WWE NXT Great American Bash Results
Image Credit: WWE

WWE NXT Great American Bash Results (7/30/23)

WWE NXT Great American Bash Results Results
July 30, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com


Dragon Lee, Nathan Frazer, Yulisa Leon, and Valentina Feroz Def. Meta-Four

Main Card

Tony D’Angelo and Stacks vs. Gallus w/Joe Coffey

Wolfgang beats Stacks into the corner. Wolfgang tosses Stacks clear across the ring. Mark Coffey tags in and lands a few strikes. Stacks fires back with a dropkick. D’Angelo tags in and works over Mark and Wolfgang. D’Angelo hip tosses Stacks into Mark. Mark kicks out. D’Angelo walks into a clothesline from Wolfgang outside the ring. Wolfgang and Mark work over Stacks. Stacks manages to tag in D’Angelo. D’Angelo clears the ring. D’Angelo superplexes Mark. Stacks follows that with a diving headbutt. Wolfgang breaks up the pin.

D’Angelo and Wolfgang clothesline each other at the same time. Wolfgang gets a blind tag and pounces Stacks. Wolfgang tosses Mark over the top. Mark lands on D’Angelo. Back in the ring, Wolfgang lands a moonsault off the top. Stacks kicks out. Joe Coffey distracts the referee while Mark and Wolfgang hit their finish on Stacks. D’Angelo breaks up the pin. D’Angelo powerbomb Mark into Wolfgang outside the ring. Joe Coffey tries to attack Stack. D’Angelo wacks Joe Coffey in the head with a crowbar. Stacks and D’Angelo hit Bada Bing on Wolfgang for the win.

Winners and NEW NXT Tag Team Champions, Tony D’Angelo and Stacks!

Weapons Wild Match: Roxanne Perez vs. Blair Davenport

Someone wearing all black attacks Perez from the crowd during her entrance. The person pulls their hood off, and it’s Blair Davenport. Davenport runs into the ring steps trying to catch Perez with a knee strike. Perez lands a cross body off the barricade. Davenport grabs a chair. Perez knocks Davenport out of the ring. Tope suicida by Perez. Perez tries another one, but Davenport holds up a trash can. Perez crashes into the trash can head first. Davenport hits Perez with a chair.

Perez’s family is in the crowd. They look on, horrified, as Davenport slams Perez’s head into the ring steps. Davenport traps Perez in a garbage can. Davenport hits the can with a cattle brand over and over again. The referee checks on Perez as Davenport celebrates. Perez manages to roll over, only to get hit in the gut with a chair. Davenport tosses a few more weapons into the ring to continue her assault. Perez manages to hit Davenport in the gut with a chair. Perez lands a modified Van Daminator. Davenport rolls out of the ring.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (7/25/23)

Perez follows and gets whipped by Davenport with a belt. Davenport wraps the belt around Perez’s wrist and whips her into the barricade. Davenport jaws at Perez’s family. Perez hits Davenport with a bull rope. Perez whips Davenport with the belt before using it to send Davenport into the barricade multiple times. Davenport writhes in pain as Perez pulls a table from under the ring. Davenport stacks a few chairs on top of each other.

Perez counters Davenport’s suplex attempt by kicking her into a chair in the corner. Perez sets up Pop Rocks, but Davenport escapes. Davenport lands a spinning suplex on a trash can. Perez kicks out. Davenport tries a double stomp off the top, but Perez moves. Perez lands a running knee that crushes Davenport into the ring steps. Perez puts Davenport through a table with a splash off the top. Davenport is out of it. Perez sends Davenport back into the ring and hits Pop Rocks on the pile of chairs for the win.

Winner- Roxanne Perez

Baron Corbin vs. Gable Steveson

Steveson immediately takes Corbin down with a single leg. Steveson backs off and smiles at Corbin. Corbin and Steveson lock up. Steveson lands an elbow strike. Corbin drives Steveson into the corner and lands a few strikes. Corbin sends Steveson into the corner. Steveson leaps over Corbin. Corbin rolls out of the ring. Corbin tries a sneak attack and gets taken down again. Steveson locks Corbin in the ankle lock.

