Impact Wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (11/29): The Rascalz Debut, Tommy Dreamer Battles Eli Drake In A No DQ Match, More

Report By Lovell Porter for

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IMPACT Wrestling Cold Open For 11/29 (Video). Read more

Rich Swann and Willie Mac vs The Lucha Bros

Fenix and Swann trade standing switches. Neither man can get an advantage. Fenix retreats to his corner. Fenix leapfrogs over Swann and does multiple backflips. Swann responds with a front flip over Fenix. Pentagon Jr. and Mack tag in. Pentagon Jr. Pentagon Jr. and Mack mock each other. Everyone superkicks everyone. Mack eats another superkick from Pentagon Jr. Fenix dives off the top. Mack catches Fenix. Mack and Swann hit a series of splashes and moonsaults on Pentagon Jr. and Fenix. Fenix kicks out of Swann’s pin. Fenix and Pentagon Jr. fire up and take out mack and Swann. Pentagon Jr. lands a dropkick to Swann’s nuts from off the top as Fenix holds Swann’s legs. Pentagon Jr. drops Mack with a code breaker. Mack kicks out. Fenix dives to the outside onto Swann. Mack takes out Pentagon Jr. with a tope to the outside. Swann goes up top and phoenix splashes Pentagon Jr. and Mack. Fenix hits a triple jump corkscrew splash that takes out everyone!

After the break, Mack levels Fenix with a series of chops. Fenix tries to fire back with a few elbow strikes but Mack in unaffected. Fenix hits a spin kick on Mack. Fenix goes up top but Swann cuts him off. Pentagon Jr. takes out Swann. Fenix destroys Mack with a reverse ranna. Pentagon Jr. sets up the Fear Factor on the apron. Fenix hits a double stomp on Swann as Pentagon Jr. Fear Factors him on the apron. Fenix and Pentagon Jr. hits there rolling splash finish for the win.

Winners- The Lucha Bros

After the match, LAX hits the ring. Ortiz says they have beaten every team in Impact. Santana says they want to give their familia a shot at the gold.

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