ring of honor

ROH Wrestling Results (5/10/21): The Briscoes vs. Flip Gordon & EC3

ROH Wrestling Results 
Aired May 10, 2021
Report by Colin Tessier for Wrestlezone.com

Ian Riccaboni steps in for host Quinn McKay and welcomes viewers to the show. He previews the card, including Brian Johnson’s open challenge and Quinn McKay’s debut.

The Briscoes vs. Flip Gordon & EC3

Before the match, in a backstage segment, Gordon brags about his success against The Briscoes and rubs EC3’s loss to Jay in his face.

Meanwhile, Jay says he respects EC3, but Mark threatens to rip Gordon apart.

The Briscoes shake hands with EC3 at the beginning of the match. EC3 and Jay feel each other out, and the former ROH World Champion gains the upper hand. Mark tags in, and The Briscoes are in control early on. The brothers double-team Gordon and isolate him for a few minutes. Mark chokes “The Mercenary”, but Gordon rallis and suplexes Jay on the floor. He forcefully tags EC3, who clearly disapproves of his partner’s methods.

EC3 drops Jay with a neckbreaker and slams him to the mat. He unloads on Jay with a flurry of punches to gain more momentum. Gordon tags himself in and tries to steal apin, further frustrating EC3. Jay counters a springboard dive by shoving Gordon down to the mat. Mark tag in and clears house. EC3 breaks up the pin after a slam from the top rope. He then brawls with Jay at ringside. EC3 takes both brothers down with a double clothesline.

He forcefully tags himself in, but he nearly loses the match when The Briscoes hit him with Redneck Boogie. Gordon blasts Mark with a chain, and EC3, who didn’t see the blow, drops the younger Briscoe with an inverted DDT for the win.

Winners: EC3 and Flip Gordon

Open Challenge: Brian Johnson vs. ?


In a pre-match promo, Johnson describes how ROH is divided into several stables, but “The Mecca” is standing by himself. Johnson calls himself an inclusive wrestler because he’s an “equal opportunity ass-whooper.” He says that he has issued an open challenge because he wants more people to know his name. Johnson vows to be remembered as an all-tieme great.

Danhausen comes to the stage and explains that he has already defeated Johnson, so he brought him a “gift-hausen.” PCO’s music hits, and the former world champion walks to the ring.

Brian Johnson vs. PCO

Johnson takes the fight to PCO by attacking him from behind. PCO fires back with some strikes of his own. He floors Johnson a clubbing forearm and tosses him to the mat. “The French Frankenstein” slams Johnson again and, outside the ring, tosses him over the barricade. PCO screams and grabs his eye, seemingly “malfunctioning.” He hits the timekeeper and slams announcer Bobby Cruise into the barricade.

After PCO sends himself crashing through the barricade, Johnson capitalizes by attacking the big man. Johnson dives onto PCO outside the ring and hits a splash. PCO fires back up and hits a pop-up powerbomb. “The French Frankenstein” goes to the top rope and hits the PCO-sault for a near fall. PCO “malfunctions” again and chases the referee to the outside. Johnson exposes the turnbuckle and PCO charges into it chest-first. “The Mecca” still can’t keep PCO down.

PCO locks in the Destro Death Grip and wrenches Johnson’s jaws apart until he taps out.

Winner: PCO

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