WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (9/18/23)

WWE Raw Results
September 18, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: Cody Rhodes

Rhodes asks the crowd what they want to talk about. He was interrupted last week, so he would really like to talk about “Main Event: Jey Uso. Dominik Mysterio’s music hits. Dominik walks down the ramp and tries to speak. This goes as poorly as you would expect. The crowd drowns him out with jeers. Dominik tries to tell us that the only think Rhodes needs to know about Jey Uso is that he’ll be joining The Judgement Day. Rhea Ripley isn’t here tonight.

Dominik let’s us know that she was injured by Nia Jax last week. He’s dedicating his victory over Rhodes tonight to his Mami. Rhodes asks the crowd if they heard what he said. Rhodes glibbly asks Dominik to tell them again. He goes on to say that Dominik is trying to impress Ripley so she will finally define their relationship. Rhodes infers that Ripley really has eyes for Jey Uso. Dominik says that’s not true. The Judgement Day is a family and family always has each other’s back. Damian Priest and Finn Bálor saunter to the ring.

Cody Rhodes vs. Dominik Mysterio W/The Judgement Day

NXT’s Dragon Lee is in the crowd to watch this match. He’s challenging Dominik for the NXt North American Championship. Rhodes lands a stick and takes Dominik up in a delayed veritcle suplex. Figure Four by Rhodes. Dominik gets to the ropes. Rhodes ends up on the apron. Dominik distracts the referee. Bálor trips Rhodes off the apron. Dominik works over Rhodes. Rhodes surprises Dominik with the Cody Cutter. Rhodes hits Crossroads for the win.

Winner- Cody Rhodes

After the match. Bálor, Dominik, and Priest hop up on the apron. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn hit the ring and stand with Rhodes. The Judgement Day thinks better of it and walks away.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (9/11/23)

As Rhodes walks up the ramp, Owens grabs a mic and asks him to come back. He has something he has to say.

After the break, Owens ask Rhodes why he thought it was a good idea to bring Jey Uso into their locker room. Rhodes says his job is to make the people happy. He asks the crowd if they like Jey Uso. the crowd cheers. Rhodes says Jey Uso deserves a second chance. They should give him the chance to show he’s changed. Not to mention, The Bloodline is down a member. What’s bad about that? Zayn joins in and says Owens takes a bit more time to trust people and maybe he’s too quick to trust.

Zayn knows Jey Uso. He tells Owens he doesn’t have to give Jey Uso a second chance. They have given each other many second chances and that’s why they went on the WrestleMania to win the Undisputed Tag Team Championship. Owens tells Zayn and Rhodes that he will pretend Jey Uso wasn’t a key reason all three of them lost to Reigns, he will. He isn’t going to trust Uso, but he trust Zayn and Rhodes, so he hopes they are right.

Kofi Kingston vs. Ivar w/Valhalla

Kingston lands a few strikes before running into a standing whoopie cushion. Ivar works over Kingston. Kingston fires up and lands a crossbody off the top. Kingston floors Ivar with a head kick. Ivar kicks out. Ivar back body drops Kingston over the top rope. Kingston lands out on the floor. Ivar dives off the apron and hits a splash that almost drives Kingston through the floor.

After the break, Kingston takes control and lands the boom drop. Kingston misses Trouble in Paradise. Ivar lands a tiger bomb. Kingston kicks out. Ivar goes up to the second rope. Valhalla tells Ivar to go all the way up. Ivar goes up top and lands a moonsault. Kingston somehow kicks out. Ivar sets up a superplex. Kingston reverses it into a sunset flip bomb. Kingston lands Trouble in Paradise for the win.

Winner- Kofi Kingston

Shinskue Nakamura vs. Ricochet

After Nakamura makes his entrance, Seth Rollins music hits. Rollins tries to walk to the ring but Adam Pearce stands in the way. Referees and officials try to hold Rollins back. Rollins chases Nakamura around the ring. Nakamura hides behind the officials as they hold Rollins back.

After the break, Nakamura works over Ricochet. Ricohet fires up and lands a flurry of offense. After the break, Nakamura lands a sliding German suplex. Ricochet lands a springboard crossbody (and lands on Nakamura’s head in the process. Nakamura kicks out. Nakamura sends Ricochet out of the ring. Ricochet counters a charge by Nakamura with a chest kick backflip into an enziguri. Nakamura picks up a chair and misses a strike. Ricochet picks up the chair and hits Nakamura with it. Ricochet gets disqualified.

Winner- Shinsuke Nakamura

After the match, Ricochet argues with the referee. Nakamura chops blocks Ricochet. Kinshasa to the back of Ricochet’s head. Nakamura slams Ricochet’s leg into the ring post. Nakamura grabs a chair and hits Ricochet in the leg with it over and over again. Rollins hops the barricade and attacks Nakamura. Rollins tries to Pedigree Nakamura on a chair. Nakamura reverses it into a back body drop on the chair. Rollins rolls out of the ring and is swarmed by officials. Both men continue to brawl. Nakamura drives Rollins into the commentary desk, back first. Nakamura suplexes Rollins on the desk.

WWE Raw Results Continue on the Next Page!

WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Chelsea Green and Piper Niven vs. Shayna Baszler vs Zoey Stark

Stark works over Green. Slingshot senton by Stark. Baszler tags in and and wrist clutches Green. Green slaps Baszler. Baszler drips Green with a hammerlock neck breaker. Stark tags in and tries a splash in the corner. Niven pulls Green out of the way. Stark slams her head into the ring post. Green lands a missle dropkick for a near fall. Niven tags in and works over Stark. Baszler and Niven fight outside the ring. Niven slams Baszler out on the floor. Nia Jax appears out of nowhere and attacks Niven. Jax destroys everyone invovled in the match.

Winner- No Contest

Jax flattens Baszler in the corner. Jax owes Baszler for breaking her arm over a year ago. Baszler Bonzai drops Baszler in the corner.

Backstage, Chad Gable asks Ada Pearce for another shot at Gunther and the Intercontinental Championship. Pearce said its not that simple since Gable has had his shot. Bronson Reed walks in and tells Gable to get to the end of the line. The two want to fight tonight.

Backstage, Damian Priest tells Jey Uso that the rest of The Judgement Day wants Jimmy Uso, but he wants Jey to join instead. Priest asks Uso to give them an answer tonight.

Bronson Reed vs. Chad Gable w/Alpha Academy

Gable immediately tries to suplex Reed. Reed stuffs it and tosses Gable all over the ring. Afte rthe break, Gable fires up and tries another suplex. Reed falls on top of Gable. Reed lands the Tsunami for the win.

Winner- Bronson Reed

Backstage, Tommaso Ciampa says he has been waiting for his number to be called. He’s tired of waiting. He’s coming for Gunther and the IC title.

Backstage, Owens tells Zayn that he say Uso talking to Priest about joining The Judgement Day. Uso walks in and ask Owens why he’s talking behind his back. Owens says he will say it to his face. Owens doesn’t trust Uso and think she’s with The Judgement Day now. Uso says last week was an accident. Owens says he’s done and leave. Zayn says he knows Uso has a big decision to make tonight and wishes him the best.

In-Ring Segment: NXT Women’s Champion Becky Lynch

Lynch says she didn’t have winning this title on her bigo card, but she learned over the last few months is that you have to take the opportunities as they come. Lynch doesn’t want to just put this title on her mantle. She wants to elivate this title to levels it’s never seen before. Lynch wants to test herself against the very best the future has to offer. She will be at NXT tomorrow night, but tonight she is here and she knows there are women in the back who want to step up.

Lynch issues an open challenge. Natalya interrupts. Natalya says she has worked her butt off and deserves an opportunity. She accepts the challenge. Lynch says she has nothing but respect for Natalya. But she issued this challenge for someone new. Natalya calls Lynch a hypocrite since she went to NXT and stepped on every women there. Natalya pushes Lynch. Lynch accepts the challenge.

NXT Women’s Champion Match: Becky Lynch (c) vs. Natalya

Natalya sends Lynch out of the ring. After the break, Lynch eventually pins Natalya after countering a roll up with one of her own.

Winner and STILL NXT Women’s Champion, Becky Lynch!

Backstage, Dragon Lee is speaking with Adam Pearce. Dominik walks in and complains about Mami not being here because Pearce isn’t doing his job and let Nia Jax run wild. Dominik notices Lee standing there. He tells Pearce that he doesn’t like people in masks. They remind him of his deadbeat dad. Lee tells Dominik that he doesn’t know what Ripley sees in him, but what she won’t see after next week is Dominik with the NXT North American Championship.

Tommaso Ciampa vs. Giovanni Vinci w/Ludwig Kaiser

Vinci tries a springboard and eats a nasty knee to the face by Ciampa. Ciampa locks in the Sicilian Stretch. Vinci taps out.

Winner- Tommaso Ciampa

Backstage, Rollins says he is losing his mind. He’s going to put the ball in Nakamura’s court. Nakamura can name the time, place, and stipulation.

Jey Uso vs. Drew McIntyre

McIntyre and Jey lock up. McIntyre tosses Jey into the corner. Jey ducks a punch from McIntyre and lays in a flurry of strikes. Enziguri by Jey. McIntyre floors Jey with a clothesline. McIntyre works over Jey in the corner. Jey and McIntyre trade shots. Suplex by McIntyre. Jey kicks out. Jey sends McIntyre out of the ring. Dive by Jey. Jey lands another. Both men are down. The Judgement Day walks to the ring to watch the match. After the break, Jey fires up and lands a Samoan drop.

The Judgement Day surrounds the ring as Jey and McIntyre battle. McIntyre calls for the Claymore. Dominik distracts the referee. Priest pulls McIntyre’s foot. Jey lands a kick for a near fall. Jey rolls into the corner. The Judgement Day surrounds him and gives him words of encouragement. Jey superkicks each member of The Judgement Day off the apron. Jey turns around and eats a Claymore from McIntyre. McIntyre pins Jey.

Winner- Drew McIntyre

After the match, The Judgement Day stomps Jey in the ring. McIntyre looks on from the ramp. He debates on helping, but he eventually walks towards the stage. McIntyre turns around and looks at the carnage in the ring. Cody Rhodes’ music hits, and he runs down to the ring. Rhodes makes the save and helps Jey clear the ring.

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