WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (6/13/23)

WWE NXT Results
June 13, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Schism vs. Mustafa Ali, Tyler Bate, and NXT North American Champion Wes Lee

Lee, Bate, and Ali rush the ring and take out each member of Schism. Once the ring clears, the bell rings. Ali and Gacy start the match. Ali sends Gacy flying with a ranna. Gacy forces Ali into his corner and tags in Fowler. Lee gets a blind tag and surprises Fowler with a front flip senton. High-angle dropkick by Lee. Reid and Fowler hotshot Lee on the top rope. Gacy, Fowler, and Ried work over Lee. Lee manages to tag in Bate. Bate lands a flurry of offense on Reid. Lee, Bate, and Ali send each member of Schism out of the ring. Stereo dives by Lee, Bate, and Ali.

After the break, Schism is back in control, beating down Bate. Fowler tries a suplex. Bate reverses it into a deadlift suplex. Bate tags in Ali as Fowler tags in Reid. Ali lands a dropkick. Reid whips Ali into the Schism corner, but Lee takes this opportunity to obliterate Gacy with a nasty dropkick. Ali tries a 450 splash. Reid moves out of the way, but Ali lands on his feet. Reid sends Ali into the middle turnbuckle face first. Ali tags in Lee, who lands a basement dropkick.

Check out last week’s coverage here: WWE NXT Results (6/6/23)

Lee immediately dives over the top and lands on Gacy and Fowler. Lee blind tags Bate. Fowler and Reid toss Lee into a sit-out powerbomb by Gacy. Gacy goes for a pin. As the referee counts, another referee stops the count and informs the original referee that Lee wasn’t the legal man. Ali surprises Fowler with a leaping tornado DDT outside the ring. Lee lands a dive. Bate blasts Gacy with a rebound lariat, followed by the Tyler Driver for the win.

Winners- Mustafa Ali, Tyler Bate, and Wes Lee

Backstage, Drew Gulak and Charlie Dempsey berate Thea Hail for her sloppy Kimura attempt last week. She’ll be finished if she does that again tonight against Cora Jade. Duke Hudson walks in, and Hail says they will go train right now. Hudson takes out his phone and calls Andre Chase. Hudson has left several messages, but he wants to let Chase know things are getting out of hand.

In-Ring Segment: Bron Breakker

Breakker says he made some headlines last week. He called out the biggest star on Monday Night Raw. The crowd is singing Seth “Freakin” Rollins’ theme. Last week, he destroyed Ilja Dragunov to show who the real, most intense man on the NXT Roster is. Dragunov runs down the ramp but is cut off by referees and officials. Breakker says Dragunov isn’t on his level as Dragunov is dragged backstage. Rollins appears on the ‘Tron. Rollins says this isn’t how things work around here. You can’t just say his name three times and get a title shot. Even with that, Rollins likes Breakker’s approach. It would be nice to go back to the place it all started. Rollins accepts Breakker’s challenge. He’ll defend the World Heavyweight Championship next week, live on NXT.

Cora Jade inturupts Dana Brooke’s interview backstage. Jade blames Brooke for her loss in the battle royal last week. Brooke tells Jade it’s her own fault. Jade smacks Brooke and runs away. Brooke laughs.

Backstage, Bate, Lee, and Ali are celebrating. Lee notes that the match might have turned out differently if it wasn’t for the second referee. Ali reminds Bate and Lee that their title match is next for them. Ali is going to ask to be the special guest referee. Bate and Lee agree if Ali can get it approved.

Cora Jade vs. Thea Hail w/Duke Hudson

Jade and Hail trade strikes and takedowns. Jade trips Hail and lands a basement dropkick. Dana Brooke walks to ringside. Hail manages a series of hip tosses. Hail locks in a hammer lock. Jade sends Hail into the turnbuckle to break the hold. Jade works over Hail. Hail fires up and lands a suplex. Hail lands boing. Jade kicks out. Jade rolls out of the ring. Hail tries a dive, but Jade kicks the rope into Hail. Brooke gets in Jade’s face. Jade decks Brooke and grabs her kendo stick. The referee takes the stick away before Jade can use it. Brooke pushes Jade into the ring steps. Hail locks Jade in a Kimura. Jade taps out.

Winner-Thea Hail

After the match, Drew Gulak and Charlie Dempsey walk out on the stage and clap for Hail.

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