The Miz was recently on the Singaporean pro wrestling podcast Hard Hidz. Miz opened up about his segment with LaVar Bell, his direction in the WWE before Maryse came back, and the direction of women’s wrestling.
Here are the highlights:
Thoughts on Lavar Ball Segment:
“People are still talking about it. It’s all over our sports hubs. In America, [people] are just talking non-stop about it. They want interviews with me and everything. You know, when you have celebrities come on the show, sometimes things get a little wild and crazy, because you never know what they’re gonna do or what they’re gonna say. It’s one of those situations where, you have a script, but sometimes they don’t follow that script, and you have to bounce off of it and see where they’re gonna go and see what they’re gonna do with it… It created a lot of talk, and a lot people are talking about. And, if people are talking – MizTV.”
His direction before Maryse returned:
“When Maryse came back, I was really doing nothing. I wasn’t anyone to be reckoned with, no one really ever talked about me. It was just like, ‘Oh. There’s the Miz. He’s a good hand.’ In WWE, if you want to be the biggest superstar in the world, you never want to be a ‘good hand.’ A good hand, meaning, ‘He’s good in the ring; we’ll just put him up with anybody. He’ll probably lose tonight, but nobody cares, whatever. He’ll get a reaction.’ That kind of thing. That’s the kind of person when they’re talking about a good hand. You never want to be that if you want to be the top dog.”
Direction of women’s wrestling:
“I think it’s just gonna keep on going. It all started with Miss Elizabeth, Sensational Sherri, Mae Young, all those old school women have generated to where literally generations upon generations. You go back to that generation, then you go back to the Trish Stratus and the Lita, then you go into my wife, Maryse, and then there’s Michelle McCool, and the Beth Phoenixes, and then you go into this generation, where they’re talking about Women’s Revolution. And I get that it’s a revolution, and these girls are getting opportunities, and they are swinging and they are knocking it out of the park. They are stepping up their game, they are doing great. But it all starts with the women that paved the way for them to have those opportunities.”
If any of this transcription is used, please credit Hard Hidz podcast via WrestleZone.