WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Day 1 Results (1/1/24)

WWE Raw Results
January 1, 2024

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Micheal Cole and Wade Barrett kick off the show in the middle of the ring. They run down the card for tonight’s show.

Becky Lynch vs. Nia Jax

Jax and Lynch trade strikes. Lynch tries a dive and gets caught. Lynch escapes a Samoan drop. Jax crushes Lynch in the corner. Lynch manages to land a neck snap, but Jax kicks out at one. After the break, Jax is almost counted out. Lynch lands a leg drop off the top. Jax kicks out. Lynch rolls Jax into the Disarmher. After a series of reversals, Jax counters with a sit-out powerbomb. Lynch kicks out.

Lynch sets up a Manhandle Slam off the top. Jax reverses it into an avalanche Samoan Drop. Lynch kicks out at 2.9. Jax tries to go up top. Lynch knocks Jax of the second rope and unloads on her with strikes. Lynch dives off the top into a nasty right hand from Jax. Lynch’s face is busted open. Jax crushes Lynch with the Annilator for the win.

Winner- Nia Jax

Check Out Our Previous Coverage: WWE Raw Results (12/18/23)

In-Ring Segment: Cody Rhodes

Rhodes says he isn’t stuck on Shinsuke Nakamura because of the negative things he’s said, but because this should be over. Rhodes says he’s going to give Nakamura the opportunity to finish this tonight. Shinsuke Nakamura can bring whatever he wants, but this ends right now. Nakamura appears on the ‘Tron and brags about how easy it was to get in Rhodes’ head. Nakamura notes that Rhodes’ story doesn’t end tonight. He’s going to give Rhodes one more week to live his dream. Nakamura promises to finish Rhodes’ story and close his book. Nakamura spits mist at the screen. Rhodes is left standing in the ring, with a confused look on his face.

Kofi Kingston and Jey Uso vs. IMPERIUM

During the match, Giovanni Vinci gets rocked by a dropkick from Kingston. The WWE Doctor enters the ring to check on Vinci and the referee calls for the bell, stoping the match.

Winners- Kofi Kingston and Jey Uso

Miz TV

Miz introduces his guest tonight, The Judgement Day. The Judgement Day’s music plays, but no one comes out. R-Truth’s music hits. Truth walks to the ring with a huge smile on his face, wearing a Judgement Day shirt. Miz announces Truth as the most likeable member of The Judgeent Day. Miz asks where the rest of the team is. Truth swears they were right behind him. Miz asks if Truth is seeing invisible people again. The crowd goes nuts. Truth asks if Little Jimmy is here. Miz says absolutely not.

Miz asks Truth what his role is in The Judgementg Day. Truth says he has many roles and he is focused on the group’s public relations since no one likes that. Dominik and JD McDonagh interrupt. McDonagh screams about Truth not being in the group. Dominik tries to speak and gets drowned out. Truth says McDonagh isn’t even The Judgement Day. Dominik gets drowned out in boos, again. Everyone argues, which leads to a tag match.

The Judgement Day vs. The Awesome Truth

During the match, Truth tags himself in as a member of The Judgement Day. McDonagh says if Truth is in the group, he has to hit Miz. McDonagh holds Miz up. Truth tries to hit Miz and hits McDonagh. Truth pushes McDonagh into the Skull Crushing Finale by Miz. Miz pins McDonagh.

Winners- The Awesome Truth

WWE Raw Day 1 Results Continue On the Next Page!

Women’s World Championship Match: Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Ivy Nile

Ripley drops Nile on the mat. Nile picks ups Ripley in fireman’s carry. Ripley escapes and lands a dropkick. Nile lands a crossbody off the top for a nearfall. Ripley lands a nasty boot to Nile’s face. Ripley tries a running kick, but Nile counters with a capture suplex. The crowd goes nuts. Ripley rolls out fo the ring and pitches a fit. After the break, Ripley tries an electric chair outside the ring. Nile reverses it into a German suplex out on the floor. Back in the ring, Ripley sends Nile into the ropes.

Tilt-a-whirl DDT by Nile. Ripley kicks out. Dropkick by Ripley. Nile kicks out. Nile rolls out of Riptide and land as head kick. Ripley kicks out. Atomic facebuster by Ripley. Nile kicks out again. Ripey sets up a superplex. Nile escapes and uses Ripley’s arm to slam her head into the top turnbuckle. Nile German suplexes Ripley off the second rope. Ripley somehow manages to kick out. Nile goes up top. Nile tries a crossbody off the top, but Ripley headbutts her out of the air. Knee trembler by Ripley. Ripley hits Riptide for the win.

Winner and STILL Women’s World Champion, Rhea Ripley!

The ring announcer tells the crowd that it’s time to welcome back the former Champion… Jinder Mahal! The crowd collectively groans.

