TNA Impact Wrestling Results (3/29) – Hardy vs Galloway, EC3 vs The Brand, The Pope Is Back?

Second Match: Matt Hardy, Tyrus and Mike Bennett w/Rockstar Spud, Reby Hardy and Maria Kanellis vs. Beer Money & Ethan Carter III 

Storm and Bennett starts off the match. Storm with a swinging neck breaker to Bennett. Storm knocks Hardy and Tyrus off the ring apron. Storm with a back breaker to Bennett. Bennett sends Storm to the ring apron. Storm with a enziguri to Bennett. Tyrus with a right hand to the gut of Storm. Tyrus bodyslams Storm on the mat. Bennett tags in Tyrus. Tyrus with a front face lock to Storm. Hardy with a right hand that knocks Storm off the ring apron. Tyrus with a elbow drop to the back of Storm for a two count. Tyrus with the Vice Grip to Storm. Tyrus connects with the Fallaway Slam. Tyrus tags in Hardy. Storm with a code breaker to Hardy. Bennett knocks EC3 off the ring apron before Storm can make the tag. Storm with a jaw breaker to Hardy. Storm tags in Roode.

Roode with two rapid fire clothesline to Hardy. Bennett with a right hand to Roode from the ring apron. Roode connects with the Saito Side Slam to Bennett. Hardy with a back elbow to Roode. Roode connects with the spine buster for a two count as Bennett breaks the pin attempt. EC3 clothesline Bennett over the top rope. Bennett runs to the back with Maria as the shield. Hardy whips Roode to the corner. Roode with a boot to the face of Hardy. Tyrus knocks Roode off the top rope. Storm with the Last Call Superkick to Tyrus. Beer Money connects with the Beer Money Suplex. Beer Money with another Beer Money Suplex to Hardy. Beer Money sets up for DWI, but Tyurs sends Storm to the outside. Roode goes for the Roode Bomb to Hardy, but Tyrus helps Hardy to get back up on his feet. Hardy with the Twist of Fate to Roode to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Matt Hardy, Tyrus and Mike Bennett