WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (2/6/24)

WWE NXT Results
February 6, 2024
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: Carmelo Hayes

Hayes walks to the ring holding the chair he used to assault Trick Williams at Vengance Day. The crowd boos Hayes out of the building. Hayes sits in the chair in the middle of the ring as he showers with more boos. An “F-you, Melo!” chant breaks out. Hayes says not yet and walks away.

Dusty Cup Celebration

Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin are standing near the trophy. Corbin tries to do an introduction, but Breakker cuts Corbin off and asks Alicia to do a proper intro, which she does. Alicia refers to Corbin and Breakker as The Wolf Dogs. Corbin is not happy. Breakker is elated. Corbin makes fun of Breakker for his little accident with the ropes Saturday night. Breakker pokes fun at Corbin for successfully completing his first dive… with Breakker’s help, of course. Corbin and Breakker want their tag title shot. Axiom and Nathan Frazer hit the ring. Corbin and Breakker are confused. Frazer and Axiom are here to start their match.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer vs. Malik Blade and Edris Enofé

Breakker and Corbin sit down at the desk to do commentary. Enofé lands a dropkick. Axiom responds with a dropkick of his own. Everyone trades strikes. Axiom and Enofé are sent out of the ring. Blade and Frazer land dives. Both men run back in the ring. Blade catches Frazer with a springboard clothesline. After the break, Axiom and Frazer are working over Enofé. Enofé manages to tag in Blade. Blade clears the ring.

Axiom lands a Spanish fly off the top on Enofé. Frazer follows that with a Phoenix Splash. Blade breaks up the pin. After the break, Frazer superplexes Blade and Transitions into a brainbuster. Axiom lands a superkick to the back of Blade’s head on the way down. Blade kicks out. Blade and Enofé double team Axiom. Frazer knocks Blade off the top rope. Frazer hits a Phoenix Splash. Golden Ratio by Axiom. Axiom pins Enofé.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Vengeance Day Results (2/4/24)

Winners- Nathan Frazer and Axiom

After the match, Breakker and Corbin attack Axiom and Frazer. The D’Angelo Family walks down the ramp. Corbin challenges them to a tag title match next week. Stacks accepts.

In-Ring Segment: Ilja Dragunov

Dragunov says he went to war with Trick Williams. He doesn’t just respect Williams. Dragunov likes Williams. No matter how much he likes Williams, he couldn’t let Williams slay the Mad Dragon. Dragunov has words for Carmelo Hayes. Hayes is a traitorous dog. Dragunov tells Hayes to come to the ring now so he can end him. Hayes doesn’t show. Dijak interrupts and argues with the fans, who are booing him mercilessly. Dijak says Dragunov is obsessed with Hayes and Williams. Dragunov tells Dijak to get out of his way. Dragunov’s business is with Hayes. Dijak punches Dragunov in the nose. Dijak and Dragunov fight. Referees separate them.

Backstage, Jacy Jayne tells Thea Hail to stay in the back during Riley Osbourn’s match against Lexis King. Jayne notes that Hail doesn’t want to seem to available. Hail agrees.

Lexis King vs. Riley Osborn w/Andre Chase and Duke Hudson

Osborn looks in the crowd for Hail, but she isn’t there. Osborn sends King out of the ring. Fosbury flop by Osborn. King catches Osborn with an elbow strike to the back of Osborn’s head. King eventually land his finish for the win.

Winner- Lexis King

WWE NXT Results Continue on the Next Page!

In-Ring Segment: Carmelo Hayes

Hayes is back sitting in the ring with a spotlight on him. Hayes wants to know why no one wants to hear his side. The crowd drowns him out with boos. Hayes quips that Trick Williams crossed him first. Hayes had to be the one to show Williams that he needs to stay in his place. They had an agreement. Williams was supposed to go after the North American Championship. Williams decided to go after something that belonged to Hayes: The NXT Championship. Hayes finally admits to being the one who attacked Williams months ago. Trick Williams music hits. Hayes starts to laugh. He’s just messing with the crowd. Hayes chuckles as he says Williams is laid up in a hospital next to Booker T. Hayes says this was never a collaboration. Williams is just his hype man. That is what it is, and what Williams will always be.

Lola Vice vs. Roxanne Perez

Perez attacks Vice as soon as the bell rings. Vice rolls out of the ring. Tope by Perez. Vice fires back with rapid fire kicks. Vice works over Perez. After the break, Tatum Paxley runs down to the ring with the break out contract for… reasons. Vice knocks Tatum off the apron. Perez hits Pop Rocks for the win.

Winner- Roxanne Perez

Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson w/Oro Mensa and Noam Dar vs. Fallon Henley and Wren Sinclair

Legend slaps Henley. Henley hops on Legend’s back. Sinclair tries a crossbody. Legend catches her in midair. Henley dropkicks Sinclair to take Legend over. Legend and Jackson work over Sinclair. Hangman’s Leapfrog by Legend and Jackson. Legend eventually manages to hit a pop-up powerbomb on Sinclair for the win.

Winners- Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson

Ilja Dragunov vs. Dijak

Dijak punches Dragunov in the face. Dragunov grabs a waistlock and hits a series of German suplexes. Dijak and Dragunov trade strikes. After landing a big boot, Dragunov goes up top. Dijak cuts Dragunov off with a boot of his own. The fight spills out of the ring. Dijak gets distracted as he thinks someone may be under the ring. In the confusion, Dragunov kicks Dijak in the head. After the break, Dragunov picks up Dijak in a fireman’s carry. Dijak yanks at Dragunov’s broken nose.

Dijak DVDs Dijak into the corner. Senton by Dragunov. Dijak kicks out. Dragunov slaps Dijak repeatedly. Dijak responds with High Justice. Dragunov kicks out. Dijak counter Constantine Special with a lariat of his own. Springboard elbow drop by Dijak. Dijak reinjured his elbow in the process. Dragunov immediately lands a running boot. Dijak crawls to the apron. Joe Gacy slides from under the ring, laughs, and hits Dijak in the head with… something. Dragunov hits the H-Bomb for the win.

Winner- Ilja Dragunov

After the match, Carmelo Hayes attacks Dragunov.

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