In-Ring Segment: Jinder Mahal

Mahal yells at the crowd for having the audacity to be disappointed. Mahal reminds the crowd that he is a former and future WWE Champion. What’s really disappointing is the current state of the United States of America. The Rock’s music hits. The Rock tells Mahal he’s in trouble tonight. Mahal says of course The Rock is here. He magically appears whenever the WWE Universe is being insulted. Mahal says The Rock should be disgusted to represent these people as the people’s champ. The Rock says he’s damn proud to represent these people and proud to be an American. He’s especially proud to say, finally, The Rock has come back to San Deigo.

The Rock says the people don’t boo Mahal because of the language he speaks, the boo him because he’s the biggest asshole walking god’s green earth. Mahal scowls at The Rock. The Rock says they are all familiar with the resting bitch face, but what this is, is raging asshole face. The Rock says Mahal looks like that because no body likes him and he’s not funny. Infact, if Mahal was one of The Rock’s movies, he’d be Baywatch. Mahal says he’s never seen Baywatch. The Rock quips no one else did either. The Rock stops and asks Mahal if he’s really never seen Baywatch.

Check Out Our Previous Coverage: WWE Raw Results (12/18/23)

Mahal tries to answer, but The Rock tells Mahal it doesn’t matter if he’s seen it. The Rock says Mahal has freedom of speech to say whatever he likes without consequence, but he can’t run down America and these people without consequence while he’s in the building. Mahal goes off about being the Modern Day Mahraja. The Rock tells Mahal, he’s the Day One Douchebag. The Rock leads the crowd in a Day One Douche back chant.

Mahal is steaming. The Rock sings Mahal a new version of our national anthem that includes a line about Mahal being jacked but his balls not being there. Mahal’s left The Rock no choice, but to whip Mahal’s candy ass. Mahal attacks The Rock. The Rock fires back and drops Mahal with a spinebuster. The Rock drops the People’s Elbow on Mahal. The crowd explodes. The Rock says after this he is going to go out to get something to eat. He asks the crowd if should sit in a booth? The bar? Or… the head of the table?

Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler vs. Natalya and Tegan Nox

Stark and Baszler take turns working over Natalya. After the break, Nox gets the tag and clears the ring. Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae are watching the match fro the back. Nox lands a her patented senton in the corner, followed by a Molly-Go-Round. Baszler kicks out. Baszler lands a headkick. Natalya breaks up the pin. Stark tosses Natalya out of the ring. Baszler German suplexes Nox into a Z360 from Stark. Stark pins Nox.

Winners- Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler

WWE World Heavywieght Championship Match: Seth “Freakin” Rollins (c) vs. Drew McIntyre

As soon as the bell rings, Rollins attacks McIntyre. McIntyre fires back. Rollins sends McIntyre flying over the top rope. Rollins and McIntyre trade strikes. McIntyre drops Rollins on the announce desk. McIntyre sets up an inverted Alabama Slam. Rollins uses the ropes to free himself. Rollins tries a dive, but McIntyre catches Rollins in mid air. Overhead throw by McIntyre. After the break, McIntyre gets a near fall after a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. McIntyre sets up an avalanche white noise.

Rollins tries to counter with a buckle bomb, but his back gives out. Rollins lands a rana that sends McIntyre out of the ring. McIntyre gets to his feet. Rollins clutches at his back before hitting a senton over the top rope. Rollins surprises McIntyre with a DDT. Frog splash by Rollins. McIntyre kicks out. McIntyre goes up top. Rollins cuts McIntyre off and hits a Superplex. Rollins tries to transition into a falcon arrow, but McIntyre reverses it into one of his own. Kick out by Rollins. After the break, McIntyre lands white noise off the second rope. Rollins kicks out again.

Check Out Our Previous Coverage: WWE Raw Results (12/18/23)

McIntyre and Rollins trade strikes. Rollins misses The Stomp. McIntyre nails Rollins with the Future Shock DDT. McIntyre kips up and calls for the Claymore. Rollins reverses it into a sit-out powerbomb. Kick out by McIntyre! Rollins misses a Phoenix splash, but lands on his feet. McIntyre misses the Claymore. Rollins hits a Pedigree. McIntyre kicks out. Damian Priest’s music hits. Prieist and Dominik Mysterio run down to ringside. While the referee is distracted, Priest hits Rollins with the MITB briefcase.

Before Priest can officially cash-in, McIntyre drops Priest with a Claymore. Dominik gets suplexed out on the floor by McIntyre. McIntyre rolls back in the ring and hits a Claymore. As McIntyre pins Rollins, his foot is on the bottom rope. McIntyre goes nuts and tosses Rollins out of the ring. McIntyre sets up a DDT on the announce desk. Rollins escapes and Pedigrees McIntyre on the desk. Rollins sends McIntyre back in the ring and lands The Stomp for the win.

Winner and STILL World Heavyweight Champion, Seth Rollins!

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