WWE NXT New Year's Evil Results
Image Credit: WWE

WWE NXT New Year’s Evil Results (1/10/23)

WWE NXT New Year’s Evil Results
January 10, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (1/3/23)

Tony D’Angelo w/Stacks vs. Dijak

Wes Lee joins the commentary team to watch. D’Angelo attacks Dijak as soon as the bell rings. D’Angelo sends Dijak over the top rope with a clothesline. Dijak sends D’Angelo into the ring apron. D’Angelo sends Dijak back into the ring. Dijak surprises D’Angelo with a lariat. D’Angelo kicks out. Cactus clothesline by D’Angelo. Both men are down. Dijak sends into the barricade, but Stack throws himself in the way to soften D’Angelo’s landing. D’Angelo explodes off of Stacks and spears Dijack.

After the break, Dijak hits a spinning hangman’s DDT. D’Angelo fires up and lands a flurry of strikes. Spinebuster by D’Angelo. Dijak kicks out. After a series of counters, Dijak lands a nasty superkick. Dijak lands High Justice. D’Angelo kicks out. Stacks gets in the ring and tells D’Angelo to let him handle this, boss. D’Angelo tells Stacks to move and that he is family. D’Angelo pushes Stacks out of the way and eats a cyclone boot from Dijak. Dijak pins D’Angelo.

Winner- Dijack

The Creed Brothers vs. Indus Sher

Sanga walks out with a mic. Sanga announces Veer isn’t here. He will fight them two-on-one. Brutus and Julius want Veer. Jinder Mahal attacks both Creed Brothers from behind. Sanga and Mahal destroy both Creef Brothers. Mahal drops Julius with the Khallas. HE grabs a mic and says Veer and Sanga fight for honor, but he doesn’t.

No Contest

Backstage, Valentina Feroz confronts Sanaga for what he just did in the ring. Sanga is going to do what he has to do. Elektra Lopez walks in and tells Feroz that Sanga is right. Feroz needs to focus on herself, especially tonight in the battle royal.

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