WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (8/28/23)

WWE Raw Results
August 28, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Sami Zayn vs. Damian Priest

Priest locks in a side headlock. Zayn sends Priest into the ropes. Shoulder block by Priest. After a leapfrog/dropdown spot, Zayn sends Priest flying with a deep hip toss. Zayn lands a few strikes. Priest fires back, crumpling Zayn in the corner. Priest runs into an elbow. Zayn lands an elbow to the top of Zayn’s head from the second rope. Priest rolls out of the ring. Priest gets to his feet. Zayn lands an Arabian press to the outside. Corner 10 punches by Zayn. Priest avoids Zayn’s rope-walk DDT. Lariat by Priest. Priest works over Zayn. Zayn tries a dive, but Priest cuts him off. Zayn sends Priest into the ring post.

Zayn tries another dive. Priest catches him and hits a flatliner on the commentary desk. After the break, Zayn surprises Priest with a sunset flip powerbomb off the second rope. Priest kicks out. Zayn tosses Priest over the top. Zayn lands a dive and sends Priest back into the ring. Priest misses a splash in the corner. Blue thunder bomb by Zayn. Priest kicks out. Priest stuns Zayn on the top rope. Zayn walks into a kick by Priest. Priest sets up the Razor’s Edge. Zayn escapes and sends Priest into the corner with an exploder. Zayn calls for the Helluva Kick. JD McDonagh appears at ringside and pulls Zayn’s leg. In the confusion, Priest hits South of Heaven for the win.

Winner- Damian Priest

After the match, McDonagh rolls into the ring. Priest pushes McDonagh on his butt and rolls out of the ring. Kevin Owens is in the ring with Zayn. Owens drops McDonagh with the Stunner. Helluva Kick by Zayn. Priest leaves McDonagh to his beating.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (8/21/23)

Backstage, Riddle tries to get Drew McIntyre to switch to matching ring gear as him. McIntyre is holding a mock-up photo of McIntyre wearing Riddle’s tights.McIntyre says they need to work things out before they get ahead of themselves. The New Day walks in. Riddle and McIntyre will be at ringside for their match against the Viking Raiders.

LA Knight’s music hit. The crowd goes nuts. The Miz walks out, dressed like LA Knight.

In-Ring Segment: The Miz

The Miz mocks Knight’s fake tough guy voice and says “yeah” a lot. Miz grabs a back and says it’s full of LA Knight t-shirts. Miz says, if you want a free LA Knight t-shirt, give him a hell yeah, err he means a yeah. He goes to toss a shirt into the crowd, but it doesn’t make it to the crowd. Miz rips off his LA Knight gear and calls Knight a flash in the pan. When the dust settles, everyone will know whose game it really is, M-I-Z, yeah.

The New Day vs. The Viking Raiders

Riddle and McIntyre are at the commentary desk. Riddle brought the picture of McIntyre with him for… reasons. Woods takes advantage early. Kingston tags in and sends Ivar over the top. Kingston lands the trust fall, taking out both Viking Raiders. After the break, Erik and Ivar are working over Kingston. Kingston manages to tag in Woods. Woods clears the ring. Erik stops Woods with a full Nelson backbreaker. Woods kicks out. Erik and Ivar set up a double-team, but Woods escapes. Iver gets tossed out of the ring.

Woods drop-toe holds Erik. Kingston gets the tag and lands a splash on Erik’s back. Ivar breaks up the pin. Kingston misses Trouble in Paradise. Ivar and Kingston fall over the top rope. Ivar press slams Kingston on the ring steps. Before Kingston can get to his feet, Ivar tosses him into McIntyre and Riddle at the commentary desk. McIntyre tosses his chair at Ivar in the ring. He tries to toss Riddle’s chair at Erik, but he ducks. The chair hits Woods. The Viking Raiders hit Ragnorok for the win.

Winners- The Viking Raiders

After the match, McIntyre and Riddle check on Woods with Kingston.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (8/21/23)

Backstage, Damian Priest and Finn Bálor argue about McDonagh getting involved tonight. Bálor says they need to be on the same page when they get their tag title shot. Rhea Ripley steps in and tells them both that they need to figure this out and win at WWE Payback. If not, there are going to be some changes in The Judgement Day.

Backstage, Kingston walks out of the trainer’s room. Riddle and McIntyre are waiting to check on Woods. McIntyre apologizes. Kingston says they know he didn’t do it on purpose. McIntyre says he is going to take care of this Viking Raider problem, and he isn’t going to have to tag in to do it. McIntyre walks off. Riddle says they are a team, so he follows.

WWE Raw Results Continue on the Next Page!

