trish stratus
Photo Credit: WWE

Trish Stratus Has Emergency Appendectomy Surgery

Trish Stratus is doing well after she had a health scare last week.

Trish Stratus posted a new statement on Instagram where she revealed that she had an emergency appendectomy. Trish explained how she had been having symptoms that she initially thought were cramps, but ended up driving herself to the emergency room when it got too intense.

A reminder that if you ever have a nagging pain in your lower right quadrant – do go to emergency…

After a crampy 10 hour travel day on Monday I was working through the pain on Tuesday prepping for an announcement (which I will post tomorrow). I have a pretty high pain tolerance so when what I thought was [poo emoji] cramps but ended up getting pretty intense I drove myself to emergency and turns out my appendix was getting ready to burst – which can be really bad if it happens and like cause death and stuff so I’m really glad I went to check it out, you know to avoid the whole dying thing.

Some takeaways – listen to your body. Dr. Google told me appendicitis was pain in the lower right abdomen, so that’s why it took me a while to think it was that because at first the pain was all across my belly. But after getting another Dr. Google’s opinion (reading another article) I found out it will start as pain across your stomach (also was tender to touch) but as the appendix gets more inflamed the pain will migrate to the right side and continue to to get worse. And boy did it. Turns out it’s an organ that serves no function so good riddance old pal.

Got 3 new scars to add to my body badges and one less organ … recovery hasn’t been too bad so far, definitely manageable. Just wanted to check in! xo

Big thanks to my OR team at @mackenziehealth!!

Read More: Trish Stratus: It Will Never Not Feel Like Home Between Those Ropes For Me


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