WWE SmackDown Results wade barrett corey graves

WWE SmackDown Results (5/19/23)

WWE SmackDown Results
May 18, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: The Bloodline (Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns, Paul Heyman, and Solo Sikoa)

Reigns tells the crowd to acknowledge him. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn immediately interrupt. Reigns says this is perfect. This was his plan all along. The Colombia crowd already did it, now it’s Zayn and Owens’ turn to acknowledge him. When they are done, they can drop off his tag titles on the way out. Owens is about to say something, but he tosses the mic and the titles in the corner and steps up to Reigns. Sikoa steps in the way. Reigns tells Zayn that he has one regret in his career, wasting his time on him.

Zayn says he has one regret, too. He regrets not hitting Reigns with that chair sooner. He’s been thinking about what he would say to Reigns’ face now for months. Now that Reigns is in front of him, he has nothing to say but this: Reigns’ greed brought them here. Reigns wants the tag titles, but he won’t get them at Night of Champions. Why? Because he isn’t better than him and Owens. Reigns isn’t even better than the Usos.

Check out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (5/12/23)

Reigns starts a rant, but The Usos hit the ring and attack Owens and Zayn from behind. After the Usos leave Owens and Zayn lying, Reigns gets upset and yells at them about interrupting his plan. He didn’t tell them to come out here. Reigns gets flustered and turns to leave. In the process, Reigns accidentally bumps into Sikoa. Sikoa glares at Reigns. Reigns pauses before stomping up the ramp.

Butch and Ridge Holland w/Sheamus vs. Pretty Deadly

After a tackle/dropdown spot Butch dropkick Wilson. Prince tags in and tries a double team, but Butch stomps on Prince and Wilson’s hands. Holland tags in and holds Prince as Butch lands a basement dropkick. Delayed vertical suplex by Holland. Wilson gets a tag. Holland sends Prince into the ropes. Prince leapfrogs over Holland, which causes Holland to run right into a DDT by Wilson. Wilson and Prince pose in the ring.

After the break, Pretty Deadly is taking turns working over Holland. Holland manages to tag in Butch. Butch clears the ring. X-plex by Butch. Wilson kicks out. Holland picks up Wilson and Prince on his shoulder at the same time. Butch and Holland land stereo ten beats. Prince distracts the referee while Wilson drives Holland into Butch. Butch falls off the top. Prince and Wilson hit Spilled Milk for the win.

Winners- Pretty Deadly

Backstage, Zelina Vega says her match in Puerto Rico showed her she is ready to stand with the top of the Women’s division. Tonight, she is ready.

Asuka vs. Zelina Vega

Vega rolls up Asuka for a near fall. Asuka is shocked. Vega rolls Asuka up a few more times. Asuka retreats to the ropes to avoid Zelina’s assault. Vega tries a 619, but Asuka avoids it. Asuka sends Vega out of the ring. Asuka drops Vega face first on the announce desk. After the break, Vega manages to send Asuka into the ropes. 619 by Vega. Vega lands a top rope Meteora. Asuka kicks out. Vega and Asuka trade pin and submission attempts. Asuka turns a prawn hold by Vega into the Asuka Lock 2. Vega taps out.

Winner- Asuka

After the match, Asuka won’t let the hold go. Bianca Belair hits the ring. Asuka rolls out of the ring. Bianca tries to pull her back into the ring. Asuka spits the mist, but Belair narrowly avoids it.

The Street Profits vs. LA Knight and Rick Boogs

On the way to the ring, Knight says he is here for gold, which means the tag team titles aren’t safe either. He looks at the Street Profits and knows he can beat them with any partner. So tonight, he’s going to do it with Rick Boogs. Ford and Dawkins pin Boogs after the Sky High Splash combo.

Winners- The Street Profits

After the match, Knight helps Boogs up. Knight drops Boogs with the BFD.

NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn vs. Valentina Feroz and Yulisa Leon

Dawn and Fyre double-team Leon and leave her lying with a basement Meteroa. Leon tags out but still gets kicked out of the ring by Fyre anyway. Dawn and Fyre hit a Gorybomb/Flatliner combo for the win.

Winners- Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn

Check out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (5/12/23)

Backstage, Raqual Rodrigez says even though she had to relinquish the WWE Women’s Tag titles due to Liv Morgan’s injury, she isn’t giving up. She is going to find a partner and try to reclaim the titles during the Raw fatal four-way tag title match. Bayley and Iyo Sky interrupt and say Dakota Kai’s injury is more devastating than Morgan’s, and it’s Rodriguez’s fault. Bayley challenges Rodiguez to a tag match next week. Sky and Bayley vs. Rodriguez and whoever. Sky doesn’t look happy Bayley is speaking for her, yet again.

In-Ring Segment: Austin Theory

Theory complains that he got ganged up on by two former World Champions in Sheamus and Bobby Lashley. They knew he would go on to defeat Seth Rollins for the World title. Theory knows Lashley is jealous of him but doesn’t understand why Sheamus joined in. They are a lot alike. They both beat John Cena. Granted, Sheamus did it in like 2014… Sheamus interrupts, grabs a mic, turns around, and Brogue Kicks Theory. Sheamus drops the mic and walks away.

The Usos vs. The LWO (Santos Escobar and Rey Mysterio)

Jimmy sends Mysterio into the turnbuckle, chest firsts. Jimmy hits the ropes and eats a boot from Mysterio. Mysterio tries a sunset flip. Jimmy kicks out, but Mysterio slingshots Jimmy into the ropes. Escobar lands a head kick. Both Usos are dumped to the outside. Mysterio tries a 619. Jimmy manages to avoid it. Escobar and Mysterio celebrate in the ring. Reigns and the rest of the Bloodline are watching the match from their locker room.

After the break, The Usos take turns working over Escobar. Escobar manages to tag in Mysterio. Mysterio clears the ring. Jey fires back and lands a few strikes. Mysterio responds with a code red. Jey kicks out. After a distraction from Jimmy, Jey lands a popup neck breaker for a near fall. Escobar gets a tag and lands a tope. After a pair of running knee strikes, Escobar sends Jimmy flying off the top rope with a ranna. Jimmy kicks out. Escobar and Mysterio land a hangman’s Tennesse Jam for a near fall.

Jey superkicks Escobar off the apron after he tags out. Mysterio tries a 619, but Jimmy surprises him with a superkick. Jey lands a top rope splash. Mysterio kicks out! Jimmy and Jey are apoplectic. The Usos set up double splashes. Kevin Owens runs down to ringside and hops up on the apron. In the confusion, Zayn hops the barricade and pushes Jey off the top. Mysterio lands a 619. Escobar pins Jimmy after a top rope splash.

Winners- The LWO

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