GFW Impact Results (7/20) The Super X Cup Marches On, El Patron Confronts LAX!

More footage of Grado and LVN’s date is shown. LVN is being a gross as humanly possible at the end of the night Joesph Park asks Grado if she is ready for him to pop the question. Grado then sticks his hand in Park’s chest and pulls out his heart as a familiar voice yells, “Finish Him!” Ok, that didn’t happen but it would have been a great way to end the segment.

Eli Drak and Chris Adonis make their way to the ring. Adonis spills a drink on the Swolemates, who apparently have nothing to do with themselves other than sit in the Impact Zone and watch wrestling. Must be a perk of working for Pop TV.

Eli Drake vs Eddie Edwards vs Moose vs EC3

As soon as the bell ring Drake and EC3 attack Moose. Drake drives Edwards into the corner. Moose drives EC3 into the barricade. Edwards gives Drake a shot of caffeine. EC3 does the Moose punches but Moose floors him with a dropkick. Rope walk splash by Moose. Edwards walks right into a skywalk slam by Drake. Drake and EC3 take turns beating down Edwards. EC3 gets mad as Drake does his taunt. Edwards hurricanrana the both of them as they argue. Moose hit the ring and headbutts both Drake and EC3. Moose crushes Drake with a hesitation dropkick. EC3 clotheslines Moose. Drake and EC3 whip Moose into the rope. Moose takes them both out with a double clothesline. Moose and Edwards are left in the ring. Moose pump kicks Edwards. Edwards attempts a hurricanrana. Moose reverses it into a power bomb to the outside onto EC3 and Drake. Top rope hurricanrana by Edwards. EC3 sends Edwards headfirst into the turnbuckle. EC3 blast Edwards with the One Percenter. Moose drags EC3 out of the ring. Drake pins Edwards.

Winner- Eli Drake


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