nxt deadline

WWE NXT Deadline Results (12/9/23)

WWE NXT Deadline Results

December 9, 2023

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Kickoff Show

Axiom vs. Nathan Frazer

Frazer and Axiom trade armbars and headlocks. Axiom sends Frazer into the corner. Frazer backflips off the ropes and takes Axiom down in a headlock. Axiom and Frazer trade pins. Frazer lands a rana, but Axiom flips and lands on his feet. Dropkick by Frazer. Frazer locks in an armbar. Axiom runs into a complete shot into the middle turnbuckle. Frazer works over Axiom. Frazer lands a backflip into a DDT for a nearfall. Axiom fires up and lands a high dropkick. Half-neson suplex by Axiom. PK by Axiom. Frazer kicks out. Axiom and Frazer trade strikes. Inside cradle by Frazer. Axiom kicks out and locks in a sleeper. Axiom sits Frazer on the top rope.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (12/5/23)

Diving forearm by Axiom. Frazer hits the floor with a thud, Triange moonsault by Axiom. Axiom sends Frazer back into the ring. Axiom goes up top. Frazer leaps up top and hits a superplex. Frazer transitions into a twisting neckbreaker. Axiom kicks out. Frazer misses a Phoenix splash. Axiom kips up into a superkick from Frazer. Axiom calls for his finish but eats a superkick before executing. Frazer goes up top. Axiom cuts him off. Top rope Spanish fly by Axiom. Axiom almost decapitated Frazer with the Golden Ratio for the win.

Winner- Axiom

Main Card

In-Ring Segment: Shawn Michaels

HBK notes that this is the final Premium Live Event of the year before asking the crowd if they are ready. CM Punk music hits. Punk smiles and plays with the crowd on the way to the ring. Punk apologizes to HBK for stepping on his gimmick and asks if he wants to tell the crowd to suck it. HBK looks Punk up and down and tells him, “Nice hoodie.” Punk happens to be wearing a Bret Hart hoodie. Punk apologizes and says he forgot his HBK merchandise at home, but why does it matter since HBK and Hart made up? HBK tells Punk that this hurts.

Punk reminds HBK that he made up with Triple H, so it’s all about healing now. Punk asks to take a selfie with HBK. HBK obliges. The crowd goes nuts. Punk says he missed his flight, and he owed HBK a call, so he figured he would just show up here. Punk asks the crowd if he should sign with Raw, SmackDown, or if he should be the newest member of NXT. The crowd chants NXT. Punk music starts to play before Punk can say anything else. This may have run a bit long.

NXT North American Championship Match: Dominik Mysterio (c) vs. Dragon Lee w/Rey Mysterio

Rey is on crutches, so he joins the commentary team at the desk. After the bell rings, Lee sends Dominik out of the ring with a rana. Dive by Lee. Lee eventually manages to land a slingshot dropkick in the corner. The crowd chants that they want Mami, as Dominik is here alone tonight. Lee goes up top, but Dominik trips him. Neck breaker off the apron by Dominik. Dominik works over Lee. Dominik sets up a superplex. Lee knocks Dominik into a tree of woe hanging outside the ring. Lee lands a double stomp.

Both men are almost counted out. Dominik tries a headstand in the corner, but Lee kicks him in the face. Delayed dropkick by Lee. Lee sets Dominik up in another tree of woe. Lee lands another double stomp. Dominik gets his hand on the bottom rope. Dominik counters Lee’s double knee strike with a dropkick. Snap German by Lee. Dominik counters Lee’s powerbomb with one of his own. Lee kicks out. Lee ducks a 619 and hits a Liger Bomb. Dominik kicks out. Lee hits the Destino for the win!

Winner and NEW NXT North American Champion, Dragon Lee!

Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge: Lash Legend vs. Blair Davenport vs. Kelani Jordan vs. Tiffany Stratton vs. Fallen Henley

Henley and Davenport start the match. Both women trade headlock and pin attempts. Davenport works over Henley’s back. Henley fires up and gets a near fall after a nasty uppercut. The bell rings, and Tiffany Stratton is out next. As Henley is distracted jawing with Stratton, Davenport sends her into the ring post. Stratton and Davenport beat down Henley. Davenport and Stratton lock in a double armbar. Davenport and Stratton continue their assault on Henley. Stratton surprises Davenport with a superkick. Stratton simultaneously lands a cartwheel back elbow in the corner on Davenport and Henley. Cartwheel Alabama slam by Stratton. Davenport pushes Stratton out of the ring and steals the pin.

