WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results (5/15/23)

WWE Raw Results
May 15, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: Undisputed Tag Team Champions Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

Zayn notes they found out they were defending against Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa at Night of Champions. On paper, it seems like their biggest challenge to date, but they see it as a gift. They finally get the chance for revenge against Reigns. Reigns is too full of himself. Having a 1000-day title reign isn’t enough. Now Reigns wants the Undisputed Tag Championships? Well, Reigns can’t have them. The Judgement Day interrupts. Owens says he’s happy The Judgement Day is out here because he’s tired of talking about The Bloodline. If they want to fight, let’s fight. Zayn says this is his fault. He started this at a ten, and maybe they aren’t here to fight. Damian Priest says Owens is right. He wants a fight.

Finn Bálor tells Priest to hold on. Bálor says they want to wish them luck because they will be waiting for them after their match with Reigns and Sikoa. Zayn says he is curious to hear what Dominik has to add since the people love it when he talks. Dominik tries to speak, and the crowd drowns him out. Owens yells that he can’t hear a word Dominik is trying to say. Owens asks if he can just punch Dominik in the face. Zayn tells Owens to go for it. Ripley steps in the way. Priest clocks Owens. A brawl breaks out. Zayn grabs a chair and clears the ring.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. The Miz

Nakamura tells Miz to come on. Miz gets knocked in the corner. Good vibrations by Nakamura. Miz trips Nakamura into the ropes. Running hip crush by Miz. Nakamura dumps Miz out of the ring. Baseball slide by Nakamura. Nakamura sets Miz up on the apron and lands a running knee. Guillotine knee drop by Nakamura. Miz surprises Nakamura with a kick in between the rope. Hangman’s Neckbreaker by Miz. Nakamura falls out to the floor.

After the break, Nakamura sets Miz on the top turnbuckle and lands a running knee. Miz walks right into a flying armbar. Miz manages to turn it into a pin. Nakamura kicks out. Basement DDT by Miz. Nakamura kicks at two. Miz lands the It kicks. Nakamura ducks the second. Nakamura tries a spin kick that Miz ducks. Before Miz can take advantage, Nakamura swings around and lands a kick with the other foot.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (5/8/23)

Miz counters a suplex attempt by Nakamura into the Skull Crushing Finale, but Nakamura escapes. Sliding German suplex by Nakamura. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa. Miz tries to crawl out of the ring to avoid it. Miz pokes Nakamura in the eye and hits the Skull Crushing Finale. Nakamura somehow gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the pin. Both men trade pin attempts. Nakamura destroys Miz with the Kinshasa for the win.

Winner- Shinsuke Nakamura

Backstage, Adam Pearce tells Sonya Deville and Chelsea Green that Liv Morgan isn’t medically cleared for the tag title defense. Deville and Green complain. Raquel Rodriguez tells them both to get over it, but if they want a fight, she’ll take on Green tonight. Pearce says he likes it and makes it official.

Intercontinental Championship Number One Contender’s Battle Royal

During his entrance, Matt Riddle walks over to Gunther and the rest of IMPERIUM and kicks his flip-flops off at them. Gunther is incredulous. The field starts to think quickly as there are several eliminations. After being tossed over the top by Von Wagner, Dolph Ziggler gets attacked by JD McDonagh, who was also already eliminated. McDonagh sends Ziggler into the ring steps. Several referees eventually pull McDonagh away.

After the break, the field attacks Reed after he eliminates Otis and Ivar at the same time. Everyone lands a big move. Apollo Crew kicks Elias off the apron, eliminating him. Reed uranage suplexes Ricochet onto Gargano. Riddle floors Reed with a Floating Bro. Riddle tosses Moss. Gargano charges in, and Riddle sends him over the top. Riddle ends up on the apron. Kaiser and Vinci try to attack Riddle on the apron, but he fights them off.

Reed knocks Riddle off the apron to eliminate him. Mustafa Ali and Ricochet try to lift Reed over the top. Reed ends up on the apron. Ricochet dives off the top, but Reed catches him on his shoulders. Ali dropkicks them both off the apron for the win!

Winner and NEW Number One Contender, Mustafa Ali!

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