WWE NXT Vengeance Day Results

WWE NXT Vengeance Day Results (2/4/23)

WWE NXT Vengeance Day Results
February 4, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (1/31/23)

North American Championship Match: Wes Lee (c) vs. Dijak

Lee grabs a side headlock. Dijak sends Lee into the ropes and levels him with a shoulder block. Lee stares up at Dijak, who stares menacingly back. Lee acts like he’s going to just lay down for Dijak, but as he leans in, Lee kicks him in the face. Dijak is sent flying out of the ring by Lee’s slingshot front flip ranna. A German suplex attempt by Lee gets blocked. He can’t get Dijak off his feet. Lee tries a dive, but Dijak catches him and hits a nasty DVD out on the floor. Dijak sends Lee back into the ring for a two count.

Dijak tosses Lee over the top rope like a bag of trash. Lee is reeling out on the floor. Dijak continues his assault. Dijak and Lee trade strike. Lee tries another German suplex. He still can’t get Dijak up. Lee kicks Dijak in the back of the head and finally lands a German. Dijak kicks out. Both men fight out to the apron. Lee back body drops Dijak out on the apron. Lee lands a cartwheel splash. Wes Lee tries his backflip kick but is caught in the air by Dijak. Dijak tries Feast Your Eyes, but Lee reverses it into a poison ranna. Small package driver by Lee. Dijak kicks out.

Lee tries a springboard but gets caught in high justice. Lee kicks out. Dijak traps Lee in a sleeper. Lee almost goes to sleep but manages to get to his feet. Before he can get to the ropes, Dijak tries high justice again, but Lee flips out of it and lands a superkick. Dijak begs Lee to bring it. Lee lands a nasty knee strike to Dijak’s face. Lee hits the ropes and eats a cyclone boot. Dijak lands lariat. Lee kicks out again. Dijak tries a powerbomb off the second rope, but Lee turns it into a rana. Both men land awkwardly. Lee lands the Final Flash. Dijak kicks out at 2.9. Dijak rolls out of the ring.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (1/31/23)

Lee tries a suicide dive, but Dijak catches him and sends him into the barricade. Dijak sits Lee in a chair and traps him with a broomstick. Superkick by Dijak. Dijak goes up top for a moonsault, but Tony D’Angelo and Stacks appear at ringside and push Lee out of the way. Dijak moonsaults onto them instead of Lee. Lee rolls back into the ring. Dijak tries a springboard, but he leaps right into a superkick from Lee. Lee hits his backflip kick for the win.

Winner and STILL North American Champion, Wes Lee!

WWE NXT Vengeance Day Results Continue On The Next Page!

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