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ROH TV Ep 343 Recap: Kazarian v Takahashi, Big Tag Team Gauntlet Main Event w/ Young Bucks, MCMG, More

ROH TV Ep 343 Recap: Kazarian v Takahashi, Big Tag Team Gauntlet Main Event w/ Young Bucks, MCMG, More
Photo Credit: Ring of Honor

Backstage footage of The Beer City Bruiser & Brian Milonas attacking LSG of Coast To Coast.

Caprice Coleman joins the booth after the break.

MAIN EVENT: Tag Team Gauntlet Match (For A Shot At The ROH World Tag Team Titles)

Shaheem Ali comes out solo to tell Milonas & Bruiser that if they think they can take out one half of C2C and Ali will back down, then they got another thing coming. The two close in on Ali as he slides into the ring and the match starts, putting Ali at the handicap disadvantage. Ali starts by hitting them both with a senton to the outside. Milonas grabs hold of Ali but he elbows his way out to hit him with a drive-by dropkick. Ali holds his own before being sandwiched by the monstrous duo. The two continue to work on Ali as they hit him with a sit-down powerbomb for a two count. We cut to break.

We return to see Ali still surviving with elbows and sidekicks. Ali hits Bruiser with a slingshot for a two count. Milonas climbs the turnbuckle so the duo can hit a “Last Call” for a three count after a valiant effort by Ali.

Eliminated: Coast To Coast

Out next are The Dawgs. The teams share a beer before Milonas and Bruiser go on the attack. Dawgs gain advantage with a catapult cross body dropkick for a two count. Titus smacks Willy in the head before sending him into the turnbuckle for some shoulder thrusts until Bruiser avoids the third attempt. He gets hit with a hurricanrana by Willy and before making the tag to Milonas who hits Willy with some stink face thrusts. Bruiser gets the tag back in and smacks Willy with a corner cannonball. We cut to another break as we see Milonas hit Willy with a overhead belly-to-belly.

We return to see Willy biting the hand of Milonas and eventually getting the tag to Titus who goes on a hot streak of kicks and elbows. He monkey flips Bruiser to the outside and Willy delivers an off-the-apron tornado DDT onto the floor. Lots of “Mike Tyson Punch-Out” references being flung around by the announcers here. Dawgs have the advantage as they go for the “Who Let The Dawgs Out,” but Milonas escapes and hits Willy with a superplex for the win. The finish looked to be “The Last Call” double team, but Bruiser looks hurt in the ring.

Eliminated: The Dawgs

Out next are The Motor City Machine Guns. Bruiser hits a crossbody and Milonas hits a sitting senton and the two do a double sidewalk slam. Announcers are really putting over Milonas and Bruiser’s endurance. MCMG take advantage by avoidance and hit Bruiser with a “Made In Detroit” for the 1-2-3.

Eliminated: The Beer City Bruiser & Brian Milonas

Next Page: The Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Young Bucks