WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (7/4/23)

WWE NXT Results Results
July 4, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Blair Davenport vs. Roxanne Perez

As Davenport makes her way down the ramp, Perez attacks her from behind. Perez sends Davenport into the barricade and ring apron. Once Davenport rolls into the ring, the referee rings the bell. Perez sends Davenport out of the ring. Tope suicida by Perez. Davenport tries to escape. Perez catches her with a crossbody off the apron. Davenport manages a slam. Perez responds with a Russian leg sweep. Clothesline by Davenport. Sliding knee by Davenport. Perez kicks out. Perez and Davenport trade shots. Davenport sends Perez, throat first, into the top rope. Perez goes up top.

Davenport pushes her off. Perez falls to the outside area. Davenport leaps off the ring apron and double stomps Perez’s back. After the break, Davenport tries an avalanche back suplex. Perez shifts her weight and lands on top of Davenport. Both women struggle to get to their feet. Davenport and Perez trade strikes. Davenport floors Perez with an elbow strike. Perez kicks out. The fight spills out of the ring. Davenport knees Perez’s head into the ring steps. Perez is almost counted out. Davenport hits the falcon arrow. Perez somehow kicks out. Davenport hits two knee strikes for the win.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage Here: WWE NXT Gold Rush Results (6/27/23)

Winner- Blair Davenport

Mustafa Ali vs. Tyler Bate

Bates takes Ali down in a test of strength. Ali bridges out of the pin. Ali rolls Bate into a crucifix. Bate kicks out. Bate rolls up Ali. Ali kicks out. Bate and Ali trade submission attempts. Ali floors Bates with a shoulder block. Ali mocks Bate. Bate and Ali trade pin attempt again. Ali rolls Bate into a crossface. Bate reverses that into an ankle lock. Ali kicks his way free. We have a stalemate. Ali drives Bate into the corner. Bate and Ali trade strikes in the corner.

Ali lights Bate up with a few chops. Bate charges in. Ali flips over Bate to avoid it. Ali runs right into a dropkick from Bate. Diving European uppercut by Bate. Bate clotheslines Ali over the top rope. Running European uppercut by Bate. After the break, Ali tries a rolling attack, but Ali counters with Bop and Bang. Ali escapes the Tyler Driver ‘9 7 and hits a superkick. Ali traps Bate in an STF. Bate Lifts Ali off the mat, and airplane spins. Ali reverses it into a DDT. Bate kicks out.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage Here: WWE NXT Gold Rush Results (6/27/23)

Bate back drops Ali over the top. Dive by Bate. Bate sends Ali back into the ring. Ali kicks Bate in the face and lands a dive of his own. Ali sends Bate back into the ring and sends him into the rope. Bate obliterates Ali with a rebound clothesline. Bate misses the spiral tap. Ali goes up top. Bate cuts him off. Bate almost falls off the top. Ali pushes Bate, causing him to get crotched on the top rope. Ali hits a 450 Splash for the win.

Winner- Mustafa Ali

Ali turns to a camera and challenges Wes Lee to a North American Championship Match at the Great American Bash.

Tatum Paxley vs. Kelani Jordan w/Dana Brooke

Paxley grabs a side headlock. Paxley tries to scratch out Jordan’s eyes, Jordan flips out of an armbar and lands a dropkick. Jordan works an armbar. Paxley fights out of it and lands a shoulder block. After a dropdown spot, Jordan swings between the ropes and sends Paxley flying with an armdrag. Jordan runs into a back elbow from Paxley. Paxley lands a nasty backbreaker. Leaping elbow by Paxley. Jordan kicks out at two. Paxley works over Jordan. Jordan counters a suplex by Paxley into a Stunner for the win.

Winner- Kelani Jordan

As Brooke and Jordan are celebrating, Cora Jade walks to the ring. Jade craps on Jordan. A friend of Brooke is an enemy of hers. Jordan tells Jade she has another match in her, so why don’t they settle this in the ring? Jade says no one tells her what to do, and she walks away.

WWE NXT Results Continue on the Next Page!

NXT Underground Match: Damon Kemp vs. Eddy Thorpe w/Gable Steveson

Wrestlers surround the ring, which doesn’t have any ropes. Thorpe tries a few leg kicks. Kemp takes Thorpe down and ground and pounds him. Thorpe gets to his feet. Kemp takes Thorpe down again. Kemp rolls Thorpe into a rear naked choke. Thorpe rolls over. Kemp knees Thorpe in the gut. Thorpe and Kemp fall out of the ring. Kemp uses a bystander as a shield. Kemp cheapshots Thorpe. Steveson looks on as Kemp tosses Thorpe into the crowd.

Thorpe locks Kemp in a triangle. Kemp lifts Thorpe up and slams him on the apron to break the hold. Deadlift German suplex by Kemp. Kemp takes Thorpe down again. Kemp locks Thorpe in another rear naked choke. Thorpe tosses Kemp across the ring to break the hold. Thorpe lands a flurry of strikes followed by a German suplex. Backdrop driver by Thorpe.

