*Spoilers:* 3 Weeks of WWE NXT Taping Results; New Champion Crowned, More

WWE NXTResults courtesy of PWInsider.com:

Dark Match
– Bo Dallas vs Dean Ambrose

Dallas won with a rollup.

Episode 1

The taping itself started with a video from Dusty Rhodes hyping up the championship match.

– Derek Bateman vs Antonio Cesaro (w/ Aksana)
Cesaro won with the Neutralizer. During the match there was a few “Shave Your Legs” chants directed at Cesaro.

– Tamina Snuka vs Sofia Cortez
Snuka won with the Superfly Splash.

After the match, Raquel Diaz attacked Tamina and drew an L on her forehead with lipstick.

– Kassius Ohno vs Jake Carter
Ohno won with the Rolling Elbow.

After the match, Ohno continued attacking Carter until Richie Steamboat came out for the save.

– Michael McGillicutty and Johnny Curtis vs Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel
Gabriel got the pin after hitting a double team powerbomb / neckbreaker on Curtis.

Byron Saxton had an interview segment in the ring with Seth Rollins and "The Punjabi Nightmare" Jinder Mahal. Rollins cut a promo about how hard his life was growing up and how wrestling saved him. That was why his dream is to one day be a champion in the WWE. Mahal started cutting his promo in Punjabi, before speaking in English. He said Rollins was a born loser, but winning the NXT Championship is Mahal’s birthright. They then brawled until Rollins drove Mahal off.