WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (5/2/23)

WWE NXT Results
May 2, 2023
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Spring Breakin’ Results (4/25/23)

North American Championship Match: Wes Lee (c) w/Tyler Bate vs. Drew Gulak w/Charlie Dempsey

As soon as the bell rings, Lee dropkick Gulak. Gulak rolls out of the ring. Dempsey gets on the apron. Lee confronts Dempsey. Gulak sneaks up on Lee and school boys him. Lee kicks out at two. Lee takes Gulak over with a ranna hold. Gulak kicks out. Lee tries a leapfrog but Gulak plucks Lee out of the air into a roll up. Lee kicks out. Double stomp by Lee. Lee catches a boot from Gulak and responds with a spinning back elbow. Lee sets Gulak up on the top rope. Gulak puts on the break as Lee tries a superplex.

Gulak tries to counter into an avalanche gourdbuster but Lee blocks it. Lee backflips off the top and lands on his fee. Gulak almost dicapiates Lee with a diving clothesline. Modified curbstomp by Gulak. Lee kicks out again. Gulak works over Lee. Lee tries to fire up. Gulak rolls out of the ring. Lee surprises Gulak with a suicicde dive. Dempsey tries to attack Lee. Bate dives off the ring steps and blasts Dempsey with a European uppercut. Lee hits the Cardiac Kick for the win.

Winner and STILL North American Champion, Wes Lee!

In-Ring Segment: Trick Williams

Williams says he isn’t going to let what happened with Bron Breakker last week slide. He won’t lie, Breakker out his boy in the hospital but he will bounce back. Trick and Melo go back to high school. It isn’t just about NXT. Williams says he took a spear from Breakker to save Hayes and he would do it again. Melo don’t miss, but when he does, he’ll be there to grab the rebound. Breakker inturupts and says he doesn’t want to represent these stupid people again, but he wants to embarrass Hayes in his hometown in front of his family.

He’ll see Hayes at Battleground. Breakker slaps Williams on the arm and walks away. Williams tells Breakker that he didn’t forget that he put his hands on him last week. They need to settle this like men. Williams tells Breakker he’s going to slap the tan off of him till he’s black and blue. Breakker says he does what he wants, when he wants. He’ll take care of Williams NEXT week on NXT.

Backstage, Noam Dar inturupts JD McDonagh. Dar asks him to pop something on Dragon Lee tonight for old times sake. Dar doesn’t want Dragon Lee anywhere near his Heritage Cup. McDonagh tells Dar to buzz off. The only thing Dar cares about is the Cup, that’s probably why he’s never given him a shot. If Dar isn’t careful, McDonagh will take the Cup with him to Monday Night Raw.

Gigi Dolan vs. Jacy Jayne

Dolan’s brother is in the crowd for the match. Dolan lands a flurry of elbows before tossing Jayne out of the ring. A PK attempt by Dolan is thwartded by Jayne. Jayne lands a senton off the apron. Jayne works over Dolan. Dolan boots Jayne in the face multiple times. Running STO by Dolan. Jayne kicks out. The fight spills out of the ring. Dolan puts Jayne’s head on the ring steps and lays in multiple Kawada kicks. Jayne is busted open. Jayne slams Dolan’s head on an exposed piece of turnbuckle. Tornado boot by Jayne. Jayne pins Dolan.

Winner- Jacy Jayne

After the match, Jayne is wearing a crimson mask. Jayne stomps Dolan before sending her into the ring steps.

Scypts vs. Axiom

Before the match starts Scrypts attacks. The fight spills out of the ring. Scrypts leaps off the announce desk and hits an aerial dropkick. Scrypts sends Axiom back in the ring. Axiom seems to be out of it. Scrypts tries a clothesline but Axiom turns it into a rear naked choke. Scrypts escapes and goes up top. Axiom leaps up to the top rope and locks in another choke. Scrypts knocks Axiom off the top and lands a high-angle moonsault. Axiom kicks out at two. Axiom fires up and lands a flurry of offense. Scrypts meets Axiom in midair with a drop kick.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT Spring Breakin’ Results (4/25/23)

Axiom tries the Golden Ratio but Scrypts matrixes to avoid it. Scrypts tries a kick but Axiom catches his foot. Axiom flips Scrypts in the air. Scrypts does a full backflip and lands on his feet. Axiom immediately lands a flash knee. Scrypts kicks out. Scrypts catches Axiom with a twisting crossbody. Axiom gets to his feet. Scrypts front flips off the top rope into a superkick by Axiom. Axiom lands the Golden Ratio for the win.

Winner- Axiom

After the match, Axiom offers Scrypts a handshake. Scrypts accepts. Scrypts takes a swing at Axiom and misses. Axiom rips off Scrypts’ mask. OMG IT’S REGGIE! Axiomc decks err… Reggie.

At the bar, all is well with Briggs, Jensen, and Henley. Jensen tries to apologize to them again, but they will have none of it. Jensen says he learned some things from Kiana James and proceeds to give Henley solid advice on how to help her family bar. Two women ask Jensen if he wants to have a drink with them. He says no thank you. Henley quips that their little brother is growing up.

WWE NXT Results Continue on the Next Page!

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