Henley has to go to the penalty box for 90 seconds

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (12/5/23)

Legend 0 | Davenport 1 |Jordan 0 | Stratton 0 |Henley 0

Kelani Jordan is up next. Jordan clears the ring. Jordan hits her split-legged moonsault on Davenport. Stratton breaks up the pin. Henley is released from the box. Henley hits a shining wizard on Stratton and pins her.

Stratton has to go to the penalty box for 90 seconds

Legend 0 | Davenport 1 |Jordan 0 | Stratton 0 |Henley 1

Jordan and Henley trade pin attempts. Neither woman can get an advantage. Stratton is released from the box, and she goes right for Henley. All four women go up top. Lash Legend is out next. Legend powerbomb two women off the top and double superplexes the other two. Stratton gets to her feet and gets chokeslammed. Legend powerbomb Henley. Legend puls Henley on top of Stratton and pins both women at the same time, earning two points at once.

Stratton and Henley have to go to the penalty box for 90 seconds

Legend 2 | Davenport 1 |Jordan 0 | Stratton 0 |Henley 1

Jordan sends Legend flying with a rana. Jordan lands an Asai moonsault on Legend, but her momentum sends her to the commentary desk. Davenport clocks Jordan. As Henley and Stratton are set to be released from the penalty box, Noam Dar and Mensah block the door, so they are trapped. Henley and Stratton struggle to get out of the box while fighting each other. Henley climbs out of the top of the penalty box.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (12/5/23)

Stratton pushes her off the top, sending Henley crashing through the commentary desk. Stratton dives off the top of the box and lands on everyone else. Jordan tries a sunset flip Legend. Legend puts on the brakes. Stratton hits a double stomp on Legend. Before Jordan can get a pin, Stratton double-stomps her. Henley breaks up Stratton’s pin. In confusion, Davenport double-stomps Jordan and pins her.

Jordan has to go to the penalty box for 90 seconds

Legend 2 | Davenport 2 |Jordan 0 | Stratton 0 |Henley 1

Jordan is released from the box. Stratton lands the Prettiest Moonsault Ever on Legend for a pinfall.

Legend has to go to the penalty box for 90 seconds

Legend 2 | Davenport 2 |Jordan 0 | Stratton 1 |Henley 1

Jordan hits a 450 splash on Davenport and Stratton at the same time. Henley breaks up the pin. Davenport boots Henley in the face and gets a pin.

Henley has to go to the penalty box for 90 seconds

Legend 2 | Davenport 3 |Jordan 0 | Stratton 1 |Henley 1

Legend is released from the penalty box. Davenport runs away, and Legend runs out of time as the bell rings.

Winner and NEW Women’s Iron Survivor, Blair Davenport!

Davenport grabs a mic and says she’s going to take Lyra Valkyria’s title. Valkyria walks out on the ramp and holds up the NXT Women’s Championship. Someone attacks Valkyria from behind. It’s Cora Jade! Jade holds up the NXT Women’s Championship.

WWE NXT Deadline Results Continue on the Next Page!

Carmelo Hayes vs. Lexis King

King wants a handshake. Hayes kicks King’s hand away. King and Hayes trade strikes. King floors Hayes with a right hand. Hayes lands a flurry that ends with a dropkick. King rolls out of the ring. Hayes and King trade strikes. King tries a chop, but Hayes ducks. King chops the ring post. Has stomps on King’s hand on the ring steps. Hayes lights up King with strikes. King sends Hayes out of the ring. King dropkicks Hayes through the ropes. Hayes is sent into the ring steps. King kicks Hayes into the ring steps. Hayes screams in pain. King works over Hayes’ back. King demands Hayes shake his hand and show everyone that he’s a snake.

Hayes grabs King’s hand and gives him the finger. Hayes fires up and lands a bunch of punches before going up top. King cuts him off. Both men trade strikes up top. King clotheslines Hayes, and they both tumble to the floor. Both men get back in the ring to break the count. Hayes fires up again and hits his head scissor facebuster. King kicks out. Hayes tries a suplex, but King counters with a jackhammer. Kick out by Hayes. Hayes hits Nothing but Net for the win.

