GFW Impact Results (9/7) Eli Drake Defends the GFW Global Title Against Matt Sydal, And More!

GFW Impact Results – 09/07/17GFW Impact Results

September 7th, 2017

Report By Lovell Porter for

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Trevor Lee and Caleb Konley vs X-Division Champion Sonjay Dutt and Petey Williams

Dutt tries to attack Lee but Lee bolts out of the ring. Konley and Dutt lock up. Dutt takes Konley over with a hurricanrana. Dutt tags in Williams, who eats a knee by Konley. Konley whips Williams into the ropes. Williams manages to hit a tilt-a-whirl into a Russian leg sweep. Konley and Lee try to double team Williams but Williams Bulldogs Konley on top of Lee. Dutt tags in and Lee runs away. Dutt stops Lee on the ramp. As Dutt rolls back into the ring, Lee stomps Dutt to take control. Dutt sets up a slice bread and gets an assist from Williams on the rotation. Dutt and Williams Set Konley and Lee up in trees of woe. Willams and Dutt stand on Konley’s and Lee’s groins and sing O’Canada. Williams goes to the well once too often and ends up getting German suplexed off the top by Lee. Lee and Konley take turns beating down Williams. Williams manages to finally tag in Dutt. Dutt hits a satellite DDT on Lee as he walks up Konley. Dutt takes out Lee and tosses Konley into Williams, who obliterates Konley with the Canadian Destroyer. Dutt hits a frog splash off the top for the win.

Winners- Sonjay Dutt and Petey Williams


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