ring of honor

ROH Wrestling Results (11/29/21): Jay Lethal vs. EC3

This past weekend, Ring of Honor delivered an eventful episode of ROH Wrestling. EC3 faced Jay Lethal, Rok-C defended the ROH Women’s World Championship, and The Briscoes competed.

ROH Wrestling Results 
Originally aired November 26, 2021
Report by Colin Tessier for Wrestlezone.com

Quinn McKay welcomes viewers and previews the show.

The Briscoes vs. PCO and Danhausen

Mark Briscoe and Danhausen start the bout; Mark grabs Danhausen’s jar of teeth, potentially hoping to replace some of the ones he’s lost. PCO tags in, and Mark chops him. They trade blows before they briefly hug as a reminder of their brief tag team run. Danhausen goes for the Jay-driller, but Mark counters. Jay tags in and drops Danhausen with a big boot. The Briscoes take control by isolating Danhausen for a few minutes.

Danhausen rallies with a German suplex and tags PCO, who enters the match with a flurry of offense. He takes a series of strikes from Mark and suffers a malfunction. PCO gets confused and starts going after Danhausen. “The French Frankenstein” gets back on track and tags Danhausen, who stuffs his teeth down Mark’s throat. PCO helps Danhausen chokeslam Mark. The dysfunctional partners argue, and PCO brawls with Sledge at ringside.  The Briscoes capitalize, as Jay plants Danhausen with the Jay-driller for the win.

Winners: The Briscoes

After the bout, Jay puts some of Danhausen’s disembodied teeth in Mark’s mouth.

In a video package, The OGK look back on their time in ROH; Matt Taven says when he arrived in ROH, he knew he wanted to be there forever. Mike Bennett states that death is followed by rebirth and vows that Final Battle won’t be the last time you hear the name “Ring of Honor.”

In another video package, Maria Kanellis-Bennett says ROH made her believe in wrestling again. She states that she refuses to believe the ROH spirit will ever die.

ROH Women’s World Championship: Rok-C (c) vs. Gia Scott

In a pre-match promo, Scott says it should have been her who won the tournament for the title. She promises to shut everyone up through this bout; she calls herself “The Greatest Damn Woman” and refuses to be overlooked.  Meanwhile, Rok-C says she knows she had a target on her back, but she also knows she’s one of the best. Rok-C tells Scott that people need to earn opportunities, and that’s exactly what she did.

Scott and Rok-C feel each other out with technical holds and trade early pinfall attempts. The challenger overpowers “The Prodigy”, but Rok-C gets a two count on another pin attempt. Scott drills Rok-C with a shoulder tackle. “The Greatest Damn Woman” takes control and grounds the champion. Rok-C locks in a chokehold, but Scott powers her way out of it.

Rok-C rallies and drills Scott with the Rok-knees. The challenger floors Rok-C with a nasty Spear for a two count. Rok-C hits another knee and makes Scott tap out to a crossface-like hold.

Winner and still ROH Women’s World Champion: Rok-C

In a video promo, Shane Taylor looks back on how ROH helped him see that his dream to become a wrestler could become a reality, and he wanted to be there. Likewise, in another video, Josh Woods calls ROH his home and says the promotion helped him learn who he was as a wrestler. He thanks everyone for his four years with the company.

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