WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (6/26/23)

Gunther w/Ludwig Kaiser vs. Sami Zayn w/Kevin Owens

Gunther takes Zayn over with a headlock. Zayn tries to fight out of it but gets taken down again. Zayn sends Gunther into the ropes. Gunther runs over Zayn with a shoulder block. Gunther goes back to the headlock. Zayn sends Gunther into the ropes again. Deep arm drag by Zayn. Gunther responds with a European uppercut. Zayn ducks a chop in the corner and lands one of his own. Gunther runs into an elbow from Zayn. Zayn tries the corner ten punches. Giovanni Vinci walks to the ring on crutches.

Zayn tries a springboard. Gunther catches Zayn in the air and hits a German suplex. After the break, Gunther destroys Zayn with a chop. Zayn almost surprises Gunther with an exploder suplex. Gunther puts on the break and lands a monstrous clubbing chop. Gunther continues his assault. Zayn manages to hit a sunset bomb off the second rope. Gunther kicks out. Zayn lands a flurry of strikes. Zayn slingshots over Gunther and lands a clothesline. Gunther reverses the Blue Thunder Bomb into a sleeper.

Check Out Last Week’s Results: WWE Raw Results (6/19/23)

Zayn counters that with the Blue Thunder Bomb. Gunther kicks out! Zayn leaps off the top into a vicious chop by Gunther. Gunther lands a splash off the top. Zayn kicks out! Kaiser gets up on the apron. Owens attacks Kaiser. Gunther boots Owens in the face. Zayn surprises Gunther with a dive. Zayn sends Gunther into the corner with an exploder. Kaiser gets on the apron. The referee gets distracted. Vinci hits Zayn with one of his crutches. Gunther immediately Powerbombs Zayn for the win.

Winner- Gunther

After the match, Owens attacks Gunther and Kaiser. IMPERIUM takes control. Riddle runs down to the ring and makes the save.

Finn Bálor vs. NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes

Bálor takes Hayes down and lands a few strikes. Bálor works over Hayes in the corner. Hayes struggles to get out of a headlock from Bálor. Hayes sends Bálor into the ropes. Dropkick by Hayes. Hayes ties Bálor up in the ropes and lands the fadeaway. Bálor rolls out of the ring. Pluncha by Hayes. After the break, Bálor lands multiple chops. Hayes misses a splash off the second rope. Hayes lands a flurry of strikes.

Springboard clothesline by Hayes. Bálor kicks out. Hayes hits the ropes and gets turned inside out by a lariat from Bálor. Bálor stomps Hayes. Slingblade by Bálor. Bálor sets up the Woo dropkick. Hayes counters with a superkick. Slingshot DDT by Hayes. Bálor kicks out! Bálor lands a gut buster. Hayes stumbles into the corner. Woo dropkick by Bálor. Bálor goes up top and hits the Coup de Grace for the win.

Winner- Finn Bálor

Cody Rhodes vs. Damian Priest

Priest and Rhodes lock up. Priest eventually grabs a side headlock. Rhodes sends Priest into the ropes. Priest floors Rhodes with a shoulder block. Rhodes lands a shoulder block that sends Priest into the ropes. Priest lands another shoulder block that takes Rhodes down. Uppercut by Rhodes. Rhodes lands a dropkick. Rhodes works over Priest’s arm. Priest counters the corner ten punches with a right hand of his own. Priest stomps Rhodes in the corner. Stage dive by Priest. Rhodes reverses Priest’s suplex into a delayed vertical gourd buster.

Ripley and Dominik walk to the ring. Priest tries to crotch Rhodes on the ring post, but Rhodes pulls Priest into the ring post. Rhodes bows up at Dominik. Dominik steps behind Ripley. Rhodes rolls back in the ring and eats a leaping flatliner from Priest. After the break, Priest is working over Rhodes. Priest lands a nasty lariat. Rhodes kicks out. Priest goes up top. Rhodes leaps up top and arm drags Priest off the top. Priest and Rhodes trade strikes.

Check Out Last Week’s Results: WWE Raw Results (6/19/23)

Rhodes sets up the Bionic Elbow. Priest stops it with a boot to the gut. Snap powerslam by Rhodes. Disaster Kick by Rhodes. Priest kicks out. Priest kicks his way out of a figure four attempt from Rhodes. Headlock driver by Priest. Rhodes kicks out. Priest fights out of Cross Roads. Pedigree by Rhodes. Priest rolls out of the ring to avoid getting pinned. Leaping sidekick by Priest. Rhodes kicks out.

Priest dives off the second rope into a superkick from Rhodes. Ripley distracts the referee while Dominik breaks up the Cody Cutter. Rhodes walks right into the South of Heaven. Rhodes kicks out. Priest sets up the Razor’s Edge. Dominik is up on the apron, distracting the referee. Rhodes escapes and hits a Cody Cutter. Rhodes hits Cross Roads for the win.

Winner- Cody Rhodes

After the match, Dominik gets a cheapshot in before running away.

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