXT Gold Rush Results

June 27, 2023

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

NXT Women’s Championship Match: Tiffany Stratton (c) vs. Thea Hail w/Duke Hudson

Stratton takes Hail down with an arm bar. Hail counters with a roll up. Hail traps Stratton in multiple pinning combinations, but she can’t hold her down. Stratton almost gets trapped in the Kimura. Stratton retreats to the ropes. Hail tells Stratton that she was this close. Drew Gulak and Charlie Dempsey make their way to the ring. Hail flips over Stratton’s back and lands a Japanese arm drag. Stratton is sent out of the ring. Hail tries a springboard. Stratton trips Hail, causing her to land on the ring apron.

Stratton works over Hail. Hail knocks Stratton off the apron. Hail lands a trust fall. Stratton catches Hail with a sky-high. Hail kicks out. After the break, Hail lands a stiff senton. Stratton kicks out. Hail traps Stratton in the Kimura. Stratton reaches for the ropes. Dempsey pulls them away from her. Hudson gets in Dempsey’s face, Hail releases the hold, and yells at Dempsey for getting involved. Stratton tries a cheap shot. Gulak hops up on the apron and argues with the referee. Hail locks Stratton in the Kimura. Stratton taps, but the referee is tied up with Gulak. Hail releases the hold and gets rolled up by Stratton for the win.

Winner and STILL NXT Women’s Champion, Tiffany Stratton!

After the match, Hudson yells at Gulak and Dempsey. Gulak and Dempsey attack Hudson. Andre Chase hits the ring and makes the save.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Gallus (c) vs. Malik Blade and Edris Enofé

Blade starts off with Coffet. Coffey floors Blade with a shoulder block. Coffey forces Blade into his corner. Wolfgang tags in. Wolfgang and Coffey try to double-team Blade, but he rolls away. Enofé lands a diving axe handle. Coffey and Wolfgang try to trap Enofé in their corner, but Enofé ducks under the ropes and rolls to safety. Enofé and Blade make quick tags and land a bit of offense on Wolfgang each. Blade and Enofé drop both members of Gallus with double dropkicks. Blade lands a splash off the top for a near fall. Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo are watching the match from the bird’s nest.

After the break, Wolfgang and Coffey are working over Blade. Enofé gets the tag and clears the ring. Blade and Enofé hit the G9. Coffey kicks out. Blade lands a splash. Enofé follows that with an elbow drop off the top. Wolfgang breaks up the pin. Blade pounds Wolfgang to the point that he gets tied up in the ropes. Stacks walks to the ringside area and spears Enofé into the ring steps. Coffey and Wolfgang both look confused. Stacks sends Enofé back into the ring. Gallus hits their finish on Enofé for the win.

Winners and STILL NXT Tag Team Champions, Gallus!

Schism Family Meeting

Ava Rayne says she called this meeting to ease the tensions in the group. They need to fix this in the name of the family. Joe Gacy tells The Dyad to speak their minds. Reid says Gacy made them many promises, but they were winners before they joined Gacy. He hasn’t changed their lives, but they enhanced his. Gacy says he has changed their lives, Reid, specifically. Reid would have never been able to say what he just said since his partner (Fowler) never gave him a chance to have a voice.

Gacy goes off and says they are both better than they were. The Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile interrupt. Brutus tells them to shut up. Julius tells them to hurry up and implode so they can get out of the ring. Gacy offers The Creeds a tag match with The Dyad, but this time, its loser leaves NXT. Fowler and Reid look at Gacy like he’s insane. Julius accepts the challenge.

WWE NXT Gold Rush Results Continue on the Next Page!

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