WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (7/18/23)

WWE Raw Results Results
July 18, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams

Williams says it’s a few weeks till The Great American Bash, so they want to get right to it. Williams introduces Hayes. Hayes says he wants to do the whole “I Yam” thing, but last week that wasn’t the case. Williams reminds Hayes that The Judgment Day cheated to win last week. Hayes says they were this close to defeating the most dominant team in WWE, The Judgement Day, but the new number one contender stuck his nose in their business. Ilja Dragunov’s ears must be ringing because he interrupts right on cue.

Dragunov says he was looking forward to facing Hayes at the Bash, but he witnessed Hayes lose control last week. Hayes says he knows what Dragunov is capable of. Dragunov says the thing that makes him different is when he steps into the ring, he makes people feel something, and at the Great American Bash, he will make Hayes feel defeat. Hayes tells Dragunov that he feels the weight of being the champion. He feels everything. No one is more qualified to face him at the Great American Bash than Dragunov. He is Mr. PLE, and he hits different.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (7/11/23)

He plans on having a long title reign. Dragunov retorts that Hayes is going to have to hit harder than he ever has. At the Great American Bash, Hayes is going to face the most intense man in WWE. Hayes says he’s going to blow Dragunov’s fire out. For one of them, it’s going to be champagne, and for the other just pain. Hayes raises the title in Dragunov’s face.

Backstage, Mustafa Ali tells Wes Lee he made a mistake taking the title match at The Great American Bash. Lee asks Ali if he doesn’t think he can get past Dominik. Ali says they call him “Dirty Dom” for a reason. Lee says he’ll see Ali at the PLE.

Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza vs. The Heritage Cup Champion Nathan Frazer and Dragon Lee

Garza and Carrillo attack before the bell rings. Frazer and Garza trade strike and pin attempts. Frazer catches Garza with a dropkick. Lee and Frazer double hip toss Garza and land stereo dropkick. Garza slams Lee’s head into the mat. Carrillo tags in and works over Lee, ripping and tearing at his mask in the process. Valentina Feroz and Yulisa Leon walk down to ringside to cheer on Lee and Frazer. Lee tosses Frazer into a dropkick. Frazer tries a dive but gets caught by Carrillo and Garza.

Lee tries a dive, but Garza and Carrillo toss Frazer into Lee. After the break, Garza and Carrillo take turns working over Frazer. Garza rips off his pants and tries to toss them at Frazer. Frazer ducks and tags in Lee. Lee clears the ring. Lee lands a nasty running knee. Garza kicks out. Frazer tries a baseball slide. Carrillo catches Frazer and drops him on the commentary desk. Carrillo and Garza press slam Lee off the top rope.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (7/11/23)

Garza takes out Frazer with a moonsault to the outside. Carrillo lands a moonsault of his own in the ring. Lee kicks out. Carrillo sets up a rana on the top. Lee counters and hits a tree of woe double stomp. Everyone lands a big move. Lee surprises Carrillo with a powerbomb. Carrillo kicks out. Frazer lands a huge dive. Lee hits the Destino on Garza for the win.

Winners- Nathan Frazer and Dragon Lee

After the match, Garza yells at Carrillo. Carillo pushes Garza. Garzo is shocked. Carrillo storms off through the crowd.

Gigi Dolan vs. Kiana James

Dolan opens up with a flurry of strikes. James drives Dolan into the corner and lands a few of her own. James misses a running attack in the corner. Dolan misses a kick. James gets a near fall after a roll up. Dolan sends James flying with a rana. Low dropkick by Dolan. James falls out of the ring. Dolan lands a PK off the apron.

James pushes Dolan into the ring post. James sends Dolan back into the ring and works her over. Dolan fires up and floors James with a pump kick. Dolan tries an STO, but James sidesteps and lands a clothesline. James grabs her purse and tries to hit Dolan with it. Dolan blocks and tries to hit James, only to be stopped by the referee. In the confusion, James hits the 401k for the win.

Winner- Kiana James

Bronco Nima and Lucien Price vs. Scrypts and Axiom

Axiom tries a sunset flip, but Nima stuffs it. Axiom tries a flying triangle. Nima turns that into a pin. Axiom kicks out. Nima walks through a chop from Axiom. Axiom finally gets Nima off his feet with an enziguri. Scrypts tags in and does a series of flips to avoid a clothesline. Scrypts tags in Axiom. Axiom pits Nima in an armbar. Scrypts attacks Axiom from behind. Price lands a nasty clothesline in the corner. Nima flattens Axiom with a leaping big boot for the win.

