WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (4/1/24)

WWE Raw Results
April 1, 2024
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: The Rock

The Rock says he made that boy bleed. The crowd boos. The Rock describes how he split Cody Rhodes’ head wide open. Just as promised, The Rock took Rhodes’ blood and wiped it on that belt. The only thing missing now is Mama Rhodes’s tears. The Rock is a man of his word. At the start of Raw, The Rock promised Rhodes he was going to make him bleed. The Cody Cry Babies did not like that. There were some reactions to what The Rock did to Rhodes that caught his attention. The Rock throws to a video on the ‘Tron of social media reactions of little kids crying over what he did to Rhodes last week.

Reigns says it’s family above all. He wouldn’t come to Raw for no reason. He’s hear to acknowledge his family. The crowd starts chanting Yeet. Reigns says, no Yeet. The chant starts again. Reigns notes that if they continue, he will leave. He’s trying to put his family over, so he tells everyone in the arena to shut up. Reigns wants to thank his cousin (The Rock). This is going to be the easiest WrestleMania he’s ever had. They are going to smash Rollins and Rhodes on night one, and it will be Bloodline Rules on night two. Then The Rock whipped Rhodes. Reigns thanks The Rock again.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (3/25/24)

When he sees little kids crying it breaks his heart. The Rock asks for the parents of any upset children in front of the TV right now. The crowd groans. The Rock says sometimes you have to do what you have to do. There are moments in life when people are talking sh*t, and you have to beat them down. The Rock says right now, pro wrestling is cool again, and that’s because of him. They set an attendance record for Raw. The Rock says he didn’t come alone tonight. Roman Reigns music hits. The Bloodline joins The Rock in the ring.

Reigns tells Brooklyn to acknowledge him. The crowd obliges. Rhodes isn’t fit to lead. Rhodes is lucky to be here. When The Bloodline made wrestling cool again, Rhodes was off somewhere doing a whole lot of nothing. They were gracious enough to allow him back, but now he wants to try to take the throne. Seth Rollins’ music hits. Rollins enters through the crowd but doesn’t come to the ring. Rollins says he isn’t stupid enough to step into the trap in the ring. If The Bloodline wants him, they are going to have to come into the crowd and fight all of Brooklyn. Rollins wants a fight tonight.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (3/25/24)

Rollins challenges The Rock to a match tonight. The crowd goes nuts. Rollins says he doesn’t think The Rock has the balls. Maybe Reigns has grown a set in the past few years, so if The Rock doesn’t want to fight, Reigns will do. Rollins says they can name the stipulation, he doesn’t care. The Rock says Rollins isn’t fighting either of them. Rollins may be insane if he wants to fight him after what he did to Rhodes. Solo takes the mic and tells Rollins he’s fighting him tonight. Rollins agrees. The Rock adds it’s going to be Bloodline Rules.

Micheal Cole announces that the tag team ladder match at WrestleMania will continue until both sets of tag titles are retrieved.

The New Day and #DIY vs. The Judgement Day

#DIY and New Day, all land dive while Judgement Day is entering the ring. once the bell rings, The Judgement Day traps Gargano in their corner and works him over. Dominik tries the three amigos, but Gargano escapes. Ciampa tags in, and so does McDonagh. McDonagh and Ciampa trade strikes. Dominik gets back in the ring. Ciampa lands clothesline after clothesline on Dominik and McDonagh.

Priest boots Ciampa in the face. Kingston surprises Priest with a chop off the top. Crossbody by Kingston. Woods gets the tag and catches McDonagh with a slingshot DDT. Woods hits a fireman’s carry powerslam. Dominik breaks up the pin. Dominik trips Ciampa in the ropes and sets up the 619. Ciampa blocks the 619. While Dominik is hung up in the ropes, Gargano superkicks him. Priest clears the ring. Priest pins Ciampa after a Razor’s Edge.

Winners- The Judgement Day

Sami Zayn vs. Bronson Reed

Reed works over Zayn. Zayn clotheslines Reed over the top and lands a dive. Zayn lands a series of elbows off the top. Reed counters an elbow from Zayn and lands a uranage. Reed sets up an air raid crash off the top. Chad Gable is watching the match backstage. Zayn turns it into a sunset flip powerbomb. Reed kicks out. Zayn tries to lift Reed. Reed counters and drops Zayn with a Death Valley driver. Zayn kicks out.

After the break, Zayn catches Reed with a tornado DDT. Gunther drags Gable out on the stage. Gable is limp. Zayn runs up the stage to check on Gable. Gunther attacks Zayn and leaves him lying. Gunther walks away. Zayn struggles to get to his feet. Gunther notices and watches with an astonished look on his face. Gunther hits Zayn in the head with the IC championship.

