WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (9/5/23)

WWE NXT Results

September 5, 2023

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (8/29/23)

NXT Women’s Championship Match: Tiffany Stratton (c) vs. Kiana James

Stratton and James lock up. Stratton floors James with a shoulder block. James tries a clothesline. Stratton matrixes to avoid it. James and Stratton take turns flipping out of the other’s attacks. Neither woman can get an advantage until Stratton double-legs James and tries a pin with her feet on the ropes. The referee sees Stratton cheating, so he stops the count. Stratton and the referee argue. James rolls up Stratton with a hand full of tights.

The referee sees it and stops the count. James works over Stratton. Stratton fires up. After trading big moves, both women clothesline each other simultaneously. Stratton picks up James’ purse and tries to use it as a weapon. James ducks and hits the 401K. Stratton kicks out. The referee throws the loaded purse out of the ring. Stratton pokes James in the eye and hits a rolling senton. Stratton hits the Prettiest Moonsault Ever for the win.

Winner and STILL NXT Women’s Champion, Tiffany Stratton!

Beck Lynch appears on the ‘Tron and tells Stratton she’s won everything there is to win except the NXT Women’s Championship. Lynch will face Stratton for the title next week in the main event of NXT.

Backstage, The Creed Brothers are with Ivy Nile. They want to get back to the top of the NXT Tag division. They invited all the tag teams here to make their intentions known. Tony D. Stacks walk in and both team joke with each other. Idris Enofé and Malik Blade join in and tell Brutus and Julius they need to go to the back of the line.

Ilja Dragunov vs. Oro Mensah w/Meta-four

Dragunov tosses Mensah all over the ring. Mensah tries to fire up, but Dragunov pump kicks him in the face. Mensah surprises Dragunov with a springboard moonsault. Dragunov tries a Tiger Feint, but Mensah superkicks him. Mensah works over Dragunov. Mensah mocks Dragunov and sets up his own Torpedo Moskau. Dragunov blocks it with an enziguri. Dragunov hits the Torpedo Moskau for the win.

Winner- Ilja Dragunov

Wes Lee walks to the ring and tells Dragunov he has to wait his turn. Lee gets the next shot at the NXT Champion, Carmelo Hayes. Dragunov says Lee is mistaken. Carmelo Hayes interrupts. Hayes spoke with Shawn Michaels, and he gave Hayes all the advice he needed. Hayes tells both men they slipped up during their matches with him, and he took advantage. HBK has booked Lee vs. Dragunov next week to solve the number one contender issue. The winner gets a title shot.

Group B Heritage Cup Invitational Match: Nathan Frazer vs. Duke Hudson w/Andre Chase

Frazer counters Hudson’s Razor’s Edge with a rana. Frazer lands a Phoenix Splash for the win.

Winner- Nathan Frazer

Back at the Creed Brother’s tag team summit,

Dabba-Kato vs. Tyler Bate

Bate attacks Dabba-Kato as soon as the bell rings. Bate tries to fireman’s carry Dabba-Kato but can’t lift him. Dabba-Kato tosses Bate all over the ring. Bate lands a diving European uppercut. Bate lifts Dabba-Kato, and airplane spins him. Bate hits a spiral tap for the win.

Winner- Tyler Bate

Backstage, Kiana James and Roxanne Perez get into a brawl.

WWE NXT Results Continue on the Next Page!

North American Championship Number One Contender’s Match: Dragon Lee vs. Mustafa Ali (NA Champion Dominik Mysterio is the special guest referee)

Ali and Lee trade counters. So far, Dominik is calling the match down the middle. Ali catches Lee with a rana. Ali lays in a few strikes. Lee trips Ali in the corner and lands a slingshot dropkick to Ali’s face. Ali kicks out. Ali lands a buckshot lariat out of the corner. Lee kicks out. Lee sends Ali out of the ring. Suicide dive by Lee. Alu goes flying over the commentary desk.

Ali does another buckshot lariat, this time using the commentary desk. Tornado DDT by Ali. Lee kicks out again. German suplex by Lee. Ali kicks out. Ali flips out of a powerbomb and hits a slingshot Jackhammer for a near fall. Lee lands his Elevated sit-out powerbomb. Dominik counts… a bit slowly. Ali kicks out. Lee and Dominik argue. Ali rolls up Lee. Dominik quickly counts to three.

Winner and NEW Number One Contender, Mustafa Ali!

After the match, Dominik raises Ali’s hand. Ali sees what happened on the ‘Tron. Ali decks Dominik. Dominik goes down like a sack of bricks. Ali shakes Lee’s hand and rolls out of the ring.

Group A Heritage Cup Invitational Match: Butch vs. Axiom

Butch pushes Axiom. Axiom almost traps Butch in a knee bar. Butch escapes. Butch works over Butch’s arms and shoulders. Axiom and Butch trade strikes. Butch blasts Axiom with a lariat. X-plex by Butch. Basement dropkick by Butch. Butch uses the ropes to snap back Axiom’s arms. The Meta-Four are watching from a box in the upper deck. After the break, the time limit expires as Axiom kicks out of Butch’s Bitter End.

No contest

Backstage, Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza arrive at the tag team summit and start a brawl with Tony D and Stacks. Everyone starts to fight.

Thea Hail w/Jacy Jayne vs. Gigi Dolan

Hail and Dolan go back and forth. Hail counters the Gigi Driver. Kimura by Hail. Dolan gets to the ropes and rolls out of the ring. Hail follows. Dolan sends Hail into the ring post. While the referee is distracted, Blair Davenport runs down to ringside and flattens Dolan with a Arm-DT. Davenport sends Dolan back into the ring. Hail locks in the Kimura again. Dolan taps out.

Winner- Thea Hail

No Disqualification Match: Bron Breakker vs. Von Wagner w/Mr. Stone

Baron Corbin is at the commentary desk for this match. Breakker drives Wagner into the corner. Breakker drives his shoulder into Wagner’s gut repeatedly. Wagner pops back up to his feet. Breakker clotheslines Wagner over the top rope. Breakker slams Wagner’s head on the commentary desk. Wagner fires up and sends Breaker flying over the commentary desk. Wagner sends Breakker back into the ring. Wagner clotheslines Breakker over the top. Wagner follows Breakker. Breakker hits Wagner in the stomach with a chair. Wagner rips the chair away. Breakker sends Wagner flying with a German suplex.

After the break, Breakker lands the Steiner Bulldog. Breakker locks Wagner in the Recliner with a kendo stick. Wagner gets to his feet and breaks the hold. Breakker and Wagner trade strikes. Gutbuster by Breakker. Breakker misses a Spear in the corner and runs head-first into a chair. Chokeslam by Wagner. Breakker kicks out. Wagner tosses Breakker out of the ring. Wagner tosses Breakker through a wall.

Wagner drags Breakker back to ringside and sets up a powerbomb through the commentary desk. Breakker escapes. Wagner and Breakker trade shots. Breakker charges at Wagner. Wagner pop-up powerbomb Breakker through the table. Wagner brings Breakker back into the ring. Breakker slips off Wagner’s shoulder and low blows him. Spear by Breakker. Breakker pins Wagner.

Winner- Bron Breakker

After the match, Breakker hits Wagner with a chair. Breakker lays Wagner’s head on the metal base of the ring steps. Breakker goes to crush Wagner’s head with the other half of the steel ring steps. Just as he’s about to connect, the screen cuts to black. We can hear the commentary team yelling about what Breakker just did. Corbin says he can’t believe Breakker actually did it.

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