WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (8/29): Women’s Tag Team Title Tournament Finals, Kurt Angle Appears, More

WWE will return to Pittsburgh for the August 29 episode of WWE RAW, the go-home show for WWE Clash at the Castle.

The finals of the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Tournament will be crowned, and WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle will appear on the show.

The results are as follows:

AJ Styles and Dolph Ziggler vs. The Judgment Day (Finn Balor and Damian Priest) (with Rhea Ripley)

Balor and Ziggler start the bout. Ziggler gains the upper hand and tags Styles. Priest tags in and squares off with the veteran. Styles clotheslines him out of the ring and dives onto him. Balor controls the action, but Ziggler rallies with a Fameasser. Styles tags in and catches Priest with a flurry of offense. He drops Priest with a neckbreaker over the knee for a two count. Priest counters the Styles Clash, but Styles traps him in the Calf Crusher until the powerhouse reaches the ropes. Priest floors Styles with a backbreaker. Ziggler tags in and goes for a roll-up, but the referee misses the pin. Priest slams Ziggler with the South of Heaven for the win.

WinnersThe Judgment Day (Finn Balor and Damian Priest)

After the match, the video screen shows a car pulling out, and Edge gets out. The Judgment Day return to the ring. Balor says he’s tired of the attention all the legends are getting. He demands respect. Priest says he had Edge beat least week. He notes that tonight, Edge doesn’t have the person who wants pants in their home, Beth Phoenix to save him. Edge comes out and admits the trio made valid points, but he says they made some ridiculous ones, too. He says that he wanted to teach the Judgment Day how to reach his glory, but their egos got in the way. He points out that Beth and Edge both wear the pants in their relationship.

He says Beth is a badass, and she’ll show Ripley why she’s the “Glamazon” if she doesn’t keep to herself. Edge makes fun of the trio for looking like they belong at a My Chemical Romance concert. He distracts them long enough so that Rey and Dominik Mysterio can attack The Judgment Day from behind. Dominik is left alone with Ripley, and he refuses to hit her. Ripley slowly takes the kendo stick from him, but Edge and Rey come back to the ring. They stare Rhea down until Balor and Priest drag her out of the ring.

Backstage, The Miz and Ciampa are asked about what happened last week. The Miz refuses to address Dexter Lumis abducting him last week.

Backstage, Raquel Rodriguez and Aliyah hype up their tag team title match tonight and vow to win the titles.

Alexa Bliss and Asuka, and Bianca Belair vs. Dani Mo, Kay Sparks, and Katie Arq

Belair showcases her athleticism early on. Bliss and Asuka take Mo and Sparks down with dropkicks. Bliss tags in and maintains the advantage. Asuka drills Dani Mo with some backfists and suplexes her. Belair slams Sparks with the KOD. Asuka makes Mo tap out to the Asyka Lock.

Winners: Alexa Bliss and Asuka, and Bianca Belair

Belair gets a microphone and notes that, a month ago, Bayley, Dakota Kai, and IYO SKY didn’t go here a month ago. Bliss says things are going to get twisted this weekend, and Asuka says they aren’t ready for the trio. Belair says they’re taking control on Saturday.

Backstage, Adam Pearce wants to talk to The Miz about what happened with Lumis and offers him counseling. He says he doesn’t want to talk about it, even when Pearce says not talking about it is helping Lumis get away with it. The Miz is focused on preparing for his match tonight.

In-Ring Segment: Kurt Angle

Angle says it’s great to be back home on Pittsburgh. He hypes up Clash at the Castle, but Alpha Academy interrupts. Chad Gable calls him a hero and says Angle’s story motivated him. He says Angle won a gold medal, and Angle points out that he did it with a broken neck. Gable says the Alpha Academy is looking for a new member, but he points out there’s no talent here in Pittsburgh. Gable tells Angle they can change the world and offers him full-on acceptance into the Alpha Academy for one night only. Angle turns him down and when Gable asks, he sad, “Oh, it’s true.” Gable tells Gable to “shoosh” and Angle tells him right back. They “shoosh” each other. Gable tells Otis to show Angle what happens when you turn down the Academy, and the Street Profits run to the ring.

