GFW Impact Results (7/20) The Super X Cup Marches On, El Patron Confronts LAX!

slammiversaryGFW Impact Wrestling Results
July 20th, 2017
Report By Lovell Porter for

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Super X Cup Match: Sammy Guevara vs Drago

Drago and Guevara go nose-to-nose. After a quick stark Drago sweeps Guevara’s legs. After a front flip drop-down spot, Guevara and Drago give each other a head nod as a sign of respect. Drago tries to shake Guevara’s hand but Guevara slaps Drago in the face. Drago hits the ropes but Guevara backflips over him to avoid Drago’s assault. Drago ends up on the outside. Guevara goes up top, tells the crowd that he is crazy and hits a shooting star to the outside on Drago. Guevara rolls Drago back into the ring for a near fall. Guevara picks up Drago in a fireman’s carry. Guevara attempts what looks to be a GTS with a pump kick but Drago avoids it and kicks Guevara in the head. Reverse hurricanrana by Drago for a near fall. Drago wraps Guevara up in the dragon’s tail but Guevara kicks out. Drago sits Guevara on the top rope. Guevara pushes Drago off the top. Guevara obliterates Drago with a 630 senton off the top. Drago kicks out. Guevara whips Drago into the ropes. Drago surprises Guevara with a running flip DDT for the win!

Winner- Drago