WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (1/3/23)

January 3, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (12/27/22)

Carmelo Hayes w/Trick Williams vs. Apollo Crews

After a series of dropdowns and tackles, Crews floors Hayes with a dropkick. Crews gets hung up in the ropes. Head kick by Hayes. Hayes drops Crews with the fadeaway. Crews kicks out. Knife-edged chop by Hayes. Crews fires back with a few chops of his own. Hayes tries a suplex, but Crews reverses it into a delayed suplex of his own. Slingshot senton by Crews. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Crews. Hayes kicks out. Crews counters Hayes’ suplex with a series of German suplexes. Hayes puts on the brakes around the third suplex. Crews eats a kick. Hayes misses a strike and gets belly-to-belly suplexes. Crews sends Hayes out of the ring. Apron moonsault by Crews.

After the break, Crews gets dumped off the apron by Hayes after a distraction from Williams. Hayes kicks Crews in the knee before sending him into the ring steps. Hayes focuses his attack on Crews’ injured left knee. Crews is in trouble. Hayes works a single-leg crab. Crews powers out and lands a flurry of offense. Backstabber by Crews. Leaping clothesline by Crews. Crews favors his knee as he gets to his feet. Crews lands a kick that sends Hayes out to the apron. Deadlift German suplex by Crews. Hayes kicks out.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Results (12/27/22)

Hayes escapes an Olympic slam. Crews shrugs off a pump kick from Hayes and lands one of his own. Crews picks up Hayes, but Hayes reverses it into a cutter. Frontflip DDT by Crews. Hayes kicks out. Williams gets on the apron and gets knocked out by Crews. Crews lands a press slam but misses his standing moonsault. Hayes destroys Crews with a lung blower. Hayes lands his diving axe kick for the win.

Winner- Carmelo Hayes

After the match, Axiom hits the ring and lands a crossbody on both Hayes and Williams. Williams and Hayes roll out of the ring. Axiom takes the both out with a triangle moonsault.

Trick Williams vs. Axiom

Williams tosses Axiom all over the ring. Axiom fires up and hits the Golden Ratio for the win.

Winner- Axiom

After the match, Williams and Hayes beat down Axiom. Crews hits the ring and makes the save.

The New Day gets confronted by Scisim backstage. Kingston ends up challenging Joe Gacy to a match.

Backstage, Andre Chase gets upset with Drew Gulak for leading a training class with his students without his permission. Gulak’s student Hank Walker won’t be able to fight Charlie Dempsey tonight since he’s injured. Gulak says he wants to see if Dempsey was right about Chase’s students being soft. Chase goes nuts at the notion.

Dijak vs. Stacks w/Tony D’Angelo

Stacks marches in the ring. Dijak dominates Stacks. Dijack misses a splash in the corner. Stacks lands a few running elbows. Dijak obliterates Stacks with a cyclone boot. Dijack hits Feast Your Eyes for the win.

Winner- Dijak

After the match, Dijak tries to give Stacks another Feast Your Eyes. D’Angelo makes the save and challenges him to a match at New Year’s Evil. Dijak agrees.

Backstage, Oro Mensah gets interrupted by Javier Bernal. Bernal says he’s releasing a Christmas album… for reasons.

In-Ring Segment: Toxic Attraction

Jayne and Dolan promise to leave 2022 and the past behind. They don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but they do care about revenge. One woman is in their sights: Roxanne Perez. Indi Hartwell interrupts and says she thought Toxic Attraction was done after Perez won the title, but she’s sick of it. It’s time for new blood at the top of this division. Cora Jade walks in through the crowd and craps on Hartwell. Jade deserves to be the champion. Nikkita Lyons, Zoey Starks, and Thea Hail all join the fray. Hail yells for a girl fight. Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre fight down to the ring. The entire women’s locker room empties, and everyone fights. Roxanne Perez appears on the bird’s nest and announces a battle royal to crown a number one contender to face her at Vengence Day. Dawn and Fyre fight into the backstage area

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