WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (5/16/23)

WWE NXT Results
May 16, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

NXT Women’s Championship Tournament Quarterfinal: Fallon Henley vs. Cora Jade

Henley takes an early advantage until she misses a splash in the corner. Jade works over Henley’s leg while it’s hung up in the ropes. Jade traps Henley in the ropes and lands a dropkick. Henley tries to fire back, but Jade stops her with a kick to the knee. Henley surprises Jade with a running facebuster. Jade kicks out. Henley blasts Jade with a shining wizard. Jade rolls out of the ring to avoid being covered. Henley struggles to get Jade back in the ring. Jade kicks Henley in the knee as she enters the ring. Jade lands a double-arm DDT for the win.

Winner- Cora Jade

After the match, Lyra Valkirya walks out on the stage and has a staredown with Jade. They will face each other in the next round.

Backstage, the rest of the women’s locker room is watching the match. Kiana James makes fun of Thea Hail. Hail challenges her to a match.

Ilja Dragonuv barges into Dijak’s lair. He wants a fight. Dijak will give him one.

In-Ring Segment: NXT Champion Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams

Hayes says his boy (Williams) defended his honor by bringing to Bron Breakker last week. After the match, Breakker decided to send him a message. Message received. He knows this isn’t the same Breakker from Stand and Deliver… but this isn’t the same Carmelo Hayes. At Battleground, they will be in his yard. And in his yard, they don’t bark, they bite.

Hayes demands Breakker come face him if he’s a real one. Drew Gulak and Charlie Dempsey interrupt. Gulak complains about Hayes and Williams disrespecting them by brushing past them earlier. Williams challenges them to a tag match later tonight. Gulak cheapshots Hayes. A brawl breaks out. Hayes and Williams clear the ring.

The Creed Brothers w/Ivy Nile vs. The Dyad w/Ava Rayne

After a bit of back and forth, Ried gets tangled up with Nile outside the ring. Rayne tries to bodyslam Nile. Nile reverses it into the Dragon Slayer. In the confusion, Brutus surprises Ried with the Brutus ball off the apron. In the ring, Julus lands his slam/basement lariat combo for the win.

Winners- The Creed Brothers

Earlier today, Tony D’Angelo gets taken in for questioning by the police.

Back in the arena, Julius Creed grabs a headset at the announce desk and challenges Gallus to a tag title match at Battleground.

Back in Dijak’s lair, Dragonuv is beaten to hell, and his clothes are ripped. Dijak asks if Dragonuv has had enough. Dragonuv tells him to bring it. Dijak grabs a nightstick.

Backstage, Jacy Jayne says she wanted to face Gigi Dolan in the tournament, but of course, Dolan failed yet again. Jayne is going to picture Dolan’s face as she pounds on Roxanne Perez tonight.

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams vs. Drew Gulak and Charlie Dempsey

Williams and Dempsey trade pin attempts. Williams lands a dropkick. Gulak and Hayes tag in. Hayes’ ribs are taped from Breakker’s assault last week. Hayes and Gulak trade pin attempts. Dempsey tags in. Dempsey and Gulak land a double boot. Hayes and Dempsey trade wrist locks and submission attempts. Hayes whips Dempsey into the ropes as Williams lands a leaping clothesline. While the referee is distracted, Gulak cheap shots Williams. Gulak and Dempsey work over Williams. Willams manages to tag in Hayes, who clears the ring. Williams lands a cyclone boot. Hayes follows that with Nothing but Net on Dempsey for the win.

Winners- Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams

Kiana James vs. Thea Hail w/Duke Hudson

Hail takes James down and skips on her back. James slams Hail’s head into the mat. James tries to grab her purse. Hail rolls her up for a near fall. James manages to hit a running flatliner for the win.

Winner- Kiana James

Backstage, Jensen and Briggs convince Walker and Tank to fight each other to become a closer team.

During a pretape, Dabba-Kato says he’s a hunter, and everyone in NXT is his prey. Backstage, Axiom hints that he may want to take on Kato.

In-Ring Segment: Wes Lee

Lee says he was supposed to be in a tag match tonight with his friend Tyler Bate. After an attack from Scisim, that isn’t happening. Lee says Joe Gacy didn’t have to target this friend if he wanted a title shot, he just had to ask. Bate is back in the trainer’s room watching the promo. Rayne and Gacy interrupt. Gacy says Bate isn’t Lee’s friend. Gacy wants a title shot. If all he had to do was ask, he’s asking. Gacy says Lee has to tell the “big strong liar” that he’s getting the title shot at Battleground instead of Bate.

Bate storms to the ring and says he’s tired of the name-calling. He wants Gacy at Battleground. Lee says Gacy is going to go twice in one night. Bate tells Lee to hold on. They are friends, but he does want a title shot. Lee says Bate should have asked before this. Lee tells Gacy and Bate he’ll take them both on. As Lee leaves the ring, he tells Bate he thought he could trust him.

Backstage, Von Wagner snatches up a guy messing with Mr. Stone. Stone notes that Wagner stuck up for him. Wagner says Stone is the only person that believes in him. Stone asks Wagner if he is ready to talk about the baby picture. Wagner says nice try, and walks away.

NXT Women’s Championship Tournament Quarterfinals: Roxanne Perez vs. Jacy Jayne

Perez lands a few strikes. Jayne tries to fire back, but Perez rolls her into multiple pinning combinations. Perez can’t keep Jayne down for a three count. Perez works as an armbar. Jayne gets to her feet. Perez tries a wheelbarrow, but Jayne escapes and clocks her in there back of the head. Jayne manages to knock Perez off the apron into the announce desk. After the break, Jayne works over Perez. Jayne misses a cannonball.

Perez sends Jayne flying out of the ring. Tope Suicida by Perez. Perez lands a crossbody off the top. Running knee by Perez. Perez immediately hits a Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Jayne escapes Pop Rocks Jayne superkicks Perez. Roaring elbow by Jayne. Perez kicks out at 2.9. Perez ducks a kick from Jayne and hits Pop Rocks for the win.

Winner- Roxanne Perez

Check out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE NXT Results (5/9/23)

After the match, Tiffany Stratton walks out on the stage. Perez and Stratton leer at each other. Back in the ring, Dolan hops the barricade and attacks Jayne. Hayes and Williams hit the ring to wait for Breakker.

At Dijak’s lair, Dijak says he told Dragonuv he could break any man. Dragonuv stands tall.

After the break, Breakker finally walks down to the ring. He isn’t alone. He is surrounded by security. Breakker says he brought the security to save Hayes from him. Eventually, Hayes has heard enough, so he leaps off the apron onto the security. A brawl breaks out. Breakker destroys Hayes with a lariat. Breakker picks up has for a powerslam. Hayes escapes and kicks Breakker in the buts. Hayes picks up the NXT Championship and blasts Breakker in the head. Breakker and Hayes are both laid out in the ring as the show fades to black.

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