WWE NXT Gold Rush Results

WWE NXT Gold Rush Results (6/27/23)

Heritage Cup Match: Nathan Frazer (c) w/ Yulisa Leon vs. Dragon Lee w/Valentina Feroz

Round 1:

Frazer and Lee trade lock up. Neither man can get an advantage. Frazer and Lee trade counter after counter. Axiom walks down to the ring. Scrypts is right behind him. Back in the ring, Frazer and Lee are trading pin fall attempts. Frazer narrowly avoids a basement dropkick from Lee.

Frazer 0/Lee 0

Round 2:

Frazer rolls Lee up for a quick three count.

Frazer 1/Lee 0

Round 3:

Frazer tries a rana, but Lee does a flip and lands on his feet. Lee sends Frazer over the top. Dive by Lee.

Round 4:

Lee boots Frazer in the face. Basement superkick by Lee. Lee lands a German, but Frazer lands on his feet. Lee counters a roll up by Frazer into a powerbomb for the pinfall.

Frazer 1/Lee 1

Round 5:

Lee runs into a crescent kick by Frazer. Frazer goes up top. Lee cuts him off and lands a tree of woe double stomp. Lee calls for the double knees. Frazer counters with an overhead throw. Lee crashes into the turnbuckle. Frazer sets Lee up on the top rope. Frazer lands a superplex, but when he tries to transition into a falcon arrow, Lee reverses it into a powerbomb. Lee only gets. two count. Lee and Frazer trade pin attempts. Frazer rolls Lee up and gets the three count as the clock runs out.

Frazer 2/Lee 1

Winner and STILL Heritage Cup Champion, Nathan Frazer!

Backstage, Mr. Stone is looking for Von Wagner. When Stone finds him. Wagner refuses to go with Stone. Wagner rants about the pain and suffering his family went through when he was sick. It is too much. Wagner storms off.

Gigi Dolan vs. Kiana James

James and Dolan trade pinfalls. Dolan takes James over with an arm drag. James tries to fight out of it, but Dolan won’t release the hold. James gets to the ropes. Dolan lands a flurry of strikes. Modified prawn hold pin by Dolan. James kicks out. Dolan tackles James, and they both fall out of the ring. After the break, James tries to use her purse as a weapon. Dolan avoids it and lands a head kick. Crucifix Driver by Dolan. Dolan pins James.

Winner- Gigi Dolan

After the match, James hits Dolan in the back of the head with her purse. James opens the bag and pulls out two cans of paint. As Dolan writhes in pain on the mat, James pours the paint all over her.

Backstage, Jacy Jayne is talking trash about Lyra Valkyrie. Valkyrie walks up behind Jayne and listens in. Valkyrie decks Jayne. As Jayne is holding her jaw, Rhea Ripley walks in and chuckles. Ripley tells Jayne she had that coming, and Valkyrie’s a badass.

NXT Championship Match: Carmelo Hayes (c) w/Trick Williams vs. “The Lone Wolf” Baron Corbin

Corbin enters the arena in his old “Lone Wolf” persona. Hayes comes to the ring with Corbin’s face on a t-shirt. Corbin sends Hayes into the ropes and almost hits the End of Days. Hayes flips out of it. Corbin lands the dipsey doo clothesline. Codebreaker by Hayes. Hayes goes up top. Corbin rolls out of the ring. Hayes dives off the top onto Corbin.

After the break, Corbin tosses Hayes into the crowd. Hayes fires back with punches. Hayes leaps off the barricade, but Corbin moves. Corbin blasts Hayes with a big boot to the face. Hayes kicks out at two. Corbin works over Hayes. Hayes flips out of a suplex by Corbin. Springboard clothesline by Hayes. Corbin kicks out. Hayes walks right into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Corbin lands a few strikes.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Gold Rush Results (6/20/23)

Corbin sets Hayes up top. Hayes knocks Corbin off and lands a huge frog splash. Corbin kicks out. Corbin gets hung up in the ropes. Fadaway by Hayes. Slingshot DDT by Haes. Corbin kicks out. Corbin reverses a codebreaker into a DVD. Chokeslam by Corbin. Hayes kicks out. The fight spills out of the ring. Corbin charges in, but Hayes moves. Corbin crashes his shoulder into the ring steps. Hayes tries a rana off the apron, but Corbin turns it into a powerbomb on the commentary desk.

Corbin pounds Hayes’ head into the desk over and over again. Hayes kicks out of Corbin’s pin. Hayes counters Deep Six into a knee strike. Corbin manages to land another Deep Six. Hayes kicks out. Slingshot DDT on the apron by Hayes. Hayes sends Corbin back into the ring and hits Nothing but Net for the win.

Winner and STILL NXT Champion, Carmelo Hayes!

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