No contest

Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell vs. Maxxine Dupri and Ivy Nile

Nile and Hartwell exchange strikes. LeRae tags in as Dupri tags in. LeRae beats down Dupri. Dupri surprises LeRae with a roll up for a near fall. Dupri trips LeRae and tags in Nile. Nile clears the ring. Nile goes up top. While the referee is distracted, LeRae pushes Niel off the top. Hartwell sees it and isn’t happy. LeRae and Hartwell argue. Dupri dropkicks Hartwell, which knocks LeRae off the apron. Dupri rolls up Hartwell for the win.

Winners- Maxxine Dupri and Ivy Nile

Backstage, Jimmy Uso tells Seth Rollins he’s got his back tonight.

Ricochet vs. Ivar

Ivar swats Ricochet out of the air, sending him out of the ring. Ricochet tries an Asai moonsault, but Ivar trips him. Ricochet hits the apron with a thud. After the break, Ricochet misses a shooting star but lands on his feet. Ivar floors Ricochet with a spin kick. Underhook owerbomb by Ivar. Ricochet kicks out.

Ricochet gets caught in midair after a springboard. Tour of the islands by Ivar. Ivar lands a springboard crossbody for a near fall. Ivar goes up top and misses the Doomsault. Ricochet backs into the corner. Ivar tries a crossbody, but Ricochet catches Ivar in the air and sends him flying with a fallaway slam! Ricochet hits a 630 of the top for the win.

Winner- Ricochet

In-Ring Segment: Becky Lynch

Lynch says they have done all the talking they need to do. Lynch demands Rhea Ripley come to the ring right now so they can finish hits. Adam Pearce walks out on the stage and says they aren’t doing this tonight. He can’t allow one of the biggest matches of all time to be jeopardized. Pearce has security with him. Pearce respectfully asks Lynch to leave the ring. Ripley’s music hits, and she walks down the ramp. Pearce pleads with Ripley to leave. Ripley tosses her championship at Pearce and rushes the ring. Ripley beats up the security on the way to the ring. Lynch and Ripley brawl. Lynch and Ripley are separated. Ripley gets dragged out of the ring. Lynch dives out of the ring onto everyone.

Backstage, Lynch and Ripley are still trying to fight. Pearce and security are holding them back. Dominik appears and leads Ripley away.

Damage CTRL vs. Shayna Baszler, Zoey Stark, and Tegan Nox

Bazsler and Co clear the ring early. Baszler and Nox lands baseballs slides. Stark dives off the apron and lands on Sane, Kai, and Asuka. WWE Women’s Champion Iyo Sky watches as her team is on its heels. After the break, Nox misses a senton in the corner. Kai blasts her with a running boot. Asuka and Sane hit their finish on Nox for the win.

Winners- Damage CTRL

Bloodline Rules Match: World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins vs. Solo Sikoa

Rollins takes Sikoa out with a suicide dive during his entrance. Rollins dodges a charging Sikoa. Sikoa crashes into the ring steps. Sikoa powers out of a Pedigree and drives Rollins into the apron, back first. Rollins gets slammed into the commentary desk and dumped into the timekeeper’s area. Rollins tosses a steel chair at Sikoa. Sikoa blocks it. Rollins tosses three more chairs and nails Sikoa. After another chair shot, Rollins DDTs Sikoa on a chair. Rollins sets up a table.

Sikoa and Rollins battle up top. Sikoa manages to hit a Samoan drop off the top through the table. After the break, Rollins reverses another top rope Samoan drop into a sunset flip powerbomb through another table. Rollins lands the stomp. Jimmy Uso appears and superkicks Rollins. Jey Uso walks down the ramp. Jimmy and Jey battle into the backstage area. Jey gets tossed back out on the stage. The Rock appears and walks to the ring. The Rock and Rollins have a staredown. Rollins smiles. Cody Rhodes’ music hits. The Rock is shocked.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (3/25/24)

Rhodes runs down to the ring and attacks The Rock. Rollins and Rhodes beat down The Rock. Rhodes sets up a Rock Bottom on the commentary desk. Roman Reigns hops the barricade and breaks it up. Rollins and Reigns brawl. The Rock sends Rollins into the ring, and Reigns drops him with a Superman Punch. The Rock sends Rhodes into the ring. Reigns Spears Rhodes. The Rock removes his weight belt and whips Rhodes with it. Reigns takes the belt and beats Rollins and Rhodes with it. Sikoa holds Rhodes against the ropes while The Rock rips Rhodes’ shirt off. The Rock hits Rhodes one more time with the belt.

No contest

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