Corbin rolls out of the ring to escape. Steveson follows, and German suplexes Corbin out on the floor. Steveson sets up another, but Corbin sends him into the ring post. Corbin works over Steveson. Corbin mushes Steveson in the face. Steveson fires up and lands a few strikes. Steveson lands three belly-to-belly suplexes. The fight spills out of the ring. Steveson tosses Corbin over the commentary desk. The referee calls for the bell. Both men have been counted out.

No Contest

Steveson and Corbin go flying over the commentary desk, fighting. Referees and security try to separate both men. Steveson suplexes a bunch of security guards. Corbin and Steveson fall out of the ring fighting. Corbin charges at Steveson. Steveson belly-to-belly suplexes Corbin through the barricade.

North American Championship Match: Dominik Mysterio (c) w/Rhea Ripley vs. Wes Lee vs. Mustafa Ali

Dominik rolls out of the ring. Ripley asks for someone to get her the North American Championship. Ripley and Dominik try to take a walk. Ali and Lee surround them. Ripley tells Dominik to run. Ali and Lee chase Dominik. Dominik gets pulled back into the ring by Lee and Ali. Lee and Ali fight over who is going to beat up Dominik. Both men chop Dominik trying to chop each other. Dominik falls out of the ring. Lee and Ali trade strikes. Ali and Lee fight on the top rope. Dominik rolls back into the ring and pushes both men off the top. Lee and Ali both crash and burn. Dominik hits the three amigos on Ali.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (7/25/23)

Lee tries to break it up and eats two suplexes from Dominik. Ali tries to break that up. Dominik grabs Ali and tries to suplex both men at once. Ali and Lee reverse it into a double suplex of their own. Ali and Lee roll through and hit another double suplex. Lee whips Ali into the corner. Ali dropkicks Dominik off the apron. Tornado DDT by Ali. Dominik tries to break up the pin, but Ali moves out of the way. Ali puts Lee in a Boston crab on top of Dominik. Tope suicida by Lee. Ripley tries to clothesline Lee, but he ducks it. Ripley tells Lee not to do that again. Lee rolls back into the ring.

Ali pulls Dominik into a camel clutch. Dominik bites Ali’s hand to break the hold. Ali superkicks Dominik and Lee. Both men fall on the bottom rope and are laid out. Ali goes up top and tries a 450. Dominik and Lee both move out of the way. Ali hits the apron hard. Dominik rolls up Lee. Lee kicks out.

Ripley hops up on the apron. Lee leaps over Ripley and lands on Dominik. Ripley chases Lee. Ripley pulls Lee off the apron and gives him Riptide through the commentary desk. Dominik tries to pin Lee. Lee kicks out. After a bit of misdirection from Ripley, Dominik hits Lee with the WWE World Women’s Championship. Lee kicks out again. Dominik goes up top. Ali dropkicks Dominik off the top. Dominik’s leg gets caught in the turnbuckle. Ali crushes Lee with a 450 splash. Ripley pulls Ali out of the ring during his pin. Dominik hits a frog splash on Lee for the win.

Winner and STILL NXT North American Champion, Dominik Mysterio!

WWE NXT Great American Bash Results Continue on the Next Page!

NXT Women’s Championship Submission Match: Tiffany Stratton (c) vs. Thea Hail w/Duke Hudson and Andre Chase

Hail immediately goes after Stratton’s arm. Stratton turns it into a roll up. The referee tells Stratton there are no pins. Stratton tries to turn it into a knee bar. Hail kicks her away. Hail tries a leapfrog. Stratton picks Hail’s leg out of the air and traps her in a surfboard stretch. Hail reverses that into an armbar. Stratton escapes. Hail lands a series of arm drags. Stratton rolls out of the ring. Hail tries a dive. Stratton avoids it. Stratton sends Hail into the ring post, back first. Hail clutches at her back as Stratton continues her assault.