Winner- Carmelo Hayes

After the match, King grabs a mic and says he’s going to make it easy for Hayes. King says he wasn’t the one who attacked Trick Williams, but thanks for the PLE spotlight.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (12/5/23)

Men’s Iron Survivor Challenge: Trick Williams vs. Josh Briggs vs. Dijak vs. Bron Breakker vs. Tyler Bate

Dijak and Briggs start the match. Briggs rolls up Dijak for a near fall. Briggs and Dijack trade shoulder block. Dijak tries a boot, but Briggs catches it. Dijak does a backflip and lands on his feet. Briggs sweeps Dijak. Big boot by Briggs. Tossing suplex by Dijak. High Justice by Dijak. Briggs kicks out. Briggs lands another big boot. Dijack kicks out. Dijak lands Feast Your Eyes for a pinfall.

Briggs has to go to the penalty box for 90 seconds

Williams 0 | Briggs 0 |Dijak 1 | Breakker 0 |Bate 0

Tyler Bate is out next. Airplane spin by Bate. Briggs is released from the box. Briggs floors Dijak with a lariat for the pin.

Dijak has to go to the penalty box for 90 seconds

Williams 0 | Briggs 1 |Dijak 1 | Breakker 0 |Bate 0

Briggs attacks Bate. Bate lands a diving uppercut after Briggs is caught up on the top rope. Dijak is released from the box. Bate hits the Tyler Driver on Briggs. Dijak breaks up the pin. Bate rolls up Dijak for the pinfall.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (12/5/23)

Dijak has to go to the penalty box for 90 seconds

Williams 0 | Briggs 1 |Dijak 1 | Breakker 0 |Bate 1

Bate drops Briggs with a right hand. Dijak holds up the referee so Briggs is able to kick out. Trick Williams is up next. Wiliams clears the ring. Dijak is released from the box. Williams double neckbreakers Briggs and Dijak. Williams tries to pin both men, but they kick out. Dijak goes up top. Williams leaps off Brigg’s back and clothesline Dijak out of the air! Bate breaks up Williams’ pin. Williams and Bate trade airplane spins. Bate hits an airplane spin neck breaker. Briggs and Dijak break up the pin. Bate Tyler Drivers Williams for a pin.

Williams has to go to the penalty box for 90 seconds

Williams 0 | Briggs 1 |Dijak 1 | Breakker 0 |Bate 2

Bron Breakker is the last competitor out for the match. Breakker immediately Spears Briggs and pins him. Bate gets in the ring and gets Speared. Breakker pins him. Dijak dives off the top into a Spear from Breakker. Breakker pins Dijak. Breakker scored three points in under 40 seconds!

Briggs, Bate, and Dijak have to go to the penalty box for 90 seconds

Williams 0 | Briggs 1 |Dijak 1 | Breakker 3 |Bate 2

Williams is released from the box. Breakker and Williams trade strikes. Willams lands a dropkick that sends Breakker into the corner. Breakker floors Wiliams with a clothesline. Breakker puts Williams in the Recliner. Williams gets to the ropes. Everyone in the box is fighting. Dijak boots Williams in the face for a pin.

Williams has to go to the penalty box for 90 seconds

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (12/5/23)

Williams 0 | Briggs 1 |Dijak 2 | Breakker 3 |Bate 2

Breakker frankersteiners Dijak off the top, but Dijak falls into a Tyler Driver by Bate. Bate pins Dijak.

Dijak has to go to the penalty box for 90 seconds

Williams 0 | Briggs 1 |Dijak 2 | Breakker 3 |Bate 3

Breakker lands a backflip slam off the top on Bate. Briggs breaks up the pin. Everyone in the box has been released. Bate gets double chokeslamed by Briggs and Dijak. Briggs and Dijak both land moonsaults for pins.

Breakker and Williams have to go to the penalty box for 90 seconds.

Williams 0 | Briggs 2 |Dijak 3 | Breakker 3 |Bate 3

Briggs and Dijak boot each other in the face as Bate ducks. Williams and Breakker are released from the box. Breakker stops Williams from getting back in the ring. Breakker Spears Williams through the barricade. Dijak chokeslams Breakker through the commentary desk. Williams rolls up Briggs for the pin.

Briggs has to go to the penalty box for 90 seconds

Williams 1 | Briggs 1 |Dijak 2 | Breakker 3 |Bate 3

Dijak hits Feast your eyes on Williams. Eddy Thorpe comes down to ringside and breaks up the pin. Williams rolls up Dijak for the pin.

