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ROH Wrestling Results (6/29/19): Jeff Cobb vs. Mark Haskins, Bully Ray In Action

ROH Wrestling Results 

Aired June 22, 2019 

Report by Colin Tessier for

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A video package hypes up tonight’s match between Mark Haskins and Jeff Cobb.

Jay Briscoe vs. PCO

The two men don’t shake hands. PCO is not phased by Briscoe’s strikes until a big boot knocks him down. Briscoe dumps his opponent out of the ring and backdrops him onto the apron. PCO drops Briscoe with the Kryptonite Krunch for a near fall. A Swanton Bomb gets PCO another two count. A clothesline sends PCO and Briscoe out of the ring again. The big man dives through the ropes onto Briscoe. Disregarding the rules, Briscoe sets up a chair and hits a crossbody on a seated PCO. Briscoe thinks about using the chair but he drops it before exchanging strikes with PCO.

A popup powerbomb plants Briscoe but he hits PCO in the back with a chair to end the match.

Winner: PCO

Mark Briscoe comes to the ring and Jay pushes the referee, who leaves the area. Jay hits PCO with a chair again. The brothers place PCO on a table and Mark drives him through a table. PCO sits up and asks for more punishment. The brothers gang up on him but PCO clotheslines them.

In a taped segment, Mark Haskins says he respects Jeff Cobb but he knows beating Cobb would really help his career. Cobb says he’s excited to face Haskins for the first time. The Hawaiian Juggernaut promises to suplex Haskins so far, he might land back in England.

Backstage, Brian Johnson says he plans to bring honor back to the Top Prospect Tournament and backs off after he insults Josh Woods.

Coast 2 Coast vs. Bully Ray and Shane Taylor

Ray calls his partner an upgrade over his usual partners and the ROH World Television Champion comes to ringside. Taylor and Shaheem Ali start the match. Ray argues with, and threatens, some fans. Ali slaps and strikes Taylor and Coast 2 Coast gains the upper hand on the champion. Ray trips Ali and uses the ring post to “wishbone” him. Taylor drops Ali with a stiff forearm but Ali keeps fighting until a headbutt puts him down again.

Ray toys with Ali but he eats a superkick and misses a running splash. LSG finally tags in and fires away at both his opponents. Taylor refuses to go down until LSG hits him with a blockbuster and a crossbody for a near fall. Ali tags in and Ray accidentally takes Taylor down. Coast 2 Coast hits Taylor with consecutive dives for a near fall. Ray throws LSG off the top and Taylor plants Ali with Welcome to the Land for the win.

Winners: Shane Taylor and Bully Ray

ROH Wrestling results continue on the next page!