Hurricanrana off the top by Fantasma on Low-Ki. Sydal runs in and gets a two count after a standing moonsault. Low-Ki tries a hurricanrana but Sydal counters into a power bomb. Fantasma puts Sydal in a surfboard stretch. Low-Ki dives off the top and double foot stomp Sydal. Sydal gets a two count just by the virtue that he fell on top of Fantasma. Sydal knees Low-Ki in the head. Low-Ki goes up top but Fantasma cuts him off. Low-Ki and Fantasma fight on the top rope. Low-Ki dumps Fantasma. Low-Ki hits the warrior’s way. As the referee is counting Sydal hits a shooting star on Low-Ki! Sydal pins Low-Ki!
Winner- Matt Sydal
After the match, Sydal and Fantasma shake hands. Sydal grabs a mic and reminds us all why he should never have a mic in his hands ever again. Sydal says we should all question authority. Sydal asks Prichard to come down to the ring. Prichard tells Sydal that he likes him but he is getting tired of everyone making demands. Prichard says Sydal is deserving but there are many other people in the back who deserve a shot as well. Bobby Lashley’s music hits and Lashley storms to the ring. Sydal tells Lashley not to do this to him (the hell?) Lashley basically tells Sydal to sit and spin. Lashley says the only person who deserves a shot is him. Sydal (who is on his knees for some reason) tells Lashley no one cares. Lashley ignores Sydal. Lashley says Prichard needs to give him a shot at the title or Lashley is going to destroy everything that moves. Lashley spears Sydal and tells Prichard to make it happen.