Dijak has to go to the penalty box for 90 seconds

Williams 2 | Briggs 1 |Dijak 2 | Breakker 3 |Bate 3

Bate flattens Williams with a corkscrew press. Bates tries the Tyler Driver, but Williams reverses it into a pinfall.

Bate has to go to the penalty box for 90 seconds

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (12/5/23)

Williams 3 | Briggs 1 |Dijak 2 | Breakker 3 |Bate 3

Breakker tries to Spear Williams, but Williams counters with a running knee for the pin!

Williams 4 | Briggs 1 |Dijak 2 | Breakker 3 |Bate 3

Winner and NEW Men’s Iron Survivor, Trick Williams!

Steel Cage Match: Roxanne Perez vs. Kiana James

James boots Perez in the face. Perez tries to send James into the cage, but she blocks it. Perez slingshots James into the cage. James catches herself and starts to climb the cage. Perez dropkicks the cage, causing James to fall to the apron. Perez leaps into James, but James slams her into the cage. James traps Perez’s hand in the cafe and stomps it repeatedly. James works over Perez. Perez fires up and sends James into the cage. Thez press off the top by Perez. Perez sends James into the cage repeatedly. Russian leg sweep by Perez. PK by Perez. James kicks out.

Perez climbs the cage. James follows. Perez and James fight on the top of the cage. James pulls Perez back into the ring. James powerbombs Perez off the bottom rope. Perez kicks out. James powerbombs Perez into the cage. James tries another, but Perez hits Pop Rocks. Perez takes a while to crawl to the cover. James kicks out. James tries to crawl out of the cage, even though they will not win the match. Perez drags James back into the ring. James pulls a chair in with her. Perez snatches the chair away and tries to close the cage door. Izzi Dame appears and slams the cage into Perez as she tries to close the door. James hits her finish using the chair for the win.

Winner- Kiana James

NXT Championship Match: Ilja Dragunov vs. Baron Corbin

Corbin works over Dragunov. Corbin works a side headlock. Dragunov escapes and runs right into another headlock. Dragunov catches Corbin with a boot. Corbin ends up near the ropes. Dragunov clotheslines Corbin over the top, but both men fall to the outside area. Dragunov German suplexes Corbin out on the floor. Corbin inverted suplexes Dragunov on the commentary desk. Corbin works over Dragunov. Dragunov fires up and tries a German suplex, but he can’t get Corbin up. Dragunov ribs are too damaged. Corbin lands a suplex of his own. Corbin picks up Dragunov and gives him a hug, mocking what Dragunov did to him on NXT last Tuesday. Uranage by Corbin. Dragunov kicks out. Backbreaker by Corbin.

Corbin locks in a dragon sleeper. Dragunov knees his way out of it. Dragunov blocks End of Days. Corbin tries a chokeslams. Dragunov blocks it and hits a running knee. Dragunov struggles to get up top. Corbin stirs. Dragunov lands a senton off the top. Dragunov is too hurt to try a pin. Corbin and Dragunov trade strikes. Corbin floors Dragunov with a lariat. Dragunov responds with a palm strike. Both men are down. Dragunov and Corbin are both exhausted as they trade strikes again. Machine gun chops by Dragunov. Dragunov face washes Corbin. Running boot by Dragunov. German suplex hold by Dragunov. Corbin kicks out.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (12/5/23)

Dragunov tries a powerbomb, but his back gives out. Corbin chokeslams Dragunov off the top. Dragunov kicks out. Corbin locks in another dragon sleeper. Dragunov escapes. Corbin charges in and gets DVD’d into the corner by Dragunov. Dragunov calls for his finish. Corbin counters with deep six. Dragunov kicks out. DVD by Corbin. Corbin lands a brainbuster. Kick out by Dragunov! Dragunov reverses End of Days into a powerbomb, but Dragunov still gets Corbin up.

Dragunov powers Corbin up and finally hits his powerbomb. Coast-to-coast by Dragunov. Dragunov calls for his finish again. Corbin counters with End of Days, but Dragunov escapes and hits three H-Bombs in a row. Dragunov doesn’t pin Corbin. Dragunov lifts Corbin up and hugs him. Corbin looks to be out cold. Dragunov whispers something to him and hits a Torpedo Moskau for the win!

Winner and STILL NXT Champion, Ilja Dragunov!

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