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ROH TV Ep 343 Recap: Kazarian v Takahashi, Big Tag Team Gauntlet Main Event w/ Young Bucks, MCMG, More

frankie kazarian
Photo Credit: / Mike Kalasnik

ROH Wrestling: Episode #343
Sam’s Town Live – Las Vegas, NV
Air Date: April 16, 2018
On Commentary: Ian Riccaboni & Colt Cabana
Recap Provided By: Dominic DeAngelo (@DominicDeAngelo)

The show kicks off with plugging the tag team gauntlet main event. Frankie Kazarian comes out, ready to fight Hiromu Takahashi. As he enters he goes by petting fake Daryls before grabbing the legit one before the bout starts.

MATCH 1: Frankie Kazarian vs. Hiromu Takahashi

No “Code of Honor” displayed as the bell rings. The two trade arm locks before Kaz throws Takahashi into a fireman’s carry pin attempt and we’re lead to a stalemate full of applause. Takahashi takes a powder to check on Daryl which leads Kaz to the outside. Kaz eventually suplexes Takahashi into the guardrail as we get our first break in action.

We return to see Kaz attacking Takahashi by strangling him in the ropes. Kaz hits two guillotine leg drops off of the rope and gets a two count for his efforts. He gives Takahashi a backbreaker as Kaz is owning the offense until Takahashi hits some elbows and a sequence of kicks for two. Takahashi delivers a running hurricanrana and a drive-by dropkick which leads Kaz to bail outside. Takahashi rolls him back inside. “The Dynamite Plunger” is attempted but Kaz turns it into an apron battle before leaping over and connecting with a slingshot DDT. Two count. Kaz eventually hits a slingshot cutter for another two count. Kaz and the ref get into an argument and the ref shoves him into a Takahashi roll up for two. Kaz goes for another pin attempt (this time with his foot on the ropes), but Takahashi still kicks out. We then see Takahashi hit his “Timebomb” finisher for the win.

Winner: Hiromu Takahashi via pinfall after 9:30

Very nice opener, nothing was “out of this world,” but nothing really needed to be as the two put on a back-and-forth momentum swinger of a match. Kaz was a veteran in his villainy playing off of Takahashi’s fun-loving good guy. I’m not totally sold into the whole Daryl schtick, but I do love me some “Burnard The Business Bear” so who am I to judge? And may I say that “The Timebomb” is one quality finisher?

Next Page: Beer City Bruiser & Brian Milonas Attack Coast To Coast Before The Tag Gauntlet Main Event