Cody Rhodes
Photo Credit: Thomas Tischio / AEW

Cody Rhodes Defeats Shawn Spears, Gets Assist From Arn Anderson, MJF

Cody Rhodes got a much-needed victory tonight at AEW All Out, taking down Shawn Spears with the help of both MJF and a surprise appearance by Arn Anderson. After Spears – and his ringside assistant Tully Blanchard – looked to have the upper hand in the match, it was MJF who stepped in to help keep things even. After Spears landed a vicious kick on MJF, however, it was the legendary Anderson who came down to the ring, delivering a nasty spinebuster to Spears. This led to Rhodes getting into the ring and going on the offensive, finishing things off with a Cross Rhodes.

For a brief breakdown on just how the match goes, check out below, and make sure to check out our live results as the show continues:

Cody connects with a springboard cutter and an Alabama slam, then he goes for a Figure Four as he taunts Tully, but Spears rolls over and reverses it. Tully helps Spears cinch down on the hold, but Cody reaches the ropes to break it. Cody rolls outside and Spears follows, slamming Cody on the ramp as Hebner starts to count. MJF tries to drag Cody towards the ring and screams at Cody not to quit, and Cody makes it back in and counters an attack with Cross Rhodes. Tully jumps on the ramp to prevent the pin attempt, and MJF goads him into a fight so Tully starts taping up his fist. They take their coats off and MJF neatly folds his scarf, but ends up throwing it in Tully’s face and they start choking each other. Spears bicycle kicks MJF in the head and Tully goes after him on the floor, then Arn Anderson makes his way out and drops Spears with a big spinebuster that gets the crowd to erupt. Tully can’t believe what’s going on, and he follows Arn up the ramp and tries to make sense of what happened.

When things finally settle down, Spears grabs a chair and heads back in the ring, but Cody kicks Spears in the chest and hits a facebuster. Cody grabs the chair and winds up, but Spears begs him not to do it and says they’re friends. Cody drops the chair and throws some American Dream-esque jabs, then follows with a Disaster Kick into the chair and Cross Rhodes for the win.

RELATED: AEW All Out Results – 08/31/19