WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (5/2/23)

Dragon Lee vs. JD McDonagh

Lee and McDonagh trade submission attempts. After a tackle/dropdown spot, Dragon Lee sends McDonagh flying with a monkey flip. After a head kick, Dragon Lee lands a slingshot kick to McDonagh in the corner. Delay Basement dropkick by Dragon Lee. Dragon Lee lands another. Noam Dar walks down to ringside. In the confusion, McDonagh surprises Dragon Lee with a dropkick. McDonagh traps Dragon Lee in the tree of woe. Dragon Lee sits up to avoid a baseball slide by McDonagh. McDonagh ends sup crotched on the ring post. Lee sends McDonagh over the top.

After the break, Dragon Lee lands a double stomp off the top. McDonagh kicks out. McDonagh and Dragon Lee end up on the apron. Both men trade strike. McDonagh lands a DVD on the apron. McDonagh slams Dragon Lee’s head into the announce desk and rolls in the ring at the nine count. Dragon Lee narrowly rolls back in the ring to avoid being counted out. Dragon Lee lands a German suplex. Poison ranna by Dragon Lee. McDonagh pops up and destroys Dragon Lee with a lariat. Both men get to their feet and trade strikes. McDonagh tries a powerbomb.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Spring Breakin’ Results (4/25/23)

Dragon Lee reverses it into a sit-out last-ride powerbomb. McDonagh kicks out. Dragon Lee goes up top. McDonagh crotches Dragon Lee on the turnbuckle. Dragon Lee sets up the tree of woe double stomp. McDonagh counters and hits an avalanche Spanish fly. Dragon Lee reverses the Devil Inside into a Canadian Destroyer. Dar tries to attack Dragon Lee but ends up getting superkicked. Dragon Lee slides back in the ring and eats a headbutt from McDonagh. McDonagh hits the Devil Inside for the win.

Winner- JD McDonagh

Joe Gacy w/Scisim vs. Joe Coffey w/Gallus (If Gacy wins, the Dyad gets a title shot. If Coffey wins, the Dyad can’t challenge Gallus for the titles again)

Gacy and Coffey tear into each other. Uranage by Gacy. Gacy works over Coffey. Backstage, the Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile are watching the match at a monitor. Coffey catches Gacy with an uppercut. Rebound belly-to-belly suplex by Coffey. Gacy kicks out. Gacy lands a right hand followed by a back suplex. Coffey kicks out. Coffey lands a right and goes up top. Missile dropkick by Coffey. Coffey lands his running headbutt. Lariat by Coffey. Fowler puts Gacy’s leg on the bottom rope to break the pin. Ava Rayne gets in the ring and acts like Coffey attacked her. In the confusion, Gacy lands the Upside Down for the win.

Winner- Joe Gacy

Backstage, Nile says Rayne is always getting involved and she’s tired of it. Nile storms off.

Dani Palmer vs. Tatum Paxley

Palmer flips out of an Irish whip by Paxley. Palmer rolls Paxley into a leg submission. Paxley counters into a submission of her own. Paxley and Palmer trade strikes. Head Scissors by Palmer. Palmer front rolls into a pin on Paxley. Paxley kicks out. Paxley avoids and up and over by Palmer. Hammer fist by Palmer. Paxley works over Palmer. Palmer fires up and lands a flurry offense. Palmer goes up top and lands a frog splash for the win.

Winner- Dani Palmer

At Chase U, Thea Hail is freaking out in class because Andre Chase canceled class for the day. Hudson decides he’s going to teach the class today. He says he isn’t prepared for this but pulls out a folder that sats Duke Hudson University on it. A student asks if there is going to be a pop quiz today. Hudson tells everyone to rip up their test. No more test at Chase U. The students cheer. Hudson mumbles to himself that Hudson University has a ring to it.

Backstage, Mr. Stone continues to try to get Von Wagner to open up. They come across a photo of a child that looks like they just had surgery. Mr. Stone asks if that is Wagner. Wagner refuses to answer. Wagner walks away.

NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: SmackDown’s Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn (c) vs. Raw’s Kaden Carter and Katana Chance

Before the match starts, all four women brawl. The fight spills out of the ring. Carter tosses Chance at Dawn and Fyre. The bell rings, and Carter sends Dawn and Fyre out of the ring. Carter lands a splash off the apron. Chance flattens Dawn with a corkscrew splash. After the break, Chance and Carter double-team Fyre. Carter tries to wheelbarrow slam Chance onto Carter, but Fyre gets her knees up. Carter gets dumped over the top.

Dawn and Fyre land their finish on Chance. Carter breaks up the pin. Chance and Carter hit their finish on Dawn. Fyre breaks up the pin. All four women have a standoff. Everyone brawls. Carter and Chance hit a double avalanche Spanish fly off the top. Fyre kicks out. Fyre breaks up Chance and Carter’s finish. Chance tries a ranna, but Fyre catches her. Fyre swings Chance into Carter like a bat. Carter falls out of the ring. Dawn and Fyre land a Gory Bomb/complete shot combo for the win.

Winners and STILL NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions, Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn!

In-Ring Segment: NXT Women’s Champion Indi Hartwell

Indi Hartwell comes to the ring on crutches and wearing a boot. Hartwell puts over the women who came before her to build the NXT Women’s division. Hartwell tells the story of how she got to the NXT Women’s Championship. She wanted to be a fighting champion. The high ankle sprain she suffered during her title defense last week wasn’t enough to keep her away. She had to win last week and she did.

The most important thing is NXT so starting next week, there will be a tournament to crown a new Women’s Champion. The new champion will be crowned at NXT Battleground. Before she goes to Monday Night Raw, she wants to leave us with a quote she lives by: don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. Hartwell stares at the NXT Women’s Championship before setting it down in the ring.

Hartwell wonders out loud how she is going to manage to get out of the ring on crutches. Dexter Lumis slides from under the ring and gives Hartwell a thumbs-up. Lumis carries Hartwell backstage. Back in the ring, Tiffany Stratton picks up the championship. Cora Jade hits the ring, and the two play tug-o-war with it. The Lyra Valkyria appears out of nowhere and clotheslines them both. The entire women’s locker room empties, and everyone fights.

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