ROH Wrestling: Episode #346
Stage AE – Pittsburgh, PA
Air Date: May 7, 2018
On Commentary: Ian Riccaboni & Caprice Coleman
Recap Provided By: Dominic DeAngelo (@DominicDeAngelo)
Caprice Coleman joins Ian Riccaboni in the commentary booth as we witness ROH’s largest tag team make their way to the ring.
MATCH 1: Brian Milonas & Beer City Bruiser vs. Coast To Coast
Coast To Coast go straight on the attack as they dump the big duo to the outside. Milonas catches LSG but Shaheem Ali saves him with a dropkick. C2C continue on the attack with a suicide dive onto Milonas and as they role him back in the ring Beer City Bruiser kicks them both back outside, but they avoid a cannonball off the apron by BCB. C2C go back into the ring and leap onto Milonas from the top rope but he catches them one-by-one for a double World’s Strongest Slam that takes us to the first break.
We come back to see Milnoas butt bumps and a BCB cannonball in the corner onto Ali. Milonas hits Ali with a back senton. Caprice & Ian talk about the size advantage for Bruiser and Milonas. All about body weight and movement. Milonas misses a leg drop and Ali hits an enziguri and then he makes the tag to LSG. BCB & Milonas go to sandwich him in the middle of the ring but LSG avoids and hits Milonas with a 450 splash for a two count. Ali comes in with some chops, but misses a standing sidekick as Milonas hits him with a Canadian backbreaker drop. Milonas & Brusier go for a Last Call and they connect. Pin attempt but Ali makes the save. Bruiser hits Ali with a hard haymaker but Ali and LSG double up to hit Bruiser with a Codebreaker by LSG. The two then hit Milonas with a Coast To Coast for the three count win.
Winners: Coast To Coast via pinfall after 9:00
Jay Lethal says he is lost without the ROH title around his waist. He wants to go back and defeat opponents who have beaten him in the past (which isn’t a very long list). He’s lost right now but that’s going to change very soon.
Next Page: Young Bucks Ready For The Briscoes, Willy Ferrera vs. Jonathan Gresham, Cody & The Villain Talk #1 Contendership, Shane Taylor vs. Ryan Nova