TNA Impact Wrestling Results (3/29) – Hardy vs Galloway, EC3 vs The Brand, The Pope Is Back?


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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
March 29th, 2016
Report By Joshua Lopez for

Matt Hardy, The Miracle and Ethan Carter III In-Ring Segment: 

The entire Matt Hardy Brand is going to have a protest. Matt calls his brother a traitor. He’s sure that all the creatures can’t wait to see little nickel nero, get his opportunity at the TNA World Heavyweight Title tonight. That’s not going to happen. Matt is the only person that deserves to be the number one contender. Matt want’s a rematch. He’s the greatest TNA World Heavyweight Champion of all-time. The Iconic Matt Hardy is demanding TNA Management to grant him that opportunity right now. The Miracle’s music hits and out comes Maria. Bennett says that the Matt Hardy Brand needs to relax. Matt is becoming old, so he needs to cool down. Bennett says that nobody want’s to see either Hardy Boy’s with the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. What this business needs is a miracle. When Bennett becomes the champion he will be giving the entire world the opportunity to answer this question. Do you believe in miracles? Maria says yes we do. Reby says that they need to leave. This is her husband moment. Reby calls Maria a fire crotch. Matt is the greatest wrestler in the world and they don’t know who they’re dealing with. Maria says that she’s the first lady of professional wrestling. Maria asks Reby if she knows what it takes to be a lady? Reby snaps and says that she’s know how to put her ear ring, down Maria’s throat.

The Matt Hardy Brand holds Reby back. Matt says that in theory they can be friends, but Bennett has no respect and in TNA there’s a hierarchy, a pecking order and Bennett is in the back of the line. Bennett said that he used to have a lot of respect for Matt. Matt will be a future hall of famer, but now he’s washed up. Matt holds Tyrus and Spud attack. Matt says that Bennett is insignificant like EC3. Matt says that if Bennett is looking for a fight, he’ll fight him tonight. Out comes EC3. EC3 says that he has a idea. He wants to pitch a idea for a television show for Pop TV. He calls Spud Larry, Tyrus Curly and Matt Moe, the only difference here is that The Matt Hardy Brand will be EC3’s Three Bitches. EC3 calls Bennett shem. EC3 is a 8 time alter boy of the year. EC3 gets on his knees and asks the God of professional wrestling to find a place for the after life of Bennett’s career. Bennett has tried to make a name out of EC3, but when he gets his hands on him his career will rot in hell. Bennett says that EC3 tries to appeal to the idiots. Bennett said that he didn’t need TNA, TNA needed him, so he will decide when and where he will fight. Tonight is not that night. EC3 says that Bennett can go get another $4 dollar hair cut. EC3 says that he’s not going anywhere until has a person to fight. Matt tells EC3 that if he wants a fight, then why don’t he take on the entire Matt Hardy Brand and then we’ll see who the real bitch is? EC3 accepts Hardy’s challenge and says that Reby is the only one that has balls in the ring.