Ludwig Kaiser w/IMPERIUM vs. Chad Gable w/Otis and Maxxine Dupri

Before the match, Gunther stands on the commentary desk and notes that Gable made history. Gable won a match against him by count-out. Gable won nothing because Gunther still stands here as the Intercontinental Champion. The one thing Gable has accomplished is pissing Gunther off. Gunther goes on a rant in his native language. Now Gable has his attention. Next week, Gunther will defend the title against Gable on Raw.

Gable won’t beat him next week, and he isn’t going to beat Kaiser tonight. Gable and the rest of Alpha Academy interrupt. He isn’t going to shoosh Gunther tonight because he’s making some sense tonight. Gable is the only person to beat Gunther on the main roster. He promises to take away Gunther’s title. Gable eventually lands the Chaos Theory. Vinci hits the ring and attacks Gable to cause a disqualification.

Winner- Chad Gable

After the match, IMPERIUM beats down Gable and Otis. Gunther tries to powerbomb Gable. Gable reverses it into the ankle lock. Kaiser and Vinci save Gunther. Gunther powerbombs Gable and poses over him.

In-Ring Segment: WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins

Rollins says it’s been a long week, so he will keep it short and sweet. Rollins demands Shinsuke Nakamura come to the ring and say what he has to say to his face. A video package airs where Nakamura says he will be why Rollins’ wife has to help him out of bed in the morning. Rollins states that Nakamura settled on a video package instead of facing him. Rollins doesn’t care that he has two broken bones in his back. Shinsuke Nakamura won’t take anything from him. Nakamura appears in the ring and hits a Kinshasa to Rollins’ back. Nakamura kicks Rollins in the face for good measure.

Tommaso Ciampa vs. Bronson Reed

Reed attacks Ciampa in the aisle. Ciampa fires back and lands a diving knee off the apron. After the commercial, the match officially starts. Reed works over Ciampa. Ciampa manages to lift Reed up and hit an air raid crash. Reed kicks out. Sit out powerbomb by Reed. Ciampa kicks out. Reed sends Ciampa into the ring steps. Running shoulder block by Reed. Ciampa surprises Reed with Willow’s bell. Ciampa lands a running knee. Reed kicks out. Ciampa takes Reed over with a Crucifix bomb. Ciampa gets an awkward cover for a three count.

Winner- Tommaso Ciampa

Tiffany Stratton is in the crowd.

In-Ring Segment: Rhea Ripley and Dominik Mysterio

Ripley says Raquel Rodriguez had to fake an injury to get one over on her. Rodriguez may be strong, but she isn’t Rhea Ripley. Rodriguez interrupts and marches to the ring. Ripley and Rodriguez brawl. Rodriguez sends Ripley out of the ring. Rodriguez walks down Dominik. Ripley attacks from behind and tries Riptide. Rodriguez escapes and drops Ripley with a clothesline.

Falls Count Anywhere Match: Becky Lynch vs. Zoey Stark w/Trish Stratus

Both women enter the ring with a kendo stick. Lynch manages to wack stark first. Lynch lands a few more shots with the kendo stick. White Russian leg sweep by Lynch. Lynch locks in a crossface using the Kendo stick. Stark grabs the ropes, but that doesn’t cause a break. Stark pulls herself out of the ring. Stratus hits Lynch with a kendo stick. Lynch kicks Stratus away. Lynch dives off the second rope and lands on Stratus and Stark. Springboard dropkick by Stark. Lynch kicks out.

Stratus tries to throw a chair in the ring, but it hits Stark in the face. Stratus sends a few chairs into the ring. Lynch lands a leg drop for a near fall. Lynch tries the Disarmher, but Stark trips Lynch on a bunch of chairs. Stark tries the Z360, but Lynch reverses it into the Manhandle Slam. Stratus breaks up the pin. Lynch chases Stratus around the ring. Lynch snatches a Kendo stick from Stratus and whips her with it. Stratus screams in pain. Lynch beats Stratus all the way up the ramp. Stark hits Lynch with a chair and gets a two count.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (8/21/23)

After the break, Lynch lands a superplex on a bunch of chairs. Lynch sets up a Manhandle Slam on the commentary desk. Stratus reappears and trips Lynch on the desk. Lynch sends Stark into the timekeeper’s area. Lynch tries to Manhandle Slam Stark off a platform. Stratus breaks it up and hits Stratusfaction through a table. Stark tries to pin Lynch, but she kicks out! Stark accidentally punches Stratus, sending her flying off a platform through a table. Both Stark and Lynch are shocked. Lynch Manhandle Slams Stark off the platform through a table. Lynch pins Stark.

Winner- Becky Lynch

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