Impact Wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (11/1): Tessa Blanchard Defends Against Taya Valkyrie, More

Impact Wrestling Results

November 1st, 2018

Report By Lovell Porter for

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Rich Swann vs Willie Mack

Swann dances around the ring. Swann grabs a side headlock. Mack escapes. Mack and Swann engage In a series of drop down/ leapfrog/front flips. The exchange ends in a stalemate. Sick knee strike by Mack. Flying neck breaker by Mack. Running vertical duplex by Mack. Swann surprises Mack with a sunset flip for a near fall. Insane dive from on end to the other Mack! 450 by Swann. Mack kicks out. Mack tries the Mack Stunner. Swann reverses is into a cutter but Mack reversed that into the Mack Stunner! Swann gets his foot on the rope to break the count. Swann hits the Phoenix splash for the win!

Winner- Rich Swann

Sami Callihan says he is going to beat X-Division Champion Brian Cage for the title.

The Desi Hit Squad vs. The Beach Bums

Gama Singh formally introduces the newest member of the Desi Hit Squad: Raj Singh. The Desi Hit Squad get the quick win after a knee trembler.

Winners- The Desi Hit Squad

King tells the OGz that  I matter what they are still the cream of the crop.

In Ohio, Callihan and oVe beat up a fake Brian Cage.

Knockouts Championship Match: Tessa Blanchard (c) vs. Taya Valkyrie

Blanchard mushes Valkyrie in the face. Valkyrie responds with double knees to Blanchard’s face. Blanchard sends Valkyrie to the outside. Suicide dive by Blanchard. Blanchard lands a German suplex. Blanchard drops Valkyrie with a cutter. Valkyrie fights back and hits a stomp on Blanchard. Moonsault by Valkyrie. Blanchard pushes the referee in frustration to cause the disqualification.

Winner- Taya Valkyrie



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