WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (10/17/23)

WWE NXT Results
October 17, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

The Bada Bing Bada Boom Battle Royal (Winners will become the No. 1 Contenders to the NXT Tag Team Championship)

The entire tag division is in the match, including SmackDown’s Brawling Brutes. The tag team champions, The D’Angelo Family, are watching the match. If your partner is eliminated, the entire team is. The final three teams are Andre Chase and Duke Hudson, The Creed Brothers, and Angel and Carrillo. The Creeds dump Carrillo. The referees don’t see the elimination, so Garza and Carrillo roll back in the ring and dump out both Creed Brothers. The final two teams will battle in a tag match to determine the winner.

Chase U vs. Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo

Jacey Jane and Thea Hail run down to ringside with pompoms to cheer for Chase and Hudson. Garza and Carrillo work over Chase. After the break, Chase manages to tag in Hudson, who clears the ring. Hudson lands sit down on Carrillo. Garza breaks up the pin. Garza DDTs Hudson outside the ring. Carrillo rolls up Chase. Chase kicks out. Carrillo lands a Liger bomb for a two count. Brutus Creed runs down to the ring and distracts the referee while Julius attacks Garza. Chase rolls up Carrillo for the win.

Winners and NEW Number One Contenders, Chase U!

In-Ring Segment: Carmelo Hayes

Hayes reminisces about the amazing experiences he had last week with John Cena and the Undertaker. Baron Corbin interrupts and makes fun of Hayes for acting like a fan. Dijak inturupts and tells Corbin and Hayes they are focused on the wrong thing. They should be focused on what he’s going to do to them. Hayes tells Dijak he will put him on a t-shirt. Ilja Dragunov appears on the ‘Tron and says he’ll be watching tonight.

Dragunov announces he asked Cody Rhodes for one thing before he left last week. Tonight’s match is now a fatal four-way match. Trick Williams music hits. Everyone trades barbs. Hayes looks devastated. Dijak and Corbin make a big deal about Williams stabbing Hayes in the back by never even talking to him about this. Hayes says he isn’t falling for it.

He’s willing to put anyone down to get his title back. Dijak specifically asks about Williams. Hayes and Williams stare daggers through each other. Corbin and Dijak attack Hayes and Williams. Hayes and Williams clear the ring. Hayes bows up like he’s going to attack Williams while his back is turned, but he thinks better of it.

Backstage, Fallon Henley and Tiffany Stratton argue

NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament: Karmen Petrovic vs. Jaida Parker

Parker decks Petrovic. Petrovic responds with a head scissors for a near fall. Parker stuns Petrovic’s arm on the top rope. Petrovic screams, in pain. Parker lays in a few shoulder blocks to Petrovic’s shoulder. Parker works over Petrovic’s arm. Petrovic rolls up Parker for a near fall. Packer lays Petrovic across the middle rope in the corner and lands a leaping hip check for a near fall. Petrovic fires up and lands a flurry of strikes. Petrovic traps Parker in a choke for the win.

Winner- Karmen Petrovic

Lyra Valkyria vs. Tegan Nox w/Natalya

Nox and Valkyria trade submission holds and roll ups. Neither woman can get a sustained advantage. Nox goes up top. Valkyria knocks her out to the floor. Diving dropkick by Valkyria. After the break, Nox and Valkyria are trading strikes. Valkyria lands a series of kicks. The last of which drops Nox. Nox kicks out at two. Valkyria tries a crossbody, but Nox turns it into a fallaway slam with a bridge for a near fall. Corner cannonball by Nox. Nox lands a Molly-go-round. Valkyria kicks out. Nox lands a PK. Valkyria kicks out again. WWE Women’s Tag Champions, Chelsea Green and Piper Niven walk down to ringside. In the confusion, Valkyria lands a head kick and pins Nox.

Winner- Lyra Valkyria

After the match, Natalya, Nox, Green, and Niven fight off. Valkyria grabs a mic and says and talks about how she’s going to beat Becky Lynch. Lynch appears on the ‘Tron and welcomes Valkyria to the big time.

Kiana James vs. Shotzi

James is all over Shotzi as soon as the bell rings. James slaps Shotzi. Shotzi slaps James back. Shotzi traps James in a rope choke. James slams Shotzi into the ring post and boots her off the apron. After the break, James goes for her purse. Roxanne Perez hops the barricade and takes the brick out of James’ purse. Shotzi hits a senton for the win.

Winner- Shotzi

NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament: Arianna Grace vs. Brinley Reece

Grace announces she will begrudgingly accept a bye in the tournament since her opponent, Jakara Jackson, is injured. Brinley Reece is announced as Jackson’s replacement. Grace is not pleased. Grace gives Reece her hand for her to kiss… Reece grabs a wrist lock. Grace escapes a slam and lands a series of suplexes. Grace works over Reece. Reece fires up and lifts Grace. Grace rakes Reece’s eyes and hits a modified suplex for the win.

Winner- Arianna Grace

Number One Contender’s Match: Carmelo Hayes vs. Dijak vs. Baron Corbin

Dijak and Corbin try to double chokeslam Hayes. Hayes blocks it and lands a few strikes. Dijak lands a nasty choke breaker. Both Corbin and Dijak try to pin Hayes at the same time, which doesn’t work. Hayes tries a crossbody. Dijak catches Hayes and tosses him clear across the ring. Corbin and Dijak trade strikes. Hayes tries to sneak in a double slingshot DDT. Corbin and Dijak both put on the brakes. Hayes counters and lands a double DDT anyway.

After the break, Hayes surprises Dijak with the first 48. Hayes goes up top. Corbin pulls Hayes off the top and hits a DVD on the floor. Hayes sends Corbin into Dijak. Dijak drops Corbin with High Justice. Hayes breaks up the pin with superkick. Hayes runs into a boot from Dijak that turns him inside out. Corbin escapes Dijak’s Feast Your Eyes and hits End of Days. Before Corbin can pin Dijak, Hayes hits Nothing by Net. Haye pushes Corbin and pins Dijak.

Winner and NEW Number One Contender, Carmelo Hayes!

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