Montez Ford says that if you mess with Kurt, you must want to get hurt. He says the Academy are in the right place at the wrong time because they’re looking for a fight. Gable says that if the Alpha Academy wins, Angle must join them.

The Street Profits vs. Alpha Academy

Ford uses his athleticism to counter Otis’ power. He catches Gable with a dropkick. The Street Profits double-team Gable. Dawkins tags in and matches Gable step for step. They trade arm drags. Dawkins sends Otis to the outside with a dropkick and dives onto the Academy at ringside. Gable hits a dragon screw in the corner and isolates him with Otis’ help. Ford hits a diving crossbody and drills him with a clothesline. He drops Gable with a suplex and hits a standing moonsault. Ford plants Gable with a DDT and tags Dawkins. Otis drills Dawkins with a spinning elbow. Otis takes control. Gable tags in, and Dawkins rolls him up for a two count. Dawkins gets a two count with the Silencer. Gable rolls through a crossbody from Ford and turns it into a two count. Otis slams Ford to the mat, and Gable dives onto him for a two count.

Gable traps Ford in an ankle lock, but Ford escapes and locks in one of his own. Otis breaks it up with a splash. Otis confronts Angle and gets pounced. Ford cradles Gable for a two count. Dawkins and Ford slam Gable, and Ford gets the win with the frog splash.

Winners: The Street Profits

The Street Profits drink milk with Angle after the match.

Footage from the parking lot shows Seth Rollins and Riddle arguing, and they have to be separated when they try to fight.

Matt Riddle and Rollins do a split-screen interview with Corey Graves. Rollins says their clash was bound to happen, but Riddle isn’t on his level. Rollins says no one likes Riddle or the way he talks. He says he’s going to finish the job he started. Riddle says it will take a lot more than that to get rid of him because he’s going to be here for a long time. Rollins says he’ll put him on the shelf, just like he did to Cody Rhodes, so he can focus on the world title. Rollins vows to steal the show on Saturday and show everyone who the man really is. Riddle says Becky is the only “Man” in their marriage. The camera cuts, and Rollins makes fun of Riddle’s divorce. Riddle starts cursing at him and says he’s going to “f—” Rollins up.

Miz unknowingly walks by Dexter Lumis, who stares him down, backstage.

Bobby Lashley vs. The Miz (with Ciampa)

Lashley overpowers Miz early on. he WWE United States Champion hits a stalling vertical suplex and clotheslines Miz to the outside. Miz is distracted by Ciampa, thinking that he’s Dexter Lumis. Lashley capitalizes by flooring Miz. “The All Mighty” maintains the advantage. He stares Ciampa down at ringside. Ciampa stops Lashley from slamming Miz into the ring post. Ciampa distracts Lashley, and Miz capitalizes with a baseball slide dropkick. He slams Lashley into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Miz takes the fight to Lashley. The champion drops him with a flatliner. Lashkey hits a running shoulder charge in the corner and plants Miz with a spinebuster. Miz moves to hit Lashley with Ciampa’s necklace. With the referee distracted, Ciampa attacks Lashley. Miz gets a two count with a DDT.

Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale and sees Dexter Lumis in the crowd.

The distraction costs Miz, as Lashley traps him in the Hurt Lock and makes him tap out.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

Miz is clearly upset about Lumis after the match.

Edge and Angle are talking backstage. Edge gives him some pictures with written messages on the back, which apologize for the times Edge beat him over the years. He gives him another picture that says, “You still suck.” They shake hands. Edge walks away, and Angle reads the back of the picture, which shows the message. He walks away. Rey and Dominik talk to with each other, with Rey explaining that he needed Edge’s experience for their tag team match. He asks Dominik if he’ll still be in their corner this week, and he says he will.

WWE RAW Results Continue On The Next Page!


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