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ROH TV Ep 347 Recap: Young Bucks v. Briscoes For ROH Tag Titles, Bully Ray Fired, Motor City Machine Guns v. Dawgs, Klein v. Madison Rayne

madison rayne
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

ROH Wrestling: Episode #347
Stage AE – Pittsburgh, PA
Air Date: May 14, 2018
On Commentary: Ian Riccaboni & B.J. Whitmer
Recap Provided By: Dominic DeAngelo (@DominicDeAngelo)

Episode #347 sees the return to action in Pittsburgh, PA at Stage AE and the main event is for the ROH Tag Team Championships where The Young Bucks face off against The Briscoe Brothers.

B.J. Whitmer joins Ian Riccaboni at the commentary table as we see Kelly Klein make her way to the ring. A returning Madison Rayne gets a happy reaction from the surprised crowd.

MATCH 1: Kelly Klein vs. Madison Rayne

Madison goes for the “Code Of Honor”, but Klein refuses as the bell rings and the two lock up. Klein gets advantage first as she shoves Madison twice. Rayne goes for two roll-ups but Klein kicks out of both at one. Another bridge for a one count. Klein catches Rayne for a wheelbarrow slam. Clothesline to turnbuckle and then a big boot as we cut to our first commercial.

Back we see Rayne escaping out of half-nelson and forearms Klein into the corner catches Rayne into a second rope chokehold. Fight goes to the outside and Klein slams Rayne down onto the mat with a vertical suplex. Action goes back into the ring and Rayne hits some forearms and hits a cutter for a two count. She picks Klein up, but gets driven into the corner and Kelly strikes her with an elbow to the center of the ring. Rayne hits Klein with a Rayne Drop only for a two count. Klein hits Rayne with a DVD for two before Rayne catches her with an enziguri. Rayne goes for a spear but hits the turnbuckle post instead. She stumbles into the center of the ring to get a knockout knee-strike from Klein for the pin.

Winner: Kelly Klein via pinfall after 7:30

Some of the match was a little slower paced and the moves came off a little telegraphed, but still a good opener. Cool to see Madison Rayne and that knee strike finisher by Klein was something vicious looking.

SoCal Uncensored. Christopher Daniels says they are still the Six-Man Tag Champions. Next week they face off against The Bullet Club. One more opportunity for Frankie Kazarian to get one more victory against them. Scorpio Sky says this is no secret that their is dissension in The Bullet Club, but SCU is one well-oiled machine.

Commercial break.

Jay Lethal says next week he faces Punishment Martinez. Martinez is taller and stronger than Lethal, but this isn’t a boxing match. This is pro wrestling. Martinez has a victory against him and Lethal plans to right it.

Next Page: Motor City Machine Guns v. The Dawgs, Young Bucks Promo