WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (2/20/24)

WWE NXT Results

February 20, 2024

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

NXT North American Championship Match: Oba Femi (c) vs. Lexis King

King lands a few strikes. King tries a slingshot splash, but he bounces off of Femi. Femi is completely unphased. King lands a flurry of kicks. Femi choke-pushes King over the top rope. King gets to his feet. Femi tries a clothesline, but King ducks. Femi ends up clotheslining the ring post. King works over Femi’s arm. Von Wagner and Mr. Stone are shown watching the match. Mr. Stone tells Wagner he’s going out there. Wagner yells at Mr. Stone that it’s not worth it. King lands a double stomp on Femi’s arm. Mr. Stone makes his way to ringside. King slides out of the ring and pushes Mr. Stone down. Femi ends up hitting a Pop-Up Powerbomb for the win.

Winner and STILL NXT North American Champion, Oba Femi!

Backstage, Thea Hail laments the fact that Riley Osborn hasn’t called her since their date. Arianna Grace walks in and gets into with Jacy Jayne. Jayne doesn’t want Grace filling Hail’s head with nonsense.

In-Ring Segment: NXT Tag Team Champions The Wolf Dogs

Bron Breakker notes that after he went to war with Baron Corbin at No Mercy, no one would have expected them to be standing together as champions. Breakker and Corbin go back and forth about who is better than who. Their finish will now be known as the Spear of Days. Corbin exclaims they are good being the tag team champions. Andre Chase and Duke Hudson interrupt. They want a tag title shot. The former tag champs promised them a shot. Axiom and Nathan Frazer interrupt. Frazer says Chase U’s agreement with The D’Angelo Family is null and void. Everyone bickers. NXT GM Ava walks out on the stage and books a number one contender’s match: Chase U vs. Axiom and Nathan Frazer. This match will happen tonight.

Roxanne Perez vs. Wren Sinclair

Perez is all over Sinclair. Sinclair gets a few near falls. Perez slaps Sinclair in the face. Sinclair fires up. Perez hits Pop Rocks. Perez doesn’t go for the pin; instead, she locks Sinclair in a crossface. Sinclair taps out.

Winner- Roxanne Perez

Backstage, the No Quarter Catch Crew barges into Meta-Four’s locker room. Noam Dar is tired of their intrusions and wants to know which one of them he will be fighting. Kemp tells Dar the catch clause means Dar will find out who he’s facing when they are all in the ring.

Briggs vs. Jensen

Jensen attacks Briggs as soon as the bell rings. Briggs runs over Jensen and lands a flurry of offense. Jensen manages a few strikes and a bulldog. Briggs gets to his feet and eats a dropkick. Briggs boots Jensen out of the ring. Jensen nails Briggs with a right hand. Jensen sends Briggs out of the ring. Briggs gets tossed over the barricade. Jensen stomps Briggs. After the break, Briggs works over Jensen. Briggs slaps Jensen. Jensen slaps Briggs back. Briggs smiles. Jensen lands a flurry of strikes. Briggs floors Jensen with a big boot. Jensen kicks out of Briggs’ chokeslam. Jensen and Briggs trade big boots. Spinning wheel kick by Jensen. Briggs kicks out. Briggs lands two Lariats for the win.

Winner- Briggs

After the match, Jensen is out cold. Briggs grabs Jensen’s limp body and kisses him on the forehead.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (2/13/24)

Tony D’Angelo calls Stacks and Rizzo in for a meeting. D’Angelo tells them both his focus isn’t the tag titles anymore. D’Angelo needs to focus on being The Don of NXT. He needs to focus on bigger things. This isn’t a democracy anymore. If anyone has a problem with that, they can leave. Stacks and Rizzo nod.

Jacy Jayne w/Jazmyn Nyx and Thea Hail vs. Arianne Grace

Grace gets an early advantage. Jayne tries to get Hail to help her cheat. Hail refuses. Nyx does not. Nyx clocks Grace and sends her back into the ring. Jayne hits a roaring elbow for the win.

Winner- Jacy Jayne

After the match, Nyx steps in front of Hail and celebrates with Jayne.

Number One Contender’s Match: Chase U w/Riley Osborn vs. Axiom and Nathon Frazer

Osborn and Hail pass each other on the ramp. Osborn will barely look in Hail’s direction. Chase eventually gets the pin after a series of pinfall reverses with Frazer.

Winners- Chase U

After the match, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson hit the ring and beat down everyone.

Backstage, Thea Hail and Fallon Henley bond over their recent trauma.

Lash Legend w/Jakara Jackson vs. Kelani Jordan

Jackson and Jordan trade pin attempts. Jordan tries a crossbody, but Legend boots her out of the air. Legend works over Jordan. Jordan fires up and lands a few strikes. Jordan sends Legend flying with a diving rana off the top. After a distraction from Jackson, Legend lands a chokeslam off the top for the win.

Winner- Lash Legend

After the match, Izzi Dame and Kiana James try to attack Jordan. Jordan manages to get away.

NXT Women’s Championship Match: Lyra Valkyria (c) vs. Shotzi

Valkyria and Shotzi trade submission attempts. Neither woman can get the advantage. The fight spills out to the apron. Shotzi DDTs Valkyria on the apron. Shotzi tweaks her knee in the process. During the break, Shotzi is taken to the back by the medical staff.

No contest

After the break, Ava walks to the ring and says Shotzi can’t continue, so this is now an open challenge. The first person that walks through the curtain will get the title shot. Lash Legend’s music hits. Legend walks to the ring.

NXT Women’s Championship Match: Lyra Valkyria (c) vs. Lash Legend

Legend runs over Valkyria. Valkyria leaps off the top, only to be caught by Legend. Legend blasts Valkyria with a backbreaker. Backstage, Roxanne Perez hears that there was an open challenge, and she missed it. Perez breaks the monitor in the women’s locker room. Back in the ring, Legend hits a chokeslam. Valkyria kicks out. Pump kick by Legend. Valkyria kicks out again. Legend and Valkyria fight up top. Valkyria pushes Legend to the mat. Valkyria hits a splash for the win.

Winner and STILL NXT Women’s Champion, Lyra Valkyria!

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