Winners- Bronco Nima and Lucien Price

After the match, Scrypts leaves with Nima and Price.

WWE NXT Results Continue on the Next Page!

Tony D’Angelo’s Homecoming

Stacks is in the ring with some of D’Angelo’s friends and Family. He says it’s been weeks since D’Angelo got pinched behind that snitch Joe Coffey. Stacks introduces D’Angelo. D’Angelo joins the party in the ring and announces he’s back, baby. D’Angelo gives a shoutout to Stacks. Stacks came up with a master plan to get D’Angelo out of lockup. D’Angelo says Gallus and most of the NXT Universe thought Stacks was the rat, but that wasn’t the case. D’Angelo throws to a video package that details Stacks’ master plan. Gallus interrupts.

Joe Coffey calls the D’Angelo Family scum. Coffey says D’Angelo is going to pray he was still in that cell. D’Angelo says Joe Coffey looks like a man who has lost control. Stacks adds that Wolfgang and Mark Coffey are going to lose the NXT Tag Team Championships. Wolfgang says they aren’t even gonna make it to the Bash. Gallus gets in the ring. Joe Coffey pulls out a mini bat. Every member of the D’Angelo Family in the ring pulls out a weapon. Coffey realizes he made a mistake. A brawl breaks out. D’Angelo and Stacks put Mark Coffey through a table.

Thea Hail w/Duke Hudson vs. Elektra Lopez w/Lola Vice

Lopez drives Hail into the corner. Hail lands a flurry of offense. Vice gets on the apron. Lopez attacks from behind. Lopez sets up a suplex. Hail reverses it into the Kimura. Lopez taps out.

Winner- Thea Hail

After the match, Hail says she tapped Lopez out just like she tapped out Tiffany Stratton out. She wants another shot at the NXT Women’s Championship. Hudson starts a rematch chant. Hail screams for Stratton to come out here so she can kick her ass. Stratton walks out and tells Hail it’s rude to call out the champion. Stratton is flat-out better than Hail.

Hail isn’t special because she learned one move. Stratton accepts Hail’s challenge. Why not? It will be the easiest win ever since she’s already beaten her. Hail says she wants it to be a submission match. Stratton says Hail doesn’t make the rules. No way she’s agreeing to that. Hail traps Stratton in the Kimura. Straton immediately starts to tap. Hail refuses to let go. Stratton agrees to the submission match.

Oro Mensah w/Meta-Four vs. Eddy Thorpe

Mensah works over Thorpe. Thrope fires up, and the fight spills out of the ring. Legend and Jackson roll an essentially comatose Noam Dar into the ring. The referee tries to get Dar out of the ring, but he isn’t moving. Dijak hops the barricade and attacks Thorpe. Thorpe manages to roll back into the ring to avoid getting counted out. Mensah hits his rolling kick for the win.

Winner- Oro Mensah

NXT North American Championship Match: Wes Lee (c) vs. Dominik Mysterio w/Rhea Ripley

Dominik and Lee trade headlocks. Dominik is sent out of the ring. Lee goes up top, but Ripley stands in the way to save Dominik. After the match, Dominik is working over Lee. Dominik tries the three amigos, but Lee blocks the last one. Michinoku Driver by Dominik. Lee kicks out. Dominik goes up top and takes way too long playing to the crowd. Lee dodges Dominik’s frog splash. Dominik and Lee trade strikes.

Lee grabs a side headlock. Dominik hits a release back suplex. Lee kicks out. The NXT Universe is all over Dominik. Dominik sends Lee into the corner hard. Ripley cheers Dominik on. Dominik runs into a boot from Lee. Lee lands strike after strike. Dominik sends Lee into the ropes and eats a series of flying elbows. Kick combo by Lee. Lee double-stomps Dominik’s back. Superkick by Lee.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (7/11/23)

Lee leaps off the second rope and lands another kick. Diving tornado DDT by Lee. Dominik rolls out of the ring. Lee sets up a dive, but Dominik grabs the North American Championship and tries to walk away. Lee catches Dominik with a dive. Ripley is incredulous at ringside. Lee sends Dominik back into the ring. Spiral Tap by Lee. Finn Bálor appears out of nowhere and hops up on the apron. Priest hits the ring and tries to hit Lee with the championship. Lee ducks and destroys Priest with the Cardiac Kick. As the referee is distracted, Ripley hits Lee with her championship. Dominik pins Lee.

Winner and NEW NXT North American Champion, Dominik Mysterio!

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