WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (10/30/23)

WWE Raw Results

October 30, 2023

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: Rhea Ripley, “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio, and JD McDonagh

Ripley says they run Raw. They have taken care of every superstar who has stood in their way. Damian Priest shattered Cody Rhodes’ ankle. Ripley says that’s just the beginning. Dominik is going to take out Ricochet. Ripley notes that McDonagh is going to show Seth Rollins what it means to be on The Judgement Day’s bad side. Rollins and Drew McIntyre have some decisions to make. Join The Judgement Day, or neither will leave Crown Jewel in one piece. Before Ripley can go on a rant about having the odds stacked against her at Crowd Jewel, Sami Zayn interrupts.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (10/23/23)

Zayn joins The Judgement Day in the ring and tells Ripley he’s tired of hearing her talk. Zayn says he will take a stand against The Judgement as long as a breath is left in his body. Ripley laughs at Zayn. They don’t need the numbers when it comes to Zayn. Ripley proposes Zayn go one-on-one with Damian Priest tonight. Dominik says they should teach him a lesson right now. Ricochet hits the ring to even the odds. McDonagh tries to attack Ricochet, but he gets dumped over the top. Dominik tries a sneak attack, but Ricochet turns around. Dominik falls on his butt, trying to get away. A back body drop by Dominik sends Ricochet out to the apron. Ricochet lands on his feet. Ricochet tries a kick, but Dominik grabs his leg and crotches him on the middle rope.

“Dirty” Dominik Mysterio w/Rhea Ripley and JD McDonagh vs. Ricochet

Dominik works over Ricochet. Ricochet fires up and lands a backflip kick off of Dominik’s chest. Suplex combo into a standing shooting star by Ricochet. Dominik kicks out. Dominik rolls out of the ring. Ripley and McDonagh check on him. Ricochet lands a dive. After the break, Dominik hits the three amigos. Dominik misses a 619. Handspring back elbow by Ricochet. Ricochet lands a flurry of offense. Springboard crossbody by Ricochet. Ricochet follows that with a lionsault. Dominik kicks out. Blockbuster by Dominik. Dominik misses a splash. Superkick by Ricochet. After a distraction from McDonagh and Ripley, Dominik rolls Ricochet up with a handful of tights and his feet on the ropes.

Winner- “Dirty” Dominik

After the match, Ricochet superkicks McDonagh and drops Dominik with the Recoil. Ripley pulls Dominik out of the ring as Ricochet sets up a shooting star press.

The Alpha Academy w/Tozawa and Maxxine Dupri vs. The Creed Brothers w/Ivy Nile

Gable and Julius trade takedowns, which leads to a stalemate. Gable takes Julius down. Julius lifts Gable in a suplex while he’s still on his knees. Julius gets to his feet and tags in Brutus. Brutus takes Gable from Julius and hits a suplex. Gable tags Otis. Otis runs over Brutus. Brutus tags in Julius. Otis clotheslines both Creeds at the same time. Gable dives off the top and hits a double clothesline. Otis and Gable land stereo suplexes on the Creeds. After the break, Gable traps Brutus in the ankle lock. Brutus turns it into a pin. Gable kicks out.

Suplex by Brutus. Gable deadlift German suplexes Brutus. Gable and Brutus tag out at the same time. Otis runs through a double clothesline by The Creeds. Otis clotheslines both Creeds out of their boots. Caterpillar by Otis. Julius kicks out. Julius lands a standing shooting star on Otis. Brutus follows that with a standing moonsault. Otis kicks out. Brutus and Otis trade clotheslines. Neither man will go down. Brutus dives off the top and is caught by Otis.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (10/23/23)

Otis crushes Brutus with the world’s strongest slam. Julius breaks up the pin with a 450 splash off the top. Gable breaks up that pin with a moonsault. Nile and Dupri take turns pulling each other off the apron. Tozawa tries to separate both women. Nile German suplexes Tozawa out on the floor. Otis goes up top but gets pulled off by Julius. Julius walks around with Otis on his shoulders. Brutus dives off the top, and the Creeds hit the Doomsday Brutus Ball for the win.

Winners- The Creed Brothers

After the match, The Creeds and The Alpha Academy shake hands.

Backstage, Priest questions Ripley over her booking a match for him without checking in. Ripley spins it as he’s the Punishment of The Judgment Day, and he handles anyone who opposes them.

Miz TV

Miz introduces his guest, Gunther. Gunther doesn’t come to the ring. Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci walk to the ring instead. Kaiser tells Miz that Gunther doesn’t come just because Miz calls. Kaiser tells Miz he’s a clown. Miz calls Kaiser a sidekick. Vinci tells Miz that he’s a sidekick to his wife. Miz jokes about Vinci being able to speak. Vinci says he speaks when he wants to. Kaiser tells Vinci that he speaks when Gunther of Kaiser tells him to.

Gunther’s music hits, and he stomps to the ring. Gunther says he isn’t Miz’s guest, and everything Miz does is beneath him. Miz sits back and listens. Gunther proclaims that he doesn’t respect Miz. Miz says he is the biggest star WWE has. Gunther says when it gets serious, all that matters is how serious you are. That’s why Miz hosts a talk show, and Gunther is the longest-reigning Intercontinental Champion.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (10/23/23)

Miz lists off all his accomplishments, including making the title Gunther is holding the most prestigious in WWE. Miz has no problem doing it again. Gunther laughs and asks if Miz is serious. Vinci and Kaiser start destroying the Miz TV set. Miz attacks Kaiser. Gunther drops Miz with a chop. Gunther tells Miz he’s better than him. Miz tries to fire up but eats a nasty boot from Gunther. Miz rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp. #DIY make their entrance at the same time as Miz storms off.