Stratton focuses her offense on Hail’s back. Hail fires up and lands a flurry of offense. Hail tries a springboard. Stratton counters and traps Hail in a body scissors. Hail fires up again and escapes. Crossbody off the top by Hail. Stratton rolls through and tries to slam Hail. Hail counters into the Kimura. Stratton quickly reverses that into a suplex into the corner. Rolling senton by Stratton. Stratton goes up for her moonsault. Hail cuts her off. Avalanche suplex by Hail. Hail rolls Stratton into a modified Kimura.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (7/25/23)

Stratton gets to the ropes, but there is no rope break. Stratton pulls herself out of the ring. Hail gets sent into the ring steps. Stratton pulls Hail back into the ring and hits the Prettiest Moondault ever to Hail’s back. Stratton traps Hail in a Boston crab. Hail struggles to get to the ropes. Stratton pulls Hail back to the center. Stratton puts a knee in Hail’s back and switches to a single-leg crab. Hail won’t submit. Chase throws in the towel.

Winner and STILL NXT Women’s Champion, Tiffany Stratton!

NXT Championship Match: Carmelo Hayes (c) w/Trick Williams vs. Ilja Dragunov

Hayes takes Dragunov down in a wrist lock. Dragunov eventually fights to his feet and reverses the hold. Hayes floors Dragunov with an elbow strike. Hayes goes to a standing armbar. Dragunov and Hayes trade reversals and submission attempts. Hayes chops the life out of Dragunov. Dragunov dives Hayes into the corner and lights him up with a chop. Hayes fires back. Dragunov rolls out to the apron. Springboard clothesline by Hayes. Hayes lands a big boot that sends Dragunov flying.

Hayes eats an enziguri that turns him inside out. Dragunov catches Hayes in the air as he tries a springboard. German suplex by Dragunov. Dragunov works over Hayes. Dragunov chops Hayes in the corner. Hayes fires back with a nasty chop of his own. Dragunov lights Hayes up with machine gun chops. Hayes gets dropped with a spinning back chop. Hayes screams while holding his chest, which is beet red. Constantine Special by Dragunov. Hayes kicks out. Dragunov locks Hayes in a cobra clutch with a body scissor. Hayes manages to reverse it into a pin. Dragunov kicks out.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (7/25/23)

Big boot by Dragunov. Hayes kicks out. Dragunov lands a short-arm clothesline. Dragunov tries another, but Hayes kicks him in the face. Hayes lands a few more kicks. Dragunov won’t let go of Hayes’ wrist. Hayes unloads on Dragunov with kick after kick to the face. Dragunov lets go. Dragunov lands a boot. Hayes bounces off the ropes and crushes Dragunov with a head scissor into a facebuster. Dragunov and Hayes trade strikes. Hayes blasts Dragunov with a lariat. Dragunov avoids the first 48 by Hayes. Hammer and anvil stikes by Dragunov.

Hayes lands a few of his own. Dragunov tries the Constantine Special, but Hayes surprises him with a springboard DDT. Dragunov kicks out. Hayes unloads on Dragunov before going up top. Dragunov cuts Hayes off and lands another enziguri. Dragunov hits a senton off the top. Hayes kicks out. Dragunov tries to go coast-to-coast, but Hayes counters with the first 48. Hayes tries Nothing but Net.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (7/25/23)

Dragunov turns it into a powerbomb. Hayes hits the mat, head first. Dragunov lands the knockout shot. Hayes kicks out. Dragunov sets Hayes on the top rope. Dragunov sets up a superplex. Hayes reverses it into a cutter off the top. Dragunov kicks out! Williams grabs the NXT Championship and yells at Hayes to remember who he is and why they are here. Dragunov and Hayes trade strikes. Both men are exhausted, falling all over each other, trying to land a hit. Hayes and Williams confer outside the ring. Dragunov leaps off the ring steps, but Williams pushes Hayes out of the way. Dragunov crashes into Williams and the NXT title. Hayes sends Dragunov back into the ring and hits Nothing but Net for the win!

Winner and STILL NXT Champion, Carmelo Hayes!

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