WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (2/13/24)

WWE NXT Results
February 13, 2024
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (2/6/24)

Backstage, Oro Mensah and Noam Dar are getting ready for their match tonight against Von Wagner and Mr. Stone. Wagner and Stone sneak into the locker room and yell “sneak attack” before attacking Dar and Mensah. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson run out of the locker room and ask Mr. Stone’s sons which way they went. Each kid points in the opposite direction. Wagner and Stone drag Dar and Mensa to the ring.

Noam Dar and Oro Mensah vs. Von Wagner and Mr. Stone

Wagner and Stone double team Mensah. Mesnah gets a cheap shot to take control. Dar and Mensah take turns working over Mr. Stone. Mr. Stone manages to tag in Wagner. Wagner clears the ring. Wagner chokeslams Dar and Mensah at the same time. Mr. Stone hits a splash off of Wagner’s shoulders. Mensah breaks up the pin. Mensah and Mr. Stone trade strikes. Mr. Stone knocks Mensah off the apron. Mr. Stone misses a dive. After several pin attempts and a distraction by Legend and Jackson, Dar rolls up Wagner for the win.

Winners- Noam Dar and Oro Mensah

Gauntlet Match: Ridge Holland vs. Gallus

Wolfgang starts the match. Holland beats Wolfgang down in the corner. Short arm clothesline by Holland. Wolfgang and Holland take turns trying to suplex each other. Holland wins out, dropping Wolfgang to the mat. Wolfgang gets knocked out of the ring. During the break, Holland pins Wolfgang with Northern Grit.

Mark Coffey is next. Mark works over Holland’s previously injured leg. Holland and fires up and sends Mark flying with a belly-to-belly suplex. Holland hits Northern Grit. Joe Coffey pulls Holland out of the ring, causing a disqualification.

Winner- Ridge Holland

After the match, Gallus tries to beat down Holland. Holland rips a chair out of Wolfgang’s hands and proceeds to beat every member of Gallus with it. Holland leave everyone laying.

Backstage, the No Quarter Catch Crew are admiring the Heritage Cup. Noam Dar and Oro Mensah walk in and joke that all Gulak and his lackies will only be ever to just look at the cup. Gulak ad Co want to bring prestiege back to the cup.

Tatum Paxley vs. Lola Vice

Paxley rolls up Vice. Vice turns it into a rear naked choke. Paxley turns the choke into a pin. Vice kicks out. Paxley gets to her feet. Vice lands a nasty knee strike. Vice works over Paxley. NXT Women’s Champion Lyra Valkyria runs down to ringside to support Paxley. Paxley fires up and lands a flurry of strikes. Paxley gets a near fall after a roll up. Vice lands a spin kick. Paxley kicks out as Valkirye shouts words of encouragment. Spinning backfist by Vice. Paxley kicks out again. Vice lands her version of Black Mass. Paxley gets her foot on the bottom rope. Vice traps Paxley in the Code of Silence. Paxley taps out.

Winner- Lola Vice

Adriana Rizzo vs. Jaida Parker

Rizzo lands a few strikes. Parker swats away Rizzo’s dropkick attempt. Parker stomps Rizzo in the corner. Rizzo takes off ehr earrings and lands a dropkick that sends Parker into the corner. Corner ten punches by Rizzo. Vertical suplex by Rizzo. Parker kicks out. Rizzo misses a corner spear. Parker lays Rizzo across the second rope and lands a springboard @$$ attack. Parker works over Rizzo. Rizzo fires up and lands another suplex. Rizzo tries a corner splash, but Parker catches her. Spinebuster by Parker. Parker lands a Bull Hammer. Rizzo kicks out. Rizzo screams for Parker to bring it. Parker lands another elbow strike for the win.

Winner- Jaida Parker

WWE NXT Results Continue on the Next Page!

Carmelo Hayes vs. Joe Gacy

As soon as the bell rings, Hayes attacks Gacy. Gacy fires back. Hayes surprises Gacy with a springboard clothesline. The crowd boos Hayes mercilessly. Gacy responds with a senton. Gacy works a rear chinlock. Back breaker by Gacy. Hayes takes Gacy down and lands a flurry of punches. Gacy rolls out of the ring. Hayes follows, but Gacy rolls under the ring.

Hayes lifts the ring skirt, but Gacy is nowhere to be found. Gacy appears on the other side of the ring and lands a dive. After the break, Gacy fires up and gets a nearfall after a uranage. Suplex cutter by Hayes. Gacy kicks out. Hayes tries a springboard, but Gacy counters with a Boss Man Slam. Gacy tries the Upside Down. Hayes reverses it into the first 48. Hayes hits Nothing but Net for the win.

Winner- Carmelo Hayes

Hayes leans into the camera and says tells Ilja Draguniv he’s the last one left. Dijak hops the barricade and attacks Gacy with a nightstick. Gacy is down. Dijak puts Gacy in a straightjacket. Dijak beats down Gacy.

In-Ring Segment: North American Champion Oba Femi

Femi says you can’t argue with Profiecy. He’s still the man. Femi says Dragon Lee is a proud warrior but it takes more than a fighting spirt to take this title from him. Lee was the first, but wont be the last. Send anyone you want, but don’t send anyone you want back. Lexis King interupts. King complains and takes credit for softening Lee enough for Femi to beat him. Femi says he doens’t suffer empty threats. King says that wasn’t a threat, it was a promise. Femi tells King he can have a title shot next week. King attacks Femi. Femi powers out of King’s finish. Femi sets up his Powerbomb. King sneaks out of the ring.

Kiana James w/Izzy Dame vs. Brinley Reece

James eventually hits the 401K for the win.

Winner- Kiana James

NXT Tag Team Title Match: Tony D’Angelo and Stacks (c) vs. Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin

D’Angelo and Breakker start the match. Neither man can get the advantage. Breakker floors with a shoulder block. D’Angelo responds with a shoulder block of his own. Stacks tags in and double teams Breakker with D’Angelo. Breakker tags in and gets double suplexed by D’Angelo and Corbin. D’Angelo hip tosses Stacks into Corbin, then Breakker. Corbin knocks Stacks off the apron and hits a DVD on D’Angelo. Stacks lands a satallite DDT. Breakker destroys Stacks with a powerbomb spinebuster. Breakker tries a Frankensteiner, but D’Angelo counters with a sit-out powerbomb.

After the break, Corbin is working over Stacks. Stacks manages to tag in D’Angelo as Corbin tags in Breakker. D’Angelo clears the ring. D’Angelo hip tosses Stacks over the top onto Breakker and Corbin. Breakker is sent back into the ring. Stacks and D’Angelo hit a crucifix bomb/neckbreaker combo. Breakker and Corbin hits a combo cutter for a near fall. The fight spills out of the ring. Corbin is sent into the ring steps. Stacks and D’Angelo puts Breakker through the commentary desk. Corbin breaks up the pin. Corbin drops Stacks with the End of Days. Breakker Spears Stacks and pins him.

Winners and NEW NXT Tag Team Champions, …The Wolf Dogs..

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