WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (6/26/23)

WWE Raw Results

June 26, 2023

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio

Dominik tries to welcome the crowd to Monday Night Raw, but they drown him out with boos. Ripley hypes Dominik up to finish his statement. The WWE Universe ain’t having it. Ripley tells Dominik that she’s got it from here. The crowd boos here, much to Ripley’s chagrin. Ripley says Cody Rhodes’ momentum has been slowing down and will end at Money in the Bank. Rhodes music hits. Rhodes makes his way to the ring with his arm in a black cast. Ripley and Dominik look on as Rhodes does his full entrance.

Rhodes says he knows what Dominik is trying to do, so he’ll do it for him. Rhodes welcomes the crowd to Monday Night Raw to raucous applause. Dominik tries to speak and gets drowned out again. Dominik whispers in Ripley’s ear. She relays that Dominik is going to beat Rhodes at MITB. Rhodes quotes the “Cat in the Hat” to Dominik. Why? Because Dominik is a scared little boy. Dominik gets angry and drops the mic.

Ripley and Dominik walk away. Rhodes screams for Dominik to do something. He’ll even give Dominik a free shot here and now. Dominik stomps back to the ring and hops on the apron. Dominik shrugs and backs away. Rhodes tells Dominik that he wants him to show him something at MITB. He wants to know if Dominik is even half the man his father, Rey Mysterio, is. Or is Dominik just Mommy’s Little Boy

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Ricochet

Bronson Reed is at ringside for the match. Nakamura lands a few strikes, followed by good vibrations. Leaping knee drop by Nakamura. Nakamura counters a kick by Ricochet and lands a spinning elbow. Ricochet tries a backflip head scissors, but Nakamura kicks him square in the face. Ricochet manages to land an ax kick before sending Nakamura out to the apron. Nakamura locks in a rear naked choke using the ropes.

Nakamura pulls Ricochet out to the apron. Ricochet and Nakamura boot each other in the face at the same time. Reed stands up and claps for both men. Ricochet and Nakamura trade strikes. Nakamura gets in Reed’s face. Ricochet kicks Reed in the head. Nakamura does the same. Reed falls into the barricade. Reed gets close to the ring.

Check Out Last Week’s Results: WWE Raw Results (6/19/23)

Ricochet baseball slides into Reed. Reed gets upset and tries to get back in the ring. Nakamura kicks Reed in the face. The referee ejects Reed from the ringside area. After the break, Nakamura lands an enziguri. Ricochet counters Nakamura’s sliding German with a head kick. Springboard clothesline by Ricochet. Handspring back elbow by Ricochet. Standing shooting star by Ricochet. Nakamura kicks out at two.

Ricochet tries a lionsault. Nakamura gets his knees up. Gordbuster by Nakamura. Nakamura stomps Ricochet out. Inverted exploder suplex by Nakamura. Ricochet ducks under the Kinshasa and hits the Recoil. Nakamura kicks out! Ricochet goes up top. Nakamura cuts him off. Running knee to the gut by Nakamura. After a series of reversals, Ricochet lands a standing sliced bread. Ricochet hits a shooting star off the top for the win!

Winner- Ricochet

Backstage, Dominik and Ripley burst into Adam Pearce’s office. Dominik is upset because Rhodes embarrassed him. He wants a match tonight. It has to be against someone that’s the same caliber as Dominik. Pearce asks who? Ripley whispers to Dominik and tells Pearce they will get back to him on that.

Ronda Rousey w/Shayna Baszler vs. Rachel Rodriguez w/Liv Morgan

Rodriguez tosses Rousey to the mat. Rousey locks in a guillotine. Rodriguez turns it into a suplex. Rousey retreats to the corner. Rodriguez misses a splash in the corner. Running knee by Rousey. Rousey locks Rodriguez in a rope-hanging armbar. Rousey rolls Rodriguez into an ankle lock. Rodriguez kicks her way out of it.

Rousey tries a rolling armbar, but Rodriguez reverses it into a suplex. Fallaway slam by Rodriguez. Rodriguez tries her spinning Vader Bomb, but Baszler pulls Rousey out of the way. Morgan dives off the ringsteps and attacks Baszler. In the confusion, Rousey rolls Rodriguez into a pinning combination for the three count.

Winner- Ronda Rousey

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