WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Live Results (5/15/19)

WWE NXT Live Results
May 15, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In Ring Segment: The Viking Raiders

Ivar says over the past few weeks they have running Monday Night Raw. Erik says they aren’t done. Erik asks William Regal to join them in the ring. Regal obliges. Erik says there is no one that can take the NXT tag titles from them, they are out here to relinquish the titles. The Street Profits interrupt. Ford says everyone seems to be afraid of the Viking Raiders. A few weeks ago they took the Viking Raiders to the limit. After that match, everyone knows the Street Profits can beat the Viking Raiders. The only reason the Raiders are trying to give up the belts is because they know the Street Profits can beat the Viking Raiders… Dawkins says if that is their real name. Erik gets pissed and tells Regal to book the match. Regal Agrees.

Backstage, Roderick Strong interrupts Adam Cole’s interview. Strong says they are stronger together than apart. Strong hands Cole Riddle’s flip flop. Strong says Cole’s Riddle problem has been solved.

Keith Lee vs. Cezar Bononi

Lee floors Bononi with a shoulder block. Lee shops the soul out of Bononi. Bononi trips Lee into the middle rope. Bononi lands a few strikes. Lee destroys Bononi with a running elbow. Pounce by Lee. Spirit Bomb by Lee. It’s over.

Winner- Keith Lee

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