Backstage, Miz bursts into Adam Pearce’s office and demands a title match against Gunther. Pearce says he can’t just give Miz a shot. He’s about to speak to someone who wants a shot at Gunther. Bronson Reed walks in and says Pearce is talking about him. Miz says Reed can have it, but he’s going to be the one who takes the title from Gunther.


Ciampa and Gargano work over Vinci. Vinci catches Ciampa with a clothesline. Kaiser and Vinci take turns working over Ciampa. Gargano gets a blind tag. Gargano and Ciampa send Kaiser and Vinci out of the ring. Ciampa holds the ropes open as Gargano lands a dive. Kaiser and Vinci sneak attack Gargano and Ciampa as they celebrate on the ramp. After the break, Kaiser and Vinci are working over Gargano. Gargano manages to tag in Ciampa. Ciampa clears the ring. Vinci misses a moonsault off the top. Running knee by Ciampa. Gargano and Ciampa land Meet in the Middle for the win.

Winners- #DIY

WWE Raw Results Continue on the Next Page!

Candice LeRae w/Indi Hartwell vs Xi Li

LeRae attacks Li as soon as the bell rings. Li trips LeRae and chokes her with the ring skirt. Li obliterates LeRae with a spin kick. The referee checks on LeRae. Li tries to attack, but the referee holds her back. The referee calls for the bell. The referee is stopping the match.

Winner- Xi Li

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins vs. JD McDonagh

McDonagh attacks Rollins before the match starts. The referee asks if Rollins can go. Rollins says yes. The bell rings, and Rollins floors McDonagh with a clothesline. Rollins slams McDonagh all around ringside. Rollins works over McDonagh. McDonagh trips Rollins and lands a corkscrew splash. McDonagh works over Rollins. Rollins sends McDonagh over the top. A suicide dive by Rollins sends McDonagh flying over the commentary desk.

After the break, McDonagh misses a moonsault but lands on his feet. McDonagh and Rollins trade counters. Standing Spanish fly by McDonagh. Rollins kicks out. Buckle bomb by Rollins. Rollins goes up top, but he gets distracted by Damian Priest, who is walking to the ring with the MITB briefcase and a referee. Rollins tries a splash, but McDonagh turns it into a pin. Kick out by Rollins. Avalanche back superplex by Rollins. Pedigree by Rollins. Rollins immediately lands the Stomp for the win.

Winner- Seth Rollins

After the match, Rollins gets in Priest face.

Trick or Street Fight: Chelsea Green w/Piper Niven vs. Natalya

Green and Niven are dressed like the Hart Foundation. Green trips Natalya. Niven hands Green a pie. Green smashes the pie in Green’s face. Natalya clotheslines Green into the timekeeper’s area. Green hits Natalya with a trash can lid. Niven and Green lay Natalya on a table. Green tries a senton, but Natalya moves. Natalya tries to drown Green in a bobbing-for-apples bin. Niven tries to help Green. Natalya takes down Green and Niven and tries to put them both in the Sharpshooter.

Green kicks Natalya away. Green tries to hit Natalya with a pumpkin. When Green removes the pumpkin from the table, Nikki Cross’s head pokes through the table. Green empties a bag of candy corn in the ring. Green tries a superplex, but Natalya reverses it into a sunset bomb. Natalya sets up the Sharpshooter. Niven gets on the apron. Green tries to hit Natalya with another pie, but she moves. Green nails Niven. In the confusion, Green hits the UnprettyHer for the win.

Winner- Chelsea Green

Damian Priest vs. Sami Zayn

Zayn lands a flurry of strikes, followed by an elbow smash off the top. Priest fires back and sends Zayn out of the ring. Priest sends Zayn into the barricade. Zayn leaps off the barricade and lands a moonsault. Priest lands the broken arrow. Zayn lands a tornado DDT. Zayn sends Priest out of the ring. Priest gets to his feet. Zayn tries a dive, but Priest catches him. Priest chokeslams Zayn on the apron. Priest works over Zayn. Zayn fires up. Dominik and Finn Bálor come down to ringside. Priest hits the Reckoning on Zayn. Zayn kicks out. Jey Uso hits the ring and makes the save. Jey superkicks Priest, causing a disqualification.

Winner- Damian Priest

Jey tries to help Zayn up, but Bálor, Priest, and Dominik beat down Zayn and Jey. Cody Rhodes’ music hits. Rhodes limps to the ring and attacks Priest. Back in the ring, Zayn and Jey clear the ring. Jey and Zayn land stereo dives. Rhodes slams Priest into the ring post. Rhodes pulls Priest onto the announce desk. McDonagh appears out of nowhere and pulls Priest off the table. Zayn destroys McDonagh with a Helluva Kick. Rhodes begs Zayn to give him McDonagh. Rhodes hits two Crossroads on McDonagh on the commentary desk. Priest walks away. Rhodes grabs a mic and tells Priest it’s a joke that Priest follows behind Ripley. Rhodes says he’s back on his path, and at Crown Jewel, his path goes straight through Priest.

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