Kemp floors Thorpe with a right hook. Steveson says something to Thorpe. Thorpe catches Kemp with a knee to the head as he shoots in for a double leg. Kemp belly-to-belly suplexes Thorpe clear out of the ring. Thorpe sends Kemp into the ring post. Kemp is favoring his shoulder. Thorpe traps Kemp in a triangle. Kemp tries to slam Thorpe out of it, but Thorpe holds on. The referee stops the match.

Winner- Eddy Thorpe

After the match, several performance center superstars accost Steveson… it goes poorly for every single one of them. Steveson German and belly-to-belly suplexes each man into oblivion.

Jacy Jayne vs. Lyra Valkyria

Jayne sends Valkyria into the corner and lays in a few body shots. Valkyria avoids a charging Jayne and rolls her up for a quick two count. Valkyria works an armbar. Jayne counters with a head scissors. Valkyria kips up to break the hold. Dropkick by Valkyria. Jayne rolls out of the ring. Valkyria tries a baseball slide, but Jayne catches her and slams her out on the floor. After the break, Valkyria lands a baseball slide through the rope. Valkyria dives off the top and eats a strike from Jayne. Valkyria lands a big boot followed by a spin kick to the back of the head for the win.

Winner- Lyra Valkyria

After the match, Jayne attacks Valkyria. While Valkyria writhes in pain on the mat, Jayne rips Valkyria’s wings.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage Here: WWE NXT Gold Rush Results (6/27/23)

Kiana James walks to her office, and there is a wet paint sign on the door. James is confused. James opens the door, and Gigi Dolan has spraypainted all over her office.

After the break, Von Wagner is beating the crap out of Javier Bernal. Mr. Stone begs Wagner not to put Bernal through the commentary desk. Wagner does it anyway.

Loser Leaves NXT Match: The Creeds w/Ivy Nile vs. The Dyad w/Ava Rayne and Joe Gacy

The Dyad attacks Julius and Brutus before the bell rings. Reid goes up top. Brutus drives Fowler into the corner. Julius runs up Brutus’ back and superplexes Reid. Brutus dumps Fowler over the top. Brutus front flips over the top and hits a somersault Brutus Ball. Back in the ring, the bell rings, and Julius immediately lands a shooting star press off the top. Gacy pulls Reid out of the ring before the referee’s counted to three. The referee ejects Gacy from the ringside area.

After the break, Reid and Fowler are working over Brutus. Brutus manages to take in Julis. Julis suplexes Reid and then Fowler. Julius clotheslines Reid and Fowler over the top. Julius hits a corkscrew pluncha. Brutus and Julius hit a running knee/spinebuster combo. After a cheap shot from Reid, Fowler rolls up Julius for a near fall. Julius gets chop blocked by Fowler. Julius pounds on Fowler. Reid chop blocks Julius again. The Dyad sends Julius crashing into the ring steps knees first.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage Here: WWE NXT Gold Rush Results (6/27/23)

After the break, Julius is trapped in a single-leg crab. Julius fights out of it and tags in Brutus. Brutus clears the ring. Brutus hits a springboard 450! Fowler kicks out. Brutus pulls down his straps before locking Fowler in an ankle lock. Fowler gets to the ropes. Double throat chop by Fowler. Fowler lands a diving lung blower off the second rope. Brutus kicks out. Reid pounds Brutus. Julius tells Brutus to keep fighting and that he loves him.

Brutus gets to his feet and turns Reid inside out with a lariat. The Creeds try to set up the Doomsday Brutus Ball. Fowler pulls Brutus off the apron in an electric chair. Reid dives through the ropes and clotheslines Brutus off Fowler’s shoulders. Julius lands a moonsault on Reid and Fowler. Rayne gets in the ring but is quickly attacked by Nile. While the referee is distracted, someone in a Schism mask headbutts Julius. Reid and Fowler hit a double codebreaker on Julius for the win.

Winners- The Dyad

In-Ring Segment: Bron Breakker

Breakker says a couple of weeks ago, he competed in the most-watched NXT match in history. All because he challenged Seth Rollins. No one believed he had a shot. Until he Speared Rollins in the middle of the ring, and he heard the energy in the arena drop. Rollins went on to win, but Breakker couldn’t help but remind us that he was seconds away from becoming the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He has had fewer matches in his career than Rollins has had PLE main event matches.

Many people are asking what’s next for the most intense man in NXT. Ilja Dragunov interrupts. Dragunov says he’s what’s next for Breakker. The only person standing between Dragunov and the NXT Championship is Breakker. Breakker is standing in the ring with the most dangerous man in NXT. Dragunov surprises Breakker with a leaping knee to the face. Breakker and Dragunov brawl. The locker room empties